San Diego Comic Con Update Where Lines Are Like Taxes – Inevitable and Forever
Metroxing emailed me a quick snapshot while standing in queue (for our Brit friends) at the San Diego Comic Con as seen here:

The FastPass Line?!
As it turns out, this is only the Fast Pass line. For those that have not been there, you race upstairs to Autograph Area 8 and get your Fast Pass, you are assigned a time and maybe in one hour to 90 minutes you might actually pass through the hallowed threshold into geek nirvana.
I think the phrase Body Mass Index applies in so many ways here. Your crew is hard at work for you, testing the strength of their bladder control and hunger quotients!

Flik’sFriend walked right up to Met when she got here and gave him a huge hug just for you!!!! 😆 He said that he was glad that it was from her and not from YOU!!!!
THAT is BEST news to come out of Comic Con all week!!!
LMBO!!!! Thanks FF, you made my week…and Met;s I bet!!!!
oh, you are so welcome! It was my pleasure!!!! Anybody else you need me to hug????
cant wait for pics
I thought the BIG YELLOW OBJECT in the background was the FINISHED VERSION/SIZE of the BULLDOZERS from El Materdor as it will be found in stores when it’s released!!!!!!!!!
Jack, Mariela, Eric, Maryann, Whoseline, Amy….and anyone else without an avatar…please get one, firs off, it is much easier to idenify your comments, plus it makes you more personal to us, and MOST importantly, all the cool kids have one!!!!
OK OK OK OK Pirate Dad…
Uncle Skippy has heard the call….
Signed up and awaiting activation… Uncle Skippy will have his avatar at last…
I see it …IT’s ALIVE!!! now who is that…I assume the nephew??
Yup.. that would be Michael… He’s holding his Dustin Mellows obtained from a trade here at Take 5… of course, in the big photo, Lightning McQueen is jumping through the racers crash in the opening of the movie…
I’m gonna find a better photo, but this will do for now!!!
And keep me off PD’s list…
Okay Met, stop slacking off and post something NEW!!!! hahahhahaha
Hope the panel goes really well tomorrow nad it is extremely well attended!!
Leaving San Diego today. Did get to the beach for the sunset last night. I have shipped everything people paid me for. Please let me know when you receive it.
I picked up two extra buzz lightyears yesterday. Hope to use them for trade. Also have a marvel 70th set.
lines are okay now, hw peeps kept telling us NO BULK sales, but the other hw peeps keep giving us fast-hot-VIP PASSES, BECAUSE THYE WANT TO SEE STUFF going out the door.
thanks to HW Chris and Reggie at the Hw booth and just like last year the girls behind the counter, Mary, Cathi and the guys are GREAT
Pics are on
Someone from CTtoys:
Tell Deano to get in touch with me
i cannot post over there because yuku wont let me sign in
EXCLUSIVE Breakfast Meeting / McCormicks 675 L Street San Diego, California.
TFAD 2009 SDCC Buyers. I am here wating on you guys, just like the french riviera in the morning…..
2009 SDCC Red Randsberg Mater and Dalmation Sets:
Yeap we did fill EVERYONES orders.
We did get everyones buzz lightyears
We will be going back thru the lines today, you MUST be a tic patient because our post office boxes went to Utah and not San Diego as we tried to get that changed, but couldnt.
other lines and stuff maybe today and part of sunday.
Another example of how great the TFAD family is!
Thanks again, owe you big time!!!!!!!!!
I know everyone is thankful, but I want to point out that Kevin and everyone else who helped out down at the Comic Con really deserve thanks, because unless you were there, you don’t know how hard they worked to get everyone their sets….
Thanks guys for coming through with the goods once again!
Thanks Jef,
If I’m lyin’I’m cryin’
I just got the word. He’s got em! My 3 Mater’s.
I’m very happy, now I can sleep. :.)
Seems that if you go around 6pm, right before they close the line at 6:30pm,
the line is short. he was able to get them in like 2 minutes.
Whew! I’m glad.
Great news!!
Don’t know if this is fair, but I come from the world where it’s always good if you know someone. Damn, I wish I knew someone right now.
I have a friend who has a table in the Artist Alley, and I gave him $100 to get me 3 Mater’s, he’s been there since Preview night and he still hasn’t gotten them. I just talked with him and he said it’s so crazy there.
