Post edited 11:41 am – April 6, 2014 by corinne Post edited 1:41 pm – April 6, 2014 by corinne Post edited 2:45 pm – April 6, 2014 by corinne
Hello everyone, I m looking for Lubewig & Nigel with flames. I have a few cars for trade . Please email me at if you can help with all the details. I am trying to get these 2 cars for my sons Easter Basket. I could purchase them also if you are not interested in a trade. Thank you All!!
Hi everyone I am still looking for a few cars : Here is my list of needs & haves if anyone could help. The cards do not have to be perfect as long as the cars are fine . Please email me at I could trade or purchase them so please email me with the details. All cars are mint unless noted. Please US trades only.
needs :
Nigel w/flames (found)
Lubewig ( found)
Super chase Guido & Luigi (still need )
Rubber tire chick( kmart day)
Lee Race
Mega Carrar
Maurice wheelks
carla w/flames ( side tear on card)
Matthew tru blu
Petey Pacer
Guid & Luigi (shakers)
Super chase Trike Feldman trade for super chase Guido & Luigi