Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Don’t Bypass Mildred Bylane When You Motor Past Checkout
“John H.” sends along nice photos of Mildred Bylane, one of the last diecasts promised in the Final Lap series that never arrived – but 3 years late is not past her prime.
Solid metal.
Don’t crash into her, it’d be like brushing up against a battleship.
Not only enough room to carry a spare but 4 snow tires and a mechanic.
The real 49ers.
The old school gang. Where’s Otis or Fred? 🙂 Or other than Sarge, the V8 gang?
Thanks for the nice photos, “John H.”
For those who want to reminisce, read the last post on Mildred Bylane from 2010.
I like seeing all the old familiar faces that posted way back when. Some still around, some disappeared. From the old post link in case people don’t know what I’m talking about! 🙂
She’s got junk in the trunk; but she’s beautiful. 🙂
Nice pictures, but she should be pictured with Red.
A true beauty. Am happy to have found a bunch. I really hope Mattel makes the damaged Fabulous Hornet they promised us. It’s great if they keep going back and re-releasing classics as well as completing cars and lines promised. I still want Moderfied Mater too.
Those old timers are the BEST – I’m an on-card collector but open select ones, and so far, the Tokyo party girls and these classics are the ones I have unpackaged. Love that picture – think I have to open a few more!!
Thanks for the link to the last 3 of the Final Lap Cars on the list we never got in 2010.
Leafy Lightning Mcqueen Mildred Bylane and Race Damaged Leakless. But why not Percy Handbrake?
Mattel gave us 2 in 2013, can we hope for Race Damaged Leakless in 2014? (Damaged No Stall would be nice too).
Darn near every race car was damaged in the big pile up at the Dinoco 400. All the comments in the 2010 post of a Damaged Speedway of the South set is really a good one. Mattel should consider making this set. Their designers proved they can do it right with the masterpiece design of all Cars – Race Damaged Moody. Bring them on please. Love Mildred, she is perfect.
If I went to bed at night clutching Cars in each hand against my chest like my young sons do, I don’t know which ones I’d pick.
It’s hard for me to choose favourites among the Cars characters (only because each one seems like it’s my favourite) but I do very much adore the Classics. And Mildred is a real peach.
Compare and contrast that with my extreme fondness for the rusty Junkers. You mentioned Otis and Fred. I LOVE Jonathan Wrenchworths and Donna Pits every bit as much.
Decisions, decisions.
Really loving Mildred Bylane. I have always had a thing for old cars. They are just amazing. Really can’t wait to pick this one up 😀