Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: CASE A Rumors & Tidbits
Yes, it’s really 2009 – didn’t ya know?
CASE A is shipping and should arrive in your homes & stores within the next few days – as usual, for stores, whether it makes it out to the shelf or not in the next few days is another matter.
For completist, everything in CASE A is on the new World of CARS: Race O Rama design so it’s like starting all over again, 12 down and 100 to go …
For those only collecting new releases, you have Impound McQueen as your CHASE CAR and Spinout Lightning McQueen & Ron Hover as your new CARS (yea, sorry about typo above).
Of note for trivia buffs, Spin Out Lightning McQueen looks like the winner of the fastest from one card design to the next transition … even accounting for the earliest release in WM, and to his arrival “today,” we’re talking about a week?
Thanks for the pics of WOC cards, “Dazzling04.”
While not as fast, Axle Accelerator also makes a fast transition – especially for people who haven’t found him yet – with CASE T appearing to be hard to find but really just clotting at the warehouse …
Ghostlight Ramone – same as the WOC version – same as the WM8 CAR.
The only other note – Mario Andretti? Yep, still light brown rims instead of the correct red.
Happy hunting!
« FPG Has Some Better Ideas For Holiday CARS … (Now Complete!) | Mattel Pixar Diecast CARS: Sparemint Pics & 3-Pack Update » |