Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: First Look – Lights, Camera … Greatness …
The greatness in this line is that every CAR is equally great. In a normal situation, sure McQueen & Mater would look nice but corners would be cut for your random CAR … and we would just have to accept it or maybe even expect it …. but what makes this the greatest diecast line ever are the details in EVERY SINGLE CAR – no matter how unforgettable or “forgettable …”
Dash it all, he’s “nobody.” He has no lines in the film that are discernible, he is NOT even the focus of any scenes and he is peripherally in about 3 scenes … and yet, from the door creases to his real-life “mock’ spoiler to a his specific rims … NOTHING GENERIC. Nothing presumed. Nothing just thrown in because ‘it’s good enough.’ Good enough for this line means details, details and details. Because Dash Boardman has to be good enough to get a card or a box with his name on it next to Lightning McQueen.
He’s not nobody. He’s a CARS car and that means whatever it takes to get in every detail right but of course, it’s not just technical attention to details for this line – after that part is done, then Dash Boardman gets that indescribable, & unforgettable life breathed into it that only an artist’s hand and touch can bring … and if you think I’m exaggerating, pick up any CAR* and take a good long look. You hold in your hands the culmination of dreams, artistry and toil … appreciate the journey before you seal up ole Dash Boardman MINT on CARD with some shelf rub … 🙂
* Okay, not so much Bug Mouth McQueen – he’s a bit of a cropper. 🙂
The chrome is great and again, would we even notice? It would however, cause sleepness nights in Emeryville & El Segundo … so chrome, baby, chrome it! 🙂
I think Dash Boardman actually comes in a 3-pack with “posing McQueen” (& another reporter – presumably that reporter is a repeat by the time the 3-pack comes out in late 2009?)
More chrome sweetness plus all the details on the camera mount for who? Houser Boon – that’s who … he’s not Elvis RV but he is in every aspect.
That’s why we will fight each other aisle for a Chrysler K-Car (Chuck Manifold) or Houser Boon (generic budget coupe). All hail Houser – econo box extraordinare.
The rest of the press corp eagerly await the new arrivals …
Coming next … Andrea … (in CASE G).
And while not a member of the press corp, it’s mainline CAR #106 – Polly Puddlejumper. Whoops – didn’t look closely enough – stopped at the first blue car with sign 🙂 It’s actually Mathew “True Blue” McCrew. Thanks for the reminder ScoobyDoo & others.
Matthew: Hey, I came to see the King, not some spoiled brat! (early part of CARS 🙂 ).
So, um, good luck quitting this line …
Thanks for the greatness, the magic and attention to details … JL, Pixar, Martin & team, and Mattel.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: My Name is Indigo Blu Ray McQueen … You Killed My Reputation & I … | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Come For the Easter Egg CARS, Stay For the McQueen Surprise » |

Who doesn’t love Cars!! What a great movie.
I LOVE CARS!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
Mathew’s bio from the Cars Drive In Gallery says “Mathew “True Blue” McCrew has been a King fan from the first time he came off the production line. In fact, everything in Mathew’s house is painted King Blue, including the light bulbs. Because for Mathew, being a King fan isn’t reserved for race day, it’s a way of life.”
And look at the model. It does have blue light bulbs. Speaking of greatness of detail ! Acuransx and his crew : fabulous !
Fine little works of art . . . We will buy every one. . . but bring on he BIG RV’S baby!!!
Ladies & Gentlecars,
I’m glad you like these little guys. I have to give props/shout out to Ben B and Emery L up @ Pixar for the greatness of detail on this entire line. My team sends the digitals of the sculpts from turns that Emery provided and Ben overlays whatever is not spot on, then we fix and resend, they approve, if correct. If it’s still just a little off, approved with changes.
Same same with the deco approval. It’s a tedious, long, process and sometimes Characters slip and guess who takes the exhaust fumes on that one? Good thing I’m smogged tested 😉
Can’t wait to share this years SDCC offering, makes these guys look like Barbie brush.
Hope to see you there.
Well, everyone involved is doing a stupendous job with these. Can’t wait to buy 2 or 3 of them all. 😉
I just hope we see some of these cars in retail. I have yet to see case F, and the Walmarts near me have NO single cars, and have not had any single cars on the pegs for over a month. I also think it will be hard to get to the new three packs, as Case A still sits on the shelf with no takers. We need to clear out these old cars for the new, and get some stock. Although the golden age of cars in principle, it is the Rusteze age of cars in practice.
I wouldn’t say its the CARS that would ever make me quit the line. It’s not finding them that would.
It’s been about 1 1/2 months now, and still haven’t found an Impound DJ, Dustin Mellows, or anything from Case F.
It’s not Polly Puddlejumper, it’s Mathew “True Blue” McCrew.
