Post edited 11:52 am – October 8, 2011 by Corey'sDaddy
Just wanted to let everyone know that Wlamart has a few cars items on clearance (Gear N Go Finn – $7), Pullbacks (not 1:55 Scale, the larger ones) at $3 and Spy Mater at $6.
These may not be of interest to many folks here but great for Toys for Tots in December and local charities, hospitals etc.
Oh gosh 11 + 8, no probs 11 toes and 8 fingers, i got it its 22.
Last I checked, the Wal-Mart in Quincy has 2 Endcaps full of Pull Backs (the larger ones) and a whole bin full as well. The price would have be marked down 80% or more to be able to sell all of them. Action Agents aren't selling well either, sadly.
Prior to T5AD getting the forums, a local Target to me started clearancing out Cars 2 stuff. The movie had been out for maybe 2 months. Lego sets, RC cars, lights and sound cars, mini-tracks were all on clearance. I grabbed a lot of it at 75% off and held it for my son's birthday.
RC cars 2-pack – $22 (I think)
Lights and sounds 4-pack – $9
Mater and Sidley mini-track – $8
Also got the shake and go track with Lightning and Francesco for $35 at Wal-Mart.