Warning…Slow Posting Ahead
Hey all you Take5ers!
Tizmanian here…
Just a heads up that we will be in the aisles and the warehouses for a bit so you won’t see new content for a few days.
But in the interim, here are some fighting squirrels:

Boxing Squirrel Day is Big in Canada
Have a great week!
MET HERE – GMAIL still temporarily borked so if you’ve been emailing me, try me at metroxing@takefiveaday.com – thanks!
Good news to all take5aday fans Met is coming back tomorrow! !!!!!!
Where you guys at? It’s chaos out there without your guidance. hope all is well
(MET: Coming back soon!)
Hi Met, on vacation?
Buying all the case D cars?
Cross Country Road trip in his Bentley?
Writing a new book?
Long Cruise around the World?
Hired by Mattel?
Your fans are wondering.
(MET: 🙂 Hi BMW! Be back soon!)
You left out abducted by aliens !
Come back, come back, wherever you are!
I have to say I’m going through Disney Car news withdrawl, hurry back Met!
I did find a Dr. Mater mask up 2016 Toon re-release, along with Nurse GTO, and on the card back besides the last couple of years of toon re-releases, the only newer one for 2016 was Tex from Heavy Metal Mater.
Hmmm, should we start organizing a search party for Met? It’s been over two full weeks since he was sighted.
I’ll start a topic. I received one of the “Holley Shiftwell with Taser” the other day, and she is BRIGHT purple. Glaringly different than all her previous incarnations, and she just looks wrong.
(MET: I’m still on planet Earth … be back soon!)
Agreed… She almost look pink ! First time she appear facing left as single… well, except the Lights & Sounds version…
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