Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Chase CARS Next 2009 – PhD Reading Ahead …
The mainline singles were once simple.
Go to store or go online to buy.
Then CHASE CARS were added.
But they were not all that different – some easy to find and some not so easy to find but basically – go to store or go online to buy.
Now it gets complicated because the so-called mainline has splintered into three lines …
Lenticular Race O Rama Cards with Lenticular CARS
Lenticular Race O Rama Cards with NON-LENTICULAR CARS.
Target Race O Rama Cards with Non-Lenticular CARS*
A review …
Lenticular Race O Rama Cards with Lenticular CARS
The lenticular mainline CARS will feature CARS already released except now with lenticular eyes. CARS that have NOT been released prior to this switchover will be released with NON-LENTICULAR eyes FIRST.
Think of it as they have to be seen first before they get the eyes treatment.
However, this being Mattel & the toy industry, it’s kind of like, “I’ll call you!” So, um, don’t sit by the phone AND if things change – hey, I’m just the shuttle bus driver, I don’t make the route but that’s the plan so far.
Lenticular Race O Rama Cards with NON-Lenticular CARS
While the lenticular card above will not be the lenticular card you will be looking for, CHASE CARS will say CHASE in that little circle swirl in lieu of the ‘look at my eyes’ thing.
Because they will NOT be lenticular.
Clear as an indoor BBQ?
You bet. So, there will still be chase CARS and they will be grouped with the lenticular releases but NOT lenticular, capiche? Still with me? Or have you thrown up your hands and gone back to War & Peace? Have your 6-year read this and text it to you. π
Now the first um, non-lenticular lenticular series CHASE CAR is simpler as it’s never been released so it will be NON-LENTICULAR.
Salutin’ Sarge – we salute you and welcome you back from the jungles of lead legal hell.
So, pretty straightforward in a bizarre twisted fashion but then IT GETS COMPLICATED …
Now the next three CHASE CAR in order will be Dinoco McQueen with Piston Cup, Chick Hicks with Piston Cup followed byΒ & King with Piston Cup.
Which rule will these follow?
It’s CHASE so non-lenticular?
Or because all three CARS have been long released but not with a plastic Piston Cup accessory so they will be lenticular since the CARS themselves have been out?
Or does Rule #1 supersede Rule #2 … or does Mattel break the rules before the first one has been applied?
And you thought being a neurosurgeon was complicated …
Well, guess we’ll find out in about a month or two …
CASE E and going forward is where it starts to get interesting. The CHASE CARS are in technical parlance – SMOKIN’!
DOUBLE Ranburg Darrell Cartrip – yea, Boogity, Boogity, Boogity!
But if you think Darrell is dazzling, check out pump up the bass, DOUBLE Ransburg DJ – he is off the hook and butter!
And riding and low and slow, check out the pinstriping on this DR Red Ramone …
Summer Sizzle … in other words, suck it single Ransburg McQueen!
So, will these CHASE CARS & cards also be available at Target with their part in this 3-way split?
Target Stores Race O Rama “Classic” CARS
If I had to guess, I would say no since the entire “classics” line is an exclusive already – what would be the point of an exclusive chase that repeats the CHASE CARS of the lenticular line?
But never say never nyet because one never knows, do one?
So, unlikely the above CHASE CARS will be available at Target but until the cards are in hand, who knows?
Of course, Target will get OTHER CARS not available at other stores – as soon as I know, I’ll let you know.
* No one really knows yet what Target stores will be getting? Keep reading …
Lenticular or NOT?
And if so far, it’s confusing? How about some more confusion – in CASE E, Pit Crew Member Sarge is included – since he’s never been released, he should not be lenticular, right? So along with the CHASE CAR in Box E, there will be two CARS in the lenticular card lineup that are NOT lenticular.
OR …
As as long as he’s released BEFORE HAND, he will be lenticular so will a non-lenticular version of Pit Crew Sarge be available at Target BEFORE his release in CASE E?
Then he WILL BE lenticular?
Or will Target not get this CAR since it’s only going into the lenticular series – though not a lenticular?
Yes, please throw your head back and do that evil laugh – mawawawawhahahahaha.
Or will both Target & everyone else get the non-lenticular version?
For a line that Mattel claims is not for collectors but for kids, they are certainly making it as complicated as possible … so while we as humans are supposed to be the big brains of the primates, I is totally confused by what these damn dirty monkeys have wrought on us.
Shouldn’t buying diecast CARS be as simple as unhook, trade some colored pieces of paper at the front of the store and I go home to play?
My brain – tired.
So, in 3 months, this will be the question posed in the comments, “Does anyone have the non-lenticular lenticular series cards Pit Crew Member Sarge variant on the lenticular series cards?”
