Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Deluxe Windlifter with “Sunglasses”
Thanks for the pics, “Carl P.”
While the screenshot is updated, they either did not bother to update the nameplate on the card or these were a mistake that Mattel is selling off themselves? It’s not just a one-off error as the photo on the website is the regular Windlifter nameplate (in fact, there is actually NO reference on the page to Windlifter with Glasses except the photos).
It seems to be identical except for gluing on some glasses.
Below is a photo of the original Windlifter, the difference between this one and the Glasses version are that the left-right wheels are on the inside in this photo but on the Glasses version, the arm looks the same but the wheel is on the outside – Windlifter from the film has a straight up & down gear but I’m guessing on a diecast, it’s not strong enough to hold it up so it needs to be wider but not sure why one has the wheels on the inside and one on the outside of the gear.
Thanks “Carl P.”
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