Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: 2022 2-Pack Card Preview …
Thanks, “David V.” for the great photos.
The “new” designation seems to be for a real TOW Mater with a giant tow hook … I’m presuming it’s not a special Lightning but rather just a hook on Mater large enough to tow any 1:55 diecast … but until in hand, it’s just a guess …
This is the 1st “general” release of CAS 1 Gasprin Floyd Mulvihill & CARS 1 Vinyl Toupee Crusty Motors with the eyelid line …
Also intriguing, the FIRST time a mainline seres has TWO card designs … will we get card designs for all themes? The two so far can be defined as Radiator Springs and Raceway ones but what about others that do not fit in each of these 2 themes? Will each “poster” theme have its own slightly different card design.
First release of Melissa Bernabrake with the eyelid line.
Get ready for 2022!
I saw 27 different 2022 cards so far… ALL repeat! Very disappointed.
Another interesting note, the case for Flo and Ramone has been specially designed to fit their fins. It used to be Mattel would just angle them slightly so they’d fit in there. Not anymore.
It is about time they are giving Mater a usable hook!
Not only that, but it could be a really great two pack depending on what expression McQueen has!
It seems that this McQueen should be different as if you look closely, there is dust on his body…
Yeah, Quercy noted that as well, I see. Good observation. I am hoping for an expression on his face similar to the one on the card.
Taking a closer look at the 4 different two packs it looks like none of the cars has a segmented front end, especially McQueen. I hope they have done away with that practice for good!
Looking closer at Tongue Lightning McQueen (which I always understood to be Finish Line McQueen) as listed on the Piston Cup 11-pack box, his front end is segmented and is a different red since it is unpainted plastic. Very disappointed with the nonmatching reds.
So much for my theory on no more segmented front ends!
(MET: I’ll open mine soon and we’ll know for sure.
Have you noticed Maddy McGear cards always have the 95 flag on the opposite side except the Fan Favorites card is showing the flag on the correct side.
Interesting how they no longer have the separate name plate in the plastic die-casts area, it’s now on the card itself. Is the area behind the die-casts clear plastic? Or is that just a different colored cardboard back there?
I assume it is all printed on a single card. The plastic part is bonded same as usual.
Looks like they have reduced packaging-instead of the insert with the name plate between the two plastic shells (inner and outer) they solved it in one stroke by just printing the name on the card and only one outer plastic shell. Actually a pretty good idea.
As far as the background behind the vehicles, since it is the same for each package it looks to me like the different colored cardboard as you mentioned. Also, after I looked at them a few times, I finally noticed the Metal emblem has been moved to the upper right inside the plastic shell on the backround.
McQueen seems to have some dirt… not as much as the Dirt Track version but more than Road Repair version…
Melissa Bernabrake was only available with an eyelid line. It’s just a re-release. Crusty Motors was already with eyelid line (Piston Cup Racer 11-pack 2021).
Technically that was made in Vietnam. The 2022 Crusty will likely be from Thailand. Yes eyelid lines on both but this will still be a slightly new variant.