Followed by, “I have the lenticular Pit Crew Member Sarge on the Target non-lenticular classic cards – do you want that one?”
“With the catch can upside down?”
But I suppose if you’re still with us in the next 6 months, we will need to change to TakeTwentyADay and bring on an MIT mathematician so we can understand what the hellazapoppin’ is going on with this kiddy line … help me help you.
Or as Mattel might say – Collect Them All, sort it out later and show me the money!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Megasize K Case | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Frank is a Combine & We Should All Have Franking Privileges » |

So – Yeah – I still gots my bets on that Sarge will – for no real know reason – NEVER MAKE IT OUT AGAIN…
Matty Sucks Dirt.
Hope we are wrong .. but I have this feeling too, My Friend!.. Poor Sarge!
OW! That made my head hurt… (Skip the words, just look at the pictures…)
Today a new item appeared in our stores orderingsystem. If I checked the Mattelpage I saw this item:
ART.NR/BARC.: 0027084799149 NOOS IND:
So I guess they are coming to the Netherlands pretty soon. Item was blokked for ordering but normally it will open up in 4-6 weeks or earlier.
Also, the new singles case came in with Edwin Kranks, Tank coat pitty and Impound Boost and that one is still open to order but maybe it is just available until the stock is gone at Mattel Benelux…
I’ll keep track of it.
Has anyone else had their Target stores pull what ours have done: They’ve gotten rid of the side cap displays and dropped the “short” cards, so I don’t think we’ll ever see RED-rimmed Mario in our Target stores…..hopefully he’ll show up on a regular card in an upcoming case?
They clearanced them. I saw a couple for $1.74 the other day.
Just when you think it’s two steps back with the lenticular thing, then BAM the chase cars take us 4 steps forward. Cool!
Saw the Angels and Demons Lenticular Movie Poster last night at the theatre. Quite eye catching.
“Due to the very high interest in these posters, each one contained a unique serial number embedded into the image, allowing the studio to identify the location of each one.
To further expand the reach of this unique promotion, a second printing of the large lobby display size was ordered by Sony for installation in 50 Sony retail stores.
Lenticular printing is a special print process whereby depth is added to printed images. A lenticular image has two components: the plastic lens, and a specially processed printed image. When the components are put together properly, the desired effect can be seen. Lenticular visual effects include 3D depth, flip, animation, morph, or a combination of any of the effects.”
The Blu-Ray covers for “The Dark Knight” and the “SAW” movies make use of this technique, for example.
The reading got way too difficult for me so I just skipped to the pictures! I really want those Sarge’s!
Love the Ransburg finishes, they are awesome.
Just don’t understand WHY salutin’ Sarge and Pit crew member Sarge would be released before regular Sarge? Regular, non lead Sarge must be one of the most rare cars out there. Wouldn’t that make a great “chase” car? Aside from Salutin Sarge, chuki, Ferrari and now LM, Chick and The King released as Chase cars is a joke. Since LM, Chick and The King are just re-releases with plastic cups included, where’s the mini chopstix or TV screen with Chuki? The Ferrari is just with an Italian motif cardback isn’t it? Either way, this seems like a way for Mattel to stick it to the collector yet again.
Maybe they’ll do Mater with a plastic hood sitting next to him. Or, Guido with a paint roller. Since the newer Chase cars are really nothing SPECIAL, Mattel should change the name to Collector series, not Chase series.
Since the new Chase cars will be double Ransburg (can any one explain what that process is?) what will the new price of these singles be?
Guess hey will cost more, with the added Ransburg finish. Nice to see since this finish is so exciting.
(MET: Well, there is a general wholesale increase – I don’t know the exact amount but it’s not small – like 20% so while Target or WM might hold the line at $3.49 or so … TRU might go to $3.99?)
From an earlier post :
Ransburg is a electrostat-paint process of allowing chrome colors to βadhereβ to metals but you knew that π
From another source :
Harold Ransburg developed the first electrostatic application system in 1940 with the introduction of Ransburg No1. Further developments through the 50s and 60s lead to Ransburg achieving material transfer efficiency levels of up to 98% and significant reductions in overspray, resulting in dramatic cost savings and reduced VOC emissions in a wide range of applications, in many different industries.
Today Ransburg is a global brand which plays a vital role in the Finishing Division of ITW Inc. Ransburg is acknowledged as market leader in the design and manufacture of electrostatic equipment. In particular the liquid finishing and two component electrostatic finishing systems. Its cutting edge technology has lead to the development of rotary atomisers like bells and discs.
I hate to bring up another question, but with the CLASSIC line being exclusive . . . does that mean the smaller reseller folks will NOT be able to get their hands on them????
