Article Archive for 8 November 2018

Posted in Apple, Disney Pixar CARS 3, Disney Store on 8 November 2018
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The Disney Store JP Drive, the Apple Piston Cup racer from CARS 3. Definitely available in Japan and EU – a few people have mentioned it’s available in the US but since I don’t live near a Disney Store anymore, hard for me to tell. What say you? As usual, it’s nicely done and SOLID […]

Posted in Lego on 8 November 2018
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The 3rd US LEGOLAND is coming to the Catskills, NY (about 60 miles outside of NYC). The other two are in SD and Florida. Themed areas will include: The Factory–The beginning of the LEGOLAND New York experience that leads to a world that appears to be built of LEGO bricks. The first stop is the […]