The thing is, is that he’s really there to promote his own work and can’t really be in the line waiting. He get’s to get in there early before the
public gets in, but they won’t sell anything to him until they officially open. I feel anyone who has a table there should be taken care of, I mean come on. He’s part of the show and they can’t take care of him since he’s got to be at his table. Maybe someone who’s got a connection on the inside
could take 3 of the Mater’s to his table and he could give them the money.
Sure, like that’s gonna happen. He will try again tonight.
I hope they don’t run out.
Actually exhibitors go in early. They fill the lines before the general public. Part of the reason we had so many line problems early on.
They had maters when I left. But other stuff was gone. Wondertwins with gleek, buzz, hemangioma stuff and some of the hotwheels. As a result lines were much shorter when I left around 4:30.
Where are the Klingons? Where are the women dressed as Princess Leia?
Only saw one Kligon and he was old school klingon and was totally awesome. Saw a couple of Leias.
By the time I got in yesterday, all the Fast Passes were gone. Since I didn’t have a four day pass, I was screwed. But meeting Martin was great. I still haven’t seen Met. Darn it.
you assume MET really exists . . . HAHAHAHAHA . .. 😈
Yeah, he’s actually an invisible robot, I just know it…. 😉
I met him. But I’m not giving any clues as to what he looks like. Mystery is good
Totally agree with you there! 😀
Hey there you are!! How are you holding up there girl?? 🙂
The lines are awful. I have to go look at all the cars in between standing in line to keep myself from being cranky. Didn’t get to see panels. Have to wait in huge lines. My highlight from yesterday was seeing Martin and getting autographs. Todays highlight was the authors of tiny titans comic drew the characters for my son and signed it. He will love it. Preview night was awful-line for hasbro, but I got an autographed cars boom comic.
I have a few exclusives left of anybody is interested. Wondertwins with gleek(now sold out). Buzz lightyear, marvel 70 th anniversary, Lego exclusive minifigure.
I have been trying to hold back but I just sent you an email. Sorry to hear the lines are insane.
What is the exclusive Lego figure? I have sent you an email.
Anyone at SDCC see any of these? What’s the cost?
(MET: THe large was $20,I think but I passed by Dark Horse – sold out – the multi color ones are still available).
Thanks Met! I will see if I can find them when they come out next month.
Check out the size of the Bumblebee Helmet behind he crowd on the right, that must be one MASSIVE Bumblebee!!
Actually that’s just Kevin transforming into Linebuster Prime.
Transformers, Take Fivers in disguise!
looks more like somekind of pokemon thing to me. It doesn’t look very bumblebee-ish to me other than being yellow.
Bite your tonque! It looks “helmety” and is right behind a wall of Transformer Pictures!! Pokemon, sheesh…you’re fired!
Maybe it’s Big Helmet from SpaceBalls? He’s gone yellow on us.
lol i cant tell what it is.. hhaha the only reason i think maybe pokemon is because of the tip of the point that looks like an ear is black… hahah but hey if its a huge bumblebee helment that is FREAKING COOL!!!! i have been glued to this alllll dayy hahahah i was hoping for some twitter posts hahah i only signed up for the account haha because met said extra posts and im all over that!!! hahah
It’s pokemon. There is a bumblebee by hasbros booth. Huge.
Ha told you PD. can’t confuse transformers for pokemon stuff, thats like calling Mater a matchbox car!
I admit it I was too hopefull!!! Today in TRU I asked if we could have the Transformers giant wall posters but they claim they get sent back when they are done with them…wood have been SOOO cool on my office wall!!
were littlest pet shop there
You mean Dark Helmet, don’t you?
Yeah, that’s Pikachu in the photo. Hasbro did have a huge Bumblebee along wit a life sized Bumblebee Camaro. I’ll post my photos 🙂
I don’t know… you would think by now after all these conventions that the organizers would get it right… I’ve been to a few shows… Star Wars Celebrations, and some ny/nj local shows and the lines for everything always center around an exclusive purchase.
