Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Revised Singles CASE H
So, the revised CASE H now looks like this. Not a spectacular improvement but an extra Patti in the case trumps the Ferrari F430 in just an Italian chase packaging anyway.
The oddity is that of course, the rule was that once a CAR was released as a CHASE CAR, it would NEVER return as MAINLINE SINGLE CAR EVER again …
So much for that rule …
Remember this CAR … well, never mind the confetti or the words, CHASE, it’s back …
I don’t have one in front of me – photo coming – but I can tell you there’s no confetti …does the word CHASE appear on the card? You tell me?
So, it will start arriving in the next few days. Of course, whether you local store bought these or paper towels, um, you tell me.
Happy hunting!
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I think my WM just had 2 of these cases. I saw 2 Impound McQueens on the pegs and the rest of the leftovers! This from the WM I haven’t found anything at in months and I miss the new case prob by a couple of hours. Oh, the humanity!
Why is Tar McQueen in red?
that was out months ago
(MET: He was not in the original listing – red just indicates CHANGE/ADD).
I really didn’t see a whole lot of Impound McQueens the first go-round.
But this part of Texas was getting slammed with the WOC Sally w/ Cone case when everyone else was getting the RaceORama ‘A’ case. Target and TRU were empty for months.
I just checked with the suits and there is some confusion in semantics. What I was told this morning is that the Chase Character is in case H.
He is NOT MAINLINE and will never be, end of story. The deal we made with JL was called Lizzie’s Law. Once you go Chase you can never reappear again as Mainline.
Roll out issues and timing are a b—h.
Does that mean the Impound McQueens out there will still only tally up to twenty thousand, with say ten thousand the first case and ten thousand now in case H…
Or could their numbers become astounding!?!?
Thanks again for dealin’ with the suits Dude-Acuransx-Dude!
PS – Was Matty there or is he just the guy they blame for everythin’ too!
(MET: Looking like 20k of confetti Impound and 20k of non-confetti Impound “Chase” McQueen … On the other hand, it does appear to be a limited edition in Canada … 🙁 ),
I just got my Todd, Patti, and Impound at Toy Town in Chula Vista, Ca. The Impound does say Chase. They have Elvis there as well. The owner Tom is really cool.
Bonita Bill Out
Matty’s IQ is really worth noting… I was in niagara Falls the other day at one of the fun-houses there…
They have an exhibit of the world’s dumbest things… And guess who has the marquis all to himself…?!?!?!? Yup ours truly… MATTY!!!
By “ours truly” I means that stoopid monkey-of-a-relative that you wish wasn’t a part of the family but he is the one with all the inheritance money and owns the CARS warehouse we all slave over day in and day out, so you HAVE to be nice to him…
I was never able to find an Impound McQueen in the first place…maybe this might be my chance now… But seriously….how many McQueens do they have to ship in each box? Can’t they just have a case or two without McQueen then bring him back?
My guess is this is a cost-cutting method given the price of materials in this marketplace.
Because McQueen is an already-established mold with many of these variations, he’s the #1 most re-usable one out there, with (*shudder*) Ramone being the second-most used.
Look at Cars Wiki site to see what we are missing.
This site has pictures from the Blu Ray movie of cars and their backstory.
See how many cars remain from the first movie that have not been made!
Cars like
Bertha Butterswagon,
Clayton Gentlebreeze,
Sage Vanderspin,
Nick Stickers,
Swift Alternetter,
Johnnie and Jamie,
Kit Revster,
Wilmar Flattz,
Duff Wreaks,
Marty Breakburst,
Marilyn, just to name a few!
And we get a case with 8 McQueens?
I am havingserious doubts that what Martin said “we will make them all” is going to become a reality before Cars 2 hits the movie theatres. Martin’s statement kept me going, with the hope that we would get a complete collection of the Cars Characters.
It is very exasperating for long time collectors; we
bought all the sets, Dinoco 400, Tunerz, Courtroom Crew, Shopkeepers, Playsets, the Desert Backs, SuperCharged, WOC repeats and new adds, we already have the MSOTS set, the TRU specials, SDCC McQueen, Blu Ray, Mater from Rowlin Bowlin, Easter Eggs, Halloween Cars, and we want more NEW characters, not just the racers being repackaged as launchers, or on KMart cars cards.
Why not support collectors who have been faithful from the beginning, and buying all the cars since summer 2006?
(MET: I think they are all featured in the MEET THE CARS book).
