Post edited 11:24 pm – November 3, 2011 by NascarFan
Everyone, there is a NEW hot car at Kmart from hotwheels
it is a Blown Delivery.
Can be seen on the card here:…..500wt_1361
Buy 20 cars and its sent to you as a rebate.
If we wind up having to buy cars that we already have in order to get this rebate car,
We will donate them to a local homeless shelter for toys for kids
If anyone wants to get in on this with the Utah group let me know.
Or you can donate your own extra cars to get this cool Blown Delivery
The Holidays are now upon us (shees Halloween already), let start thinking about the "little ones" who might not have toys this year.
Photos attached. I am working on getting other shots of this from that ebayer.
Thank you jake for changing the Pdf file to a jpeg.
(if anyone wants the original pdf file, please feel free to ask for it.)