Articles in the check list Category

Posted in check list, Checklist, Disney Pixar, Disney Pixar CARS 3, Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 3 on 1 June 2011
Stats: and 48 Comments
Since it’s fairly easy to walk into a store – even a gas station to buy the first 15 singles, I have not posted a lot of case assortment info but now that you might want to consider getting full cases, here are the case assortments through the Summer and into the Fall of 2011. […]

Posted in check list, Checklist, Disney Pixar CARS 3, Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 3 on 5 May 2011
Stats: and 19 Comments
This is the final piece to the CARS Buying Matrix Puzzle. The Target “Racing Rivalry” 7-Pack. This is the only other place to find Pit Crew Sarge (other than as a single) in the initial wave release. The BUYING MATRIX CHECK LIST encompasses everything scheduled to be on the shelf May 16th to June 1, […]

Posted in check list, Checklist, Disney Pixar CARS 3, Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 3 on 13 April 2011
Stats: and 37 Comments
For a while there, 3-packs were listed as a KM exclusive but it’s now available to all non-big retailers so as of now, it looks like you won’t be able to find them at WM, Target, TRU or Kmart but at all other resellers including most likely, online sellers – the biggest example – Amazon. […]

Posted in Advertising, CARS, check list, Checklist, collecting, Contests, diecast, Disney Pixar, Marketing, Mattel, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys on 28 May 2010
Stats: and 124 Comments
The good folks at Kmart are looking for some honest feedback about what you, our dear readers, as collectors of Mattel Disney Pixar Cars think about a few different aspects of this fun pastime. The extra good news: Each person who completes the survey will earn one (1) additional entry into the case giveaway contest! […]

Posted in check list, diecast, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS on 1 July 2009
Stats: and 56 Comments
The whole Hauler distribution plan is its own weird universe. To save money, Mattel offers them as Direct Import which the large retailers won’t do because they have to arrange and pay for their own shipping so the large retailers just wait until it shows up at Mattel’s warehouse – hence the long time gap. […]