Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Max Schnell Pitty Gears Up
Thanks for the great photos, “John H.”
Max Schnell Pitty (with tool chest & tire).
Is this the first Pitty with the backwards cap look?
It’s nice he actually got a matching Max Schnell tire and not some generic ones.
The entire crew.
If you collect a few of the CARS 2 “transforming” transporters … which were all plastic, technically from the “stunt racer” series and non canon as we never saw any racer haulers at any of the races – but still a nice addition.
Thanks for the great photos, “John H.”
With Jeff Gorvette’s Pitty – guess he was first with the backward hat.
If you can’t wait, Amazon has it.
Raoul’s plastic pitty from a few years ago with the launcher had a backwards cap.