Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: “Hinckey” CARS Photo Preview
Yes, some of these photos are of a dubious origins – hinckey is the theme today … 🙂
Not of dubious photo origins – you know what the San Diego Comic Con Red Ransburg Rescue Squad Mater will look like …
Here is what the “normal” Megasize Rescue Squad Mater will look like … (looks like the ladder does not extend unlike the SDCC version but still lots of detailing).
Front View.
“Megasize” Rescue Squad Helicopter … looking very Coast Guard (ish).
The Megasize Ambulance.
Front View.
Full list of Rescue Mater releases here.
And coming out before the Rescue Squad Mater Tall Tales CARS … MINI … though oddball color? Not very purple charcoal?
Thanks for the “hinckey” photos, “AF.”
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: RPM Crew Chief “Hinckey” – Aroldo to the Fix! | Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Hinckey & Fake » |

:O So much info 😀
sorry to be the new kid, but when does mini actually come out? how do you know release dates on the cars. everyone seems to know about this stuff besides me. a tutorial maybe? LOL
(MET: Welcome to TakeFive … Careful of pirates 🙂 … There is a recap page to the right if you’re really ready 🙂 … MINI looks like it’ll be out for Kmart CARS Day 2 on June 20, 2009 – you can search for older posts on it ot just wait, more info coming. Happy hunting!)
We all learn about things like new releases and release dates right here, from the Wizard of Cars, Metro Xing, or Met!
Now if you have any other questions, please Paypal $50 initiation fee to …thanks!
that’s a joke right? the $50 fee? cause you aren’t going to get that. LOL
NO!!! Pay up!!!
Welcome to Take5, a wonderful little family, who love to kid and collect Cars… if you need anything Cars-wise, check the Trade Forum, some good deals over there!
well, what a nice pirate you are! LOL thanks, I have been to the forums, anxiously waiting a response for a car I would love to get my hands on. so you just have to really read all the posts to learn all the dates eh? what makes wizard of cars, metro xwing and met so special? and are they single? hahahaha
So these going to be Target exclusive? No lenticular eyes…
And speaking of eyes, the Ambulance’s look off. Hopefully just a prototype.
(MET: Since they are NOT mainline singles, they are different – Mater Tall Tales available to everyone).
i totally agree what for goodness sake would have them decide to make mini’s color so weird?
Man, next to the San Diego CC Firetruck Mater, the normal Mater looks like an everyday fake. I’ll have to get both. >.>
Whomever sent you the pics obviously stole them from somewhere, with the cropping and blurring to hide watermarks. 🙁 Not good form at all!
(MET: Hence the ‘hinckey’ – of course, the photos are of CARS illegally acquired …).
So Met, you admit illegally aquiring these pics? 😛
(MET: Yes, I’m guilty of bootlegging pirated materials 😆 ).
hey thats cool … two wrongs make a right, right?… 🙂
Three lefts make a right, but two wrongs just make for a better court case. 🙂
No its turn left to go right
Surely even Mattel didn’t miss the color on Mini that bad. If so it’s the worse color match to date for this line.
once again just like the terrible lightning storm mcqueen theve done it agin im not holding back this time no ill try and order one online
Looks like they are usin’ the left over of Sally’s paint!!!
I wonder how many variants of the Ambulance will leave the factory with the “AMBULANCE” decal inverted.
(MET: You mean incorrect or correct – Ambulance is generally inverted so when you are driving and look in the rear view …)
The photo above is correct, I was talking about some incorrect variants coming out.
I love the wrench with jumper cables on the ambulance, very cars-ififed!
Mini doesn’t look anything like the Mini in the picture on the card. I’m a bit disappointed (for the first time). It looks like a custom, not the real thing…
I think these are all Aroldo customs, no?
Huh? I’m confused – that is one he made, not the real one? I would feel better if that were true.
(MET: No, all the ones in this post are Mattel CARS – some early, early unofficial factory-back door photos though the MINI looks ready to go).
After Todd this is number two in a row which looks incorrect. Normally the final product looks better than the prototype. For these it is the other way round.
Maybe acuransx can shine a light on the matter. Have the chinese gone sloppy 😉
Oh man. Gotta take out another mortgage on the house!
Or we’ll have to sign Divorce paper! …
WOW! I’m ready to get mine…