At celebration 2 for Star Wars I waited hours for the Jorge Sacul Action Figure… wasted almost a whole day waiting on these lines for more shelf fodder…
I wish there was a way to locate all company exclusives to a separate shop area. Celebration 4 in LA tried this with a separate room for the convention exclusives… It was MASSIVE… but only for convention exclusives, not the individual vendor exclusives. The lines for the Gentle Giant, Hasbro and Mattel stuff clogged up the whole convention floor… makes it hard to enjoy the show that way… plus the fights and arguing… wow… there has to be an easier way…
And to make matters worse, at Celebration 2 and 3 the event planners did not have a handle on the vendors, so you would wait outside in the line to get to say Gentle giant only to get in the doors to find ANOTHER line of vendors who lined up before the opening of the doors!!! At least at C4 they put a stop to it as much as they could… Vendor badges only got you served on the last day of the show… (But the vendors bought general admission badges and got around it anyway…) But man… you should have seen the Vendor rush to the Gentle Giant booth at C4 in LA… talk about the running of the bulls…
Oh well… I ramble… Just excited because an announcement is pending for Celebration 5 for 2010… WOHOO… come on, say it with me… Star Wars themed Mater Tales!!!!!!
Anyone? Anyone?
Omg, I was there at Celebration II, and that was terrible. You couldn’t get into half the stuff, as the entire day was ‘the line ride.’ The most me and some classmates from animation school at the time were able to do, was attend a panel with FX Supervisor John Knoll.
Carrie Fisher was there the day we went, but you’d most likely have to spend your entire day waiting to see her.
I long for the old days of Comic-Con. My first time was in summer of 1995, and it was really amazing for a teenager at the time. I didn’t attend any panels, but just moved around the convention floor. The last time I went was in 2000, and then braved lines and crowds to get an Autograph ticket to see Rumiko Takahashi-it was her 2nd (and i think most recent) time she visited the US.
I did… one long morning of sitting on the floor in the halls of the convention center waiting to get to Carrie Fisher… time went quick… was sitting with a group of people…
Best was at Celebration 3… went to a *ahem* local *ahem* gentlemans club… was there with a sea of obvious convention goers with a friend of mine… met Temaura Morrison and Body Taylor there (Jango Fett and Clone Trooper to the unknowing)… funny that no one else seemed to notice them… I sent a round to their table and was invited over… we were out till 3 or 4 in the morning… Next day I just had to get their autograph (not normally an autograph collector) I got up to Morrison and was greeted to a bit of a verbal bashing for keeping him out too late and making him tardy for his signing appearance… got a nice autograph though… “To Scott… Thanks for the beers at the Red Garter…” Was a great night!
My fave celeb encounter was at a previous Chicago con, when the now-deceased Stan Winston appeared.
I got to his panel early, and sat in the second row. 10 minutes before the panel comes in, this grey-haired guy with glasses comes in quietly, sits in the row in front of me, and after a few minutes, asks the family next to him: ‘who are we waiting for?’
Stan sat there calmly, and endured some of my fan-gushing over his work on A.I. as well, though he was more enamored with the family he was sitting with).
Afterwards, I got in line for autographs, and he signed my A.I. DVD and poster. I remember his assistant handed him a silver-ink pen since the A.I. poster was largely a black canvas. But Stan just had to think different. So, he signed a personalization in the ‘A’ on the poster.
Nothing wild, but it was amazing to see how gracious and humble he was to fans and those in attendace…though he never did come back to Chicago after that year.
Who SAYS we’re in a recession!?!?
his hair is long……mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh
I think the people who run SDCC used to run class registration at the University of Illinois. Holy Cow!!
or the DMV
All three one in the same?
Turn the camera around Met! 😀
So which one is the mysterious MET???
Oh shoot – he took this picture, didn’t he. Figures! I guess he’ll remain faceless.
ha ha – I was thinking the same thing, make a trip to SDCC to just to see if Met really is human!
I have been told he is tall and short, fat and thin, caucasion and hispanic, old and young, hope this helps!
🙂 – thanks PD!
He is also bald and has a full head of hair.
Wanted to be out there today. 😀 Oh well..maybe next year. Can’t wait to see all the awesome pictures from Met. Thankz
Hahaha, I am so glad everyone is there… but I sure am having a hard time waiting for MET’s hi res photos with comical captions 😀