As far as the chase cars go . . . . um . . . I think I might be interested in one or two or three . . . π
(MET: “Classic” line Target only).
Now, THIS is cool — a lenticular poster:
Just drooled all over the place…
RRRRRRamone!!!! RRRRRansburg!!! RRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
(And a lil’ bit ‘o meowin’ goin’ on!!!!!)
sooo shiny….
So, out of curiousity, is the Chase Package retired? Will we be seeing Italian Mario and Italian Ferrari packages?
OTHERWISE, I am loving this post, but the squirrels in the Pirate’s head fell off the wheel and made my eyes go lenticular!!
(MET: Most likely no Italian Mario & Ferrari …).
Why bother calling them Lenticular Race-O-Rama packaging….there is no Race-O-Rama logo, and ROR is 2009…it is really adding to the confusion.
The card-back above should be known as “City Scheme” or “Tokyo City” something like that.
(MET: As noted, NOT the final card design – RACE O RAMA snipe being added).
That’s definitely not Tokyo — I can see Dinoco World Headquarters, RPM World Headquarters, No Stall World Headquarters, and possibly one more I can’t quite make out (between the Cars logo and the hangtag), so my guess is it’s Los Angeles, since the 3-way tiebreaker race was held there at the end of the movie.
As I’ve said before, I think it’s the skyline of Radiator Springs after Lightning moves his racing headquarters to the sleepy little town of RS…..Dinoco and all of the other sponsors can’t resist, and have regional headquarters in RS as well!!! It could happen!
I remember you saying this before — that is hilarious!!
I had a book like that when I was a kid, where there is a small house in the middle of nowhere, and then a bunch of skyscrapers pop up all around it. In fact, I believe that is the story behind “Up”.
Well, that’s ummm… uhhhh…. hey look, shiny Cars!
Can’t wait to see how this all plays out. Could be a great Cars summer, or more of the same, with changes happening to the changes that changed!
Yes it’s confusing, but I think this is good news. Those of us that despise the googly eyed changeover won’t be completely shut out of buying things outside of Target.(which never has any cars around here anyway)
One of our nearest Target stores finally has the TEAM Haulers back in stock….Mack/Lightning, Dinoco/King, and Chick/HTB sets, still $19.99.
That’s really good news!!!
Those threesomes are sweet!!!
yeah, see now i am changing my mind on the lenticular line. I too feel i was able to follow this post, but i guess we will have to srot it out when they come to stores. No matter what, Sarge is going to be a chase because he has not been out in almost 3 years.
Based on this post, collecting this line is gonna get interesting.
I now say, BRING “EM ON!
(MET: Regular Sarge will be lenticular).
met, i guess i was trying to say he will be harder to find than a regular chase since its been forever since the first release of him
Not to mention how much more valuable the original set will be with a regular sarge. So many people are waiting for an original Sarge and this will ruin they’re chance of having a complete set of the original townies. I wonder if Flo and Red will now be lenticular when they’re released as singles? Luigi and Guido? This might make the movie monents that have the original versions worth a lot more as well.
(MET: We don’t know what’s going with the Target line … but if they are releasing a full line, Sarge will be in that, Flo? (She’s in a storytellers single) …).
Now those are C-H-A-S-E Cars!! Can’t wait to get my hands on them!
Ladies & Gentlecars,
Hold on to your bumpers cause there’s way more cool Chase Characters coming. I loves my the D Ransburg as well. When I first mentioned it, got some strange looks but you just can’t beat shiney bright Cars when it makes sense.
I wanted to do Christmas Specials all Double Ransburg but they wouldn’t give me the flow for the go π
I tried π
Don’t give up trying, Martin! Your efforts are going to pay off at some point. SDCC exclusive and now these AWESOME DR cars are a nice example!
Just ’cause I can’t remember saying it before: “Thank you very, very much for participating on this board. Your time is truly appreciated.”
AGREED!! Now if we could just get some of those Mattel Distribution & Marketing Geniuses to make a few comments from time-to-time…
LOL….. Ok I am pretty sure that I followed this post, but it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. I can’t believe that the chase cars for the lenticular line are going to be non-lenticular. That is just crazy. As for the double Ransberg finish those are awesome and can’t wait to see them.
Wow, so many choices, so little time. The Ransberg finish stuff looks awesome.
That DR finish looks AWESOME!!! Can’t wait for those cars to come out. I don’t care if they are lemticular-carded lenticular or lenticular-carded non-lenticular, Chase, Target-exclusives, or whatever, as long as they are made AVAILABLE in enough quantities, and also INTERNATIONALLY (i.e. Canada). Oh yeah, and then I woke up…
Seems the squirrels got hold of the lenticular-carded lenticulars already…
Show me the cars!!! π