Very nice post Met, It kind of makes me think back about what happend to be the golden ticket in this case? what really was it that made this toy line work out so well? Hurmmm. I wouldnt normally think Icould get so excited over a little car with a microphone that had about 2 seconds of screen time…. But I just am, Thank you MARTIN!!!!
As much as I am looking forward to these 4 new cars, each one of them has an object that can easily be broken off. There has to be a better way to make the camera, flag and microphone strong enough to withstand a 2 and a 4 year old. Made with all metal?? Please fix Mattel! We have all seen what can happen when made with plastic. Examples: Dexter Hoover’s flag, DJ’s spoiler, crew chief’s microphone.
(MET: Matty says, “The best insurance against household accidents is to buy three as a backup!”).
Maybe a better solution would be to make them removable, i.e. a threaded rod and receptacle. The first and only one my 3 year old, 2 at the time, broke off was DJ’s spoiler. And that happened when it fell off a table at a restaurant. I’ve always checked out the Cars pretty carefully before I let him play with them. I’ve never let him play with Dexter or Crew Chiefs for that very reason. He did however break off both mirrors on the Ferrari. If it’s a safety issue, that’s the responsibility of the parent. If you want something “strong” enough to withstand a 2 and 4 year old, buy megablocks. These die-casts aren’t really made for such young kids anyways.
Matty blows…
Hey Dude-Met-Dude!
ANy ideas on these walt disney store play sets? I saw Maters place and the courthouse as well… They kinda looked to scale but I think they were intended for a smaller set of cars.
What’s the dealio? Do we get 1:55 scale versions of the same comin’ our way or what?
Cause at $40 a pop I couldn’t open my wallet to two of them!!!
(MET: We’re not going to see many more playsets for the 1:55 series. They’re not cheap to do so they have to sell enough to be “mass.” The problem is retail buyers and kids wants some interactivity and not canonocity … hence the Disney courthouse has a freeway offramp jutting out of the left side … fun for kids but for adults, they blanch at that. so, yes, Courthouse in scale with Mini’s but odd with offramp … and frankly, I think the Mater junkyard is a good concept, the rubble and piles of tires are not every detailed though … I saw it on sale once at $19.99 so that’s not bad … but not brilliant).
Wow! I am so glad I did not attempt to make a custom. These are better than I could have imagined. The chromed paint is awesome! Makes them unique and exciting. Bravo Martin & Team.
they shuld be half price there way 2 small
Oh. Its not polly, its matthew. Okay, that makes sense.
Oh no you didn’t!
the video is not about cars!
Speaking of beautiful finishes…….
Want to see “Rescue Squad Mater” online:—Cars-Toons/
I just looked on the drive in gallery and they don’t have Houser Boon listed as a diecast!
I love his color, reminds me of those root beer flavored lollipops.
Rick Astley is involved in manufacturing CARS? Wow!
The finishes on these are so beautiful and I love the different expressions! Very nice.
I can;t believe that!!!
I’ve heard of UNDERGROUND, but this gives new meaning…..
Polly is missing her little pint(quart size is for adults)of motor oil that was sitting next to her!
PiratePrincess wants to know if we think Polly Puddlejumper is a girl car? Show of tires, please!
(MET: Yes, girl … well, woman – backstory – has crush on The King).
Eye!! 😆
two hubcaps up
mrs.the king isnt going to be pleased =D
I can’t place the first 2 and I had to search the movie for Andrea when I heard she was coming out, but I still really, really, really want them.
I love it, these guys set the record for shortest on-screen time and get to be toys, yet we still haven’t seen Sarge in what, 19 months?
He’s still in recovery from the lead paint.
You are on a roll tonite aren;t you… maybe it was the Organic Fuel!?!?!
It’s the paint fumes from Ramone’s shop!!!
I am watching “Enemy of the State” with Will Smith and Gene Hackman, so I am a little more amped that usual.
…and yes, that is correct, Will Smith and Gene Hackman are at my house watching “Enemy of the State” with me.
Tell Mr. Smith I LOVED him in I Am Legend and thot his costar, the dog should have won an Oscar!!!
Great movie, but I think Mr. Smith’s car (in the movie) should have gotten the Oscar!!
We sadly use a mini Sarge. It’s just not the same.
How many megaPIXARS are those cameras??? Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Boooooo, boooo! Hisssss!!!
On older cameras, you had to look through the…….wait for it…….the VIEWZEENFINDER!
hahahahahha thats a good one!
Make love to the camera…now show me angry…okay now sad…that’s it, you’re beautiful…now go back and read the words in the post!!
You beat me!! Did you read the post or just look at the pretty pictures???
I read the post several times, went upstairs to meditate about what comment I would say, came back down, read it some more, and then finally crafted my comment.
Well at least you spelt it write!
spelled it write?