TakeFive Reader Survey Now Closed – Yeehaw!
Thank you all who participated in our ongoing efforts to survey the readership here at TakeFiveADay.com! We know surveys can be a bit tiresome but they are fundamental to operating a well run business and should help us continue our efforts to gain advertising revenue for the site.
You shouldn’t see the interstitial ad asking if you would like to participate in the survey anymore although we will probably resurvey again some time next year. Until then, we thank you all for your patience and participation!

Let's Party Like All Tall Tales are .99 cents!
I love Calvin and Hobbes. Yet more cool characters adored by adults and children alike!
Same here htb. Even have most of the books made from the comic. 🙂
Look, a SOTS set, sealed in box, Buy It Now for $1.00 🙂
Shipping will KEILL you . . . . but still VERY GOOD PRICE .. . . I wonder if they will allow FREE PICK UP!! 😆
HAHAHAHAHAH! I think I will send him a question to ask… LOL. i am surprised eBay hasn’t pulled the listing yet.
The first person who complains will cause them to pull it.
I am just surprised they don’t have some sniffing program that looks a the price/shipping ratio and flags items.
Actually I want to Buy It Now, and then tell him I will pick it up for no shipping costs!
Heck yeah! I could buy a plane ticket pretty cheap and pick it up. That would be so worth it!
I asked him, but he said I would have to pay the S&H charges too.
Hahahaha…what a stupid guy! Like ebay is not gonna do something about it! Let’s see if he accept local pick up!! 😆
That is hilarious!!
not so stupid… he sold it and weasled out of having to pay $100+ in ebay fees.
I would have loved to take the Reader Survey…well I can wait until next year!
Did I miss this or did I do it like MONTHS ago?? I am over 40 now and I forget stuff really quickly…what were talking about?? Squirrel
I think it was a pop up Survey. Guess you should have visited more often.. only showed every 1000 page visits. I got it multiple times! 😉
The survey was only programmed to pop up once per day for a random number of readers per day so naturally many opt out which is why we kept it running to date. We have about 230 questionnaires completed so it will provide a nice extensible forecast for what the readership at large looks like from an advertiser’s perspective (ie age, household income ranges, education, stuff like that).
It is all handled in aggregate and will remain anonymous as we just wish to be able to present a picture of what an advertiser not that familiar with our end of the world can expect.
I guess I was too busy working outside and missed it
Maybe this is for the Q&A post the other day, but will you summarizing your findings soon?
Nice! Are the computers set up to handle the inflation of the price to $2.00?? CHAOS!!!
Party On!!!!!