So on my free weekends I have been sorting through boxes and boxes of Cars that I have collected since 2006. I have many extras of Desert Packaging Cars and Supercharged, but stopped collecting so many for the World of Cars after realizing how many were being released.
So slowly and slowly my collection got left behind, and with all the Cars never coming to the stores near my small town (1 Wal-Mart, 1 K-Mart, 1 Kohls, 1 Shop-Ko, 1 Bergners and that's about it) and going to Stores like Target and TRU as Exclusives, I have began to be missing many Cars in my Collection.
So now that I am getting nearer to beginning to Trade, I am going to Post my NEED list here. So this is what I'm going to do:
1. I'm gonna Post my needs for the Cars TOONS line
2. Anyone who may be able to help me say so and list what Cars you have
3. If you think this is crazy about what I'm asking, it's helping me decide if all this time I've been spending actually have been worth while
So here we go….