Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Frank is a Combine & We Should All Have Franking Privileges
Frank is here and it’s a massive and heavy piece of diecast machinery.
His thresher combine thing works great – it’s solid and not just for show – spin and it works and spins for a while.
Let’s go to scale measurement thinger …
Frank & the brain of a person who think he’s too small 🙂
Frank is heavy & solid.
Um, what exactly is the problem … other than three great CARS? That it does not include a playset with real grass? 🙂
Works with the MINI’s … better buy two Franks when guests come over and want to compare scales.
GreG sends us a full screen video of a Frank custom compared to Frank megasize and while the custom Frank is larger and it’s nice but now compared to a “real” Frank … the custom is only partially Frank 🙂
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First we got Turkey Frank, then we got Chicken and Pork Frank. Hope this one is BEEF Frank. Hot Dog anyone?
GREAT Post! However, I think we’re getting Little Smokey’s Frank on this go-round. I still dream of a day when we will see Jumbo Frank.
Well, I am reserving my judgement till I get FRANK in my hands. Hopefully Jake has shipped it to me aleady. Can’t wait. Hey John, do you even have FRANK on hand, or are you basing yourself solely on the pics Met posts?
Last year my husband and I took a road trip north through Amarillo and onto westernmost Oklahoma, and passed through combine county. We had lots of fun looking for Frank at every farm equipment sales. We looked for Frank in the fields, and frankly :{ Frank was hard to find, there were green Franks, red Franks, and semi Frank like farm equipment. We are ready for Frank to join our little Car collection. Come on in Frank!
Did you see any elderly Franks? You know, the ones with no teeth attachment?
Thank You Martin and Mattel!! It is nice to be listened too… seriously…I am not goiong to add anything else here…just a NICE post today!!
Are you the Good Cop to my Bad Cop?
I think Martin and his staff are geniuses, I really do. It’s just when the Marketing guys put the 40 Post-It Notes on Martin & company’s designs and bake their sculpts in the Shrinky-Dink Oven, I just need to say something about that!
HHmmmm…never thot of myself as the Good Cop before…jsut trying to not be sooo negative…. esp since I really doubt Canada will see these in 2009!!!
I really am excited to see Frank released, and if I EVER see him in the store, I will probably squeal like a little girl as I grab him off the peg. I just can’t help but to be disappointed to see the final results. I just pulled out the original Tractor Tippin’ game, and even though those characters are tiny, you can see the true scale between Frank and Lightning. Once you move up to the 1:55 line though, Frank got shrunk, no doubt about it.
LOL….forgot about the shinky-dink oven!!!
Those were the best!!
Elvis is a peg warmer now in SW Washington, bring on Frank…and Sven.
The frank, although he is clearly somewhat small, as can be seen in this video
I can’t wait to get bessie!!
Watch what you say, or they’ll come out with a smallish Bessie too!
I just showed my son the pictures above and asked him what he thought. He looked, paused, and said “I don’t know. I think he’s too small.”
In this YouTube video, the top of the “spinner” is clearly higher than Lightning’s tailfin (pause it at 2:56), yet in the photo above with Lightning next to Frank, it appears that the top of the tailfin is actually higher than the “spinner”. Frank’s body also appears to be not as tall, wide, or long as in the movie.
I understand Mattel’s cost-consciousness, but I’d rather have no Frank than a too-small Frank. Maybe Matty will someday offer true-scale characters like this should have been.
Ahhh yes. The old, tired SCALE debate. It’s a waste of time. Mattel isn’t listening. There will always be an excuse; cost, packaging or whatever. Honestly, once the original cars were released, scale should have NEVER been an issue. But it IS. Sure, Al Oft, Barney Stormin, Marco and some others would have been really big, but who would have complained. Originally, it was the whole cost vs retail price debate. But…. then along came the mega size. Hmmmm, I guess the consumer IS willing to pay 2X as much for something a little bigger. Than the Haulers. Hmmm, look at that, the consumer is willing to pay 3X as much for something. And yet, the suits just don’t get it. Makes ya wonder if the marketing suits at Mattel EVER listen to their customers or just push forward with what THEY feel is the next great idea. So far, I would say Mattel has only made a few winning moves vs. a whole lot of mistakes. Hard to imagine from a company that one would say has a pretty good history with die-casts.
FRANK looks to be a tough piece of equipment. I do not think most of you will be able to handle him. When you find him, just send him down to me!! 🙂
I always thought my brain was bigger than shown above, but I still say Frank is WAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too small as compared to the movie.
Maybe this is Mattel’s way of coming up with a 1:28 scale line of toys: Frank, the Haulers, Barney Stormin’… I wonder who’ll be next? Certainly not McQueen’s
BiggestFan!!Actually Met, you scaled the brain WAAAYYYYYYY too big. When I imagine a person attached to that brain, they’d be maybe 3-4 times taller than Frank! So thank you! 🙂
that could be the non-functional brain of big head Matty
OHH!! I never thought about that. Maybe because my brain is so much smaller than Matty’s?
Let me be frank about Frank.
Let me be frank about Frank.
Cause Frank is, the best Frank, that’s ever happened to me.
Someone on here has to know where I pulled those lyrics from. 😛
Ahh how I miss Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Frank is one of the favorites around my house. Right now we have plastic Frank from the Tractor Tipping game, but we are excited to upgrade!
We did the same thing; got the Mega Block set with Frank just to have one. Of course that started us getting all the Mega Block sets and they haven’t played with them in ages
Waiting for Frank in eastern Indiana… and frankly, my dear… I don’t give a… yes I do, I want multiples of this combine!
When are the new ones coming to the Eastcoast????
when are the new ones coming to the Eastcoast????
No Frank in SD yet 🙁
I heard my name .. how may I help you Met?
Can’t wait to find Frank; the search continues
Frankly speaking, I love it!
You have been ON lately!! Nice!