Seriously……. just when we think it can’t get any worse, we get this case. I now truly believe that they are intentionally trying to kill this line. Go look at the posts on ebay for this case where they show the picture of the case contents. It almost looks like a complete box of McQueen’s. Really, 8 McQueen’s to a box…. And a Chase errrrr psych non-chase variant. Hey just in case you didn’t get this the first time, we will sell it to you again without the “Chase” banner, and without confetti….. go get em. Vaguely reminds me of the whole plain versus “New” snipe. This is a complete joke. I guess were lucky they added another Patti instead of a 9th Mcqueen. I am so glad I am done when the changeover to Cars 2 starts.
this is utter insanity. why would they LIE to us!!!???
Extra Patti is great news . . . but there should be 5 Patti, 5 Todd , 4 Sarge and 4 Red. That sounds like a good case to me . . . would there be ANY of those left in your store if it WERE the case assortment . . . I THINK NOT!!!!
I have seen a pic of the case assortment on EBay, and it appears this Impound McQueen is sans confetti, don’t know about the “Chase” snipe though.
But hey, on the bright side, if you bought a case, and don’t know what to do with all the “pegwarmers”, I do… 🙂
When I get my case, the pegwarmers will be heading over to the Cars Cares program!
I have a friend that has collected Hot Wheels for years. He tells me how Mattel screws with that line all the time. It would only be a matter of time until they did the same with the cars line. It’s pretty much a no brainer to me that if they put out NEW CARS they would sell more and make more money. Mattel runs the cars line like the real manufactures,put out the same old crap until people are tired of it and not make any changes until people don’t want it then ask for help or go bankrupt.
So what happened to what Martin told us, about selling this Chase idea to J.L? Once a chase car is made at 20 thousand then no more? Lucy he said.
Does Pixar know what Mattel is doing? Maybe Lucy needs to be invoked?
Define “Chase”, please. Because it seems to me that, other than every imaginable version of McQueen and Ramone, ALL cars are “Chase”. I’m not so sure that Mattel is producing more than 20 thousand of the newer characters. Ever tried to find a Milton Calypeer in the wild? Or RPM as a single? How about Luke Pettlework? My point is, unless you release a car in more than one case, or more of each new one in a single case (which seems to be HARD for Mattel to do unless the character’s name ends in “McQueen”), they’re ALL “Chase” cars.
I just saw 3 Luke Pettleworks sitting on pegs at WM.
Yeah but you don’t live in Canada, so that doesn’t count! 🙂
But were they Luke Pettlework, or were they DInoco Pitty??
Good point!
They said Luke. The pegs were crammed full at this WM! They must have finally cleaned out the back room or garden center. And no I don’t live in Canada but I am in Iowa which is a close 2nd!
Edge, I see what you mean. I was only defining Chase as it was characterized by Mattel’s printing of the word on the car front.
And the promise of only 20K Chase cars.
If we had known that these “Chase” would be re released in some other format, who would have spent the time looking for the supposedly limited releases of these cars.
There were two Luke Pettlework’s in Case K WOC released June 2008. But agree he was not released as “Luke” subsequent to that case, but as Dinoco Pitty. Why the name change who knows?
Milton C found another one today at Target, along with chase Chuki, and Nitro pitty. Seems that this G case is still hitting shelves in the USA.
Do you need him?
Everything is the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same s#&@! Collect them ALL!
In a variation of words from Indiana Jones:
“McQueens….why’d it have to be McQueens?”
And just when I thought we’d seen the last of the pegwarming Tar and Bug Mouth McQueens…they’ll return to haunt my nightmares. If they could have at least given us a mud-face McQueen I wouldn’t be so dour.
Shocking are you saying that Mattel is changing the rules and not listening to what the community wants or believed in.
I can’t wait for Todd so I will be the lookout and report if I find one with the impound McQueen. I have mixed feeling on this but am hoping it is a chase card, as that was kinda what we were all sold on, but if it is not then I think my collecting of chase cards is done. I know Met warned us and we should have known that slick Matty would change the unspoken rules.
I will just go online to and read up about it in the news section because I am sure they have posted lots of great news of the current Cars toys line.
With Todd, Patti and perhaps Impound McQueen being the exceptions, this case looks like a bunch of pegwarmers to me.
I would rather have 2 Patti than 1 Patti and 1 packaging variation Chase Car… I’ll probably buy only one case, as the C case launchers are finally close to arriving, and that’s a much better product.
EIGHT McQueens… I’m trying very hard not to make any derogatory comments… I’m trying VERY hard…
I will make it for you…..ppppfffffffllllllltttttttt!!!!!!