Articles in the Mobile Category

Posted in Apple, Computing, Design, Film, Gadgets, Marketing, Mobile, Retail, Travel, TV on 11 January 2008
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You’re on a plane, the movie they are offering is NORBIT or the edited 9-minute version of DEADWOOD … fortunately the rotund dude in front of you who had to buy two tickets is sound asleep and he’s wearing a white shirt – just attach the Pico Movie Projector to your iPod and you use […]

Posted in Apple, Computing, Gadgets, iPhone, Mobile on 7 December 2007
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This might not apply to everyone but if you added additional information to the phone number in ADDRESS BOOK and after transferring/syncing – the iPhone cannot interpret the additional text and the iPhone CALLER ID feature won’t work correctly. As a result, it will only display the incoming numbers only when the person is in […]

Posted in Apple, Computing, Design, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Mobile, Retail, Toys on 30 November 2007
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Now that California passed a law that drivers must use a hands free headset, I was forced to go out and get a one … and since a bunch of you were so kind to complain loudly that Apple credited us early iPhone buyers with $100, the headset was essentially a Chistmas present from Apple […]
Posted in Advertising, Apple, Financial, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Mobile, Retail on 22 November 2007
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While Apple is being forced to unlock the iPhone in Europe, it is tragic … because Apple is going to pay so much more in taxes from the HUGE profit they will be making … yea, that’s quite a tragedy. The deal will be much like T-Mobile’s just-announced revised deal in Germany. Get the iPhone […]
Posted in Apple, Apple Mac, Computing, Design, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Media, Mobile, Music, Retail, Toys on 14 November 2007
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UPGRADE SOME COMPONENTS FIRST You will need to make sure your iPhone is updated to 1.1.2 and iTunes 7.5 & maybe even Quicktime 7.3. Of course, your iPhone upgrade is best handled by clicking on UPDATE after you dock your iPhone and turn on iTunes 7.5. This is a pretty big upgrade including a firmware […]
Posted in Advertising, Apple, Computing, Film, Financial, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Media, Mobile, Music, Retail, TV, Video on 30 October 2007
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NBC-U Jeff Zucker is now mad people consider him and his Hulu venture idiotic so he is trying to talk as if he actually understands digital and the television business going forward. He now claims that $15 million from NBC iTunes sales is not enough for him. Nevermind that is 7.5 million impressions of NBC […]

Posted in Apple, Computing, Financial, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Media, Mobile, Music, Retail on 19 October 2007
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A few weeks after the iPhone hit the market, AT&T sent out an extensive 20-question survey (covered in this post). Now, AT&T has followed up with another email survey – some questions the same – obviously to gauge differences between mid-July and now mid-October but others are more detailed in asking what you would like […]

Posted in Apple, Computing, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Media, Mobile, Music, Retail on 16 October 2007
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Part I covered the “extra” features of the iPhone – most not revolutionary and not even evolutionary but here’s a strange concept to them apparently for cell phone manufacturers and mobile service providers … something really, really radical … A concept strange to them … EASY TO USE. What a strange concept. Anyone can throw […]

Posted in Film, Media, Mobile, Music, Retail on 15 October 2007
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The venerable mag Variety is reporting that Led Zeppelin will have its music available on digital platforms from all online retailers beginning Nov. 13. Now you can get the Led out via MP3! The band has also made a deal with Verizon to have its songs available as ringtones (is nothing sacred?). Led Zeppelin has […]

Posted in Apple, Computing, Gadgets, Internet, iPhone, Marketing, Mobile, Music on 15 October 2007
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There is a lot of heated rhetoric regarding the iPhone but let’s separate the idle chatter from real facts: IF YOU TRY TO UNLOCK IT, YOU MIGHT BRICK IT Uh, yea. If you try and replace the carburetor on your BMW 6-series and your car starts belching black smoke and all the lights on the […]