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Mike C Trade list

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10:44 am
October 9, 2013


Nashville, TN


posts 17

Apologies for the somewhat brief list, but I am looking for a few specific things. 





Yokoza & Chisaki

Uncle Topolino's Band

Doug Speedcheck & Palace Danger Finn

LMQ w sign & Fred



Movie Momements PT Flea and Flik

Race O Rama Todd


Please email me at pasty1218 at yahoo dot com


9:15 am
October 19, 2013


Radiator Springs Tourist

posts 60

Email sent sir.

7:08 pm
October 23, 2013


Nashville, TN


posts 17

Thanks to many for the several replies.  I have been able to move most of my doubles and obtain my needs in return.  I will be updating my full list soon, but for now I am all set for trades.

1:46 pm
November 9, 2013


Nashville, TN


posts 17

I've updated my trade list having found some new singles over the past couple of weeks.  I realize some of my asks are pretty rare.
Please email me at Pasty1218 at yahoo dot com if you are interested.
Haves (All carded):
Super Chase Yukio x 2
Ichicgo x 2
Ruka x 4
Uncle Toppolino's Band x 2
Yokoza and Chisaki x 2
Doug Speedcheck and Palace Danger Finn x 2
Miles w Open Hood Chase x 4
Francesca x 4
Rip Clutchgoneski x 8
Rip Clutchgoneski w Metallic Finish x 5
Mark Wheelsen x 6
Tokyo Mater 3 Pack WM Exclusive x 2 
Mater the Greater 3 Pack WM Exclusive x 2
Ivan (K-Mart Exclusive) x 4
Ivan Mater x 3
Dracula Mater x 1
Plus many other more common 2013 Theme Singles and Multipacks
Planes:  Ishani, Chug, Rochelle, Echo, Bravo


German Metallic LMQ with Whitewall Tires
Toons Chuy
Blu Ray Lightning (loose)
Rubber tires Tach O Mint
Memo Rojas Super Chase
Vitaly Super Chase
Race Damaged Mood Springs
Storytellers Laverne
Storytellers Rhonda
Storytellers Sheila

7:49 am
February 1, 2014


Nashville, TN


posts 17

Updated haves/wants list below.  Was able to find a couple Emmanuel's locally.

Please email me at Pasty1218 at yahoo dot com if you are interested.
Haves (All carded):
Emmanuel (Parisian Bus Deluxe) x 2
Magen Carrar (Chase) x 1 
Ichicgo x 2
Ruka x 4
Uncle Toppolino's Band x 2
Yokoza and Chisaki x 2
Doug Speedcheck and Palace Danger Finn x 2
Miles w Open Hood Chase x 4
Francesca x 4
Rip Clutchgoneski x 8
Rip Clutchgoneski w Metallic Finish x 5
Mark Wheelsen x 6
Tokyo Mater 3 Pack WM Exclusive x 2 
Mater the Greater 3 Pack WM Exclusive x 2
Ivan (K-Mart Exclusive) x 4
John Lassitire (K-Mart Mail-away) x 2
Mugsy (K-Mart Mail-away) x 2
Ivan Mater x 3
Dracula Mater x 1
Plus many other more common 2013 Theme Singles and Multipacks
Planes:  Ishani, Chug, Rochelle, Echo, Bravo, Gunnar



Toons Chuy
Blu Ray Lightning (loose)
Memo Rojas Super Chase
Vitaly Super Chase
Race Damaged Mood Springs
Storytellers Laverne
Storytellers Rhonda
Storytellers Sheila
Storytellers Cousin Jud
Storytellers Cousin Buford
Storytellers Cousin Cletus
Storytellers Mater Saves Christmas (2009 version)
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