Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart Promo Ended Off Course
The Kmart promo mailaway of course ended on a strange note. While all early mailers got a nice email it was received and then another email that it was on its way, the redemptions sent in towards the end was met with stony silence for a few weeks – leaving everyone to question what was going on – but it looks like most people received an email a few weeks ago and everything went out.
Did you get an email? Did you get your “second wave” package out okay?
And yes, once again, they’d rather go through the weird gyration of delays deciding AGAINST the CUSTOMER. As “mommamyth,” notes, they found a “problem” with a receipt so NO Deluxe CARS for you! So instead of mailing one more set to a customer with a note saying, “you messed up but we’ll allow it this time” to make a customer happy – to save LITERALLY a few dollars, they’d rather tell you to PO because they determined there was an issue so egregious that the last thing on Earth they can do is mail you 2 diecasts? OMG. Isn’t the purpose of this promotion to thank customers for buying diecasts?
So, it costs them pretty much the same amount of money in effort to reject your redemption and then to tell you to PO when they could simply mail it to you? CRAZZZZYYYY.
LITERALLY costs them the same as they have to ship it to their own outlet store or sell it to a consolidator for a few dollars when they could simply put it in a box and mail it off to the customer – especially if there are other diecasts already on their way – adding 2 more CARS into a box probably adds $.50 in postage. What do they care if the customer might be a 6-year old kid. Hey, if WE decide you made an error, the penalty is DEATH to your toy. Why not send a photo of them crushing it into pieces just to show them who’s really boss?
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No white boxes for us but we got our Cars today. Very happy! 2 nice presents for my fusspots.
I received an email this morning (09 Dec), confirming shipment of my order,
Update 2
We RECEIVED our fulfillment today as well!
Unfortunately, no white boxes 8^(
I sent in for 2 sets on the last day of the promotion. I only received the first email and my order has been stuck on pending according to the mattel parts order status webpage ever since.
if anyone missed out, I have two sets left.
Web addresses are blocked?
We received our cars without any problems but our John Lassetire looked so bad I just opened it up and gave it to my son to play with. I was going to add it to our display but half the brown paint was flaking off around one of the doors, it looked terrible! :/
I decided to call Mattel customer service this week since there was some speculation that the end of the promo may have been bungled by the premature shipment of these items to the Mattel outlet stores.
I mentioned that I had mailed my receipts on 11/30. The CSR put me on hold and when she returned, she stated that they were very back logged, having only processed submissions up to Nov 15 and I should see a confirmation within the next few days.
I have since received TWO emails: one on Weds as a follow up with a link to a customer service survey, then a second on Thurs confirming the receipt of my eligible submission, stating I will receive ANOTHER email confirming shipment.
Based on this experience, I am pretty optimistic about getting my second round (single set) offer.
I got one of those nasty rejection letters telling me I didn’t send a receipt and they mailed my $3 check back to me. I wrote them a letter stating the receipt was probably stuck to the back of one of the stupid cardbacks you had me mail in. I sent my $3 check back and a copy of the receipt from my Kmart e-receipt. They ended up sending all the promos I mailed away for, but still very annoying.
I would love to see a Harvard Business Review written on these fools at Mattel.
What was the problem with the receipt?
Mattel also screwed up by not shipping the Cars in their white boxes.SSomewhere in New York is a dumpster full of white boxes…