Post edited 1:48 pm – October 23, 2011 by Fillmore1234 Post edited 1:48 pm – October 23, 2011 by Fillmore1234 Post edited 1:49 pm – October 23, 2011 by Fillmore1234
Post edited 2:57 pm – October 23, 2011 by FireFox91 Post edited 3:16 pm – October 23, 2011 by FireFox91
It figures. Just when I need those stupid 3D glasses the kids insisted on keeping, I can't find them anywhere. I found a pair of the old red/blue ones, but they aren't quite right. I think you really need the ones from the movie theater.
EDIT… Nevermind. There is a 3D button at the bottom of the screen to turn it off. Duh.
EDIT #2… I have a feeling this is going to get pulled of YouTube really quick. I am downloading it now so I can watch it again later with my son. 🙂
I tried ripping it to mp4 and still got double screen…
Yeah, I am getting the same thing when ripping it with the double screen. It is still a little fuzzy, but not bad. I am playing around with the settings to see if I can get anything to work for a single screen download.
Post edited 3:58 pm – October 23, 2011 by John in Missouri Post edited 4:02 pm – October 23, 2011 by John in Missouri
FireFox91 said:
I have a feeling this is going to get pulled of YouTube really quick. I am downloading it now so I can watch it again later with my son. 🙂
Same here!!
Gotta love how the goofball who uploaded this calls Mater "Master" in the title.
When Mater first meets a sleeping Skipper in the hangar, it reminds me of the scene in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" when we first encounter Jim Backus's sleeping (and drunk) character.
And just to add my own element, when they buzzed the cornfield, they should have had popcorn popping out everywhere.
I thought one of the best elements of the video was the music for the air show. This was very much an homage to Queen which I thought was perfect.
I thought it was an homage (at least at the end of the air show) to Top Gun. It was sweet either way. Stacey Keach did the voice of the skipper, which was a nice touch. Anyone know if he's going to be in Planes? And did anyone else think Tia and Mia sounded a little weird?