Mattel Disney Planes Fire & Rescue: Deluxe Blade Ranger is Definitely Deluxe
In the nicest upgrade, the “oversized” Deluxe PLANES of Planes: Fire & Rescue are not only better sized but have moving features!
Blade Ranger.
Most of Blade is diecast metal – everything above the white cab portion and below the rotor blades is diecast metal. The left door is diecast metal but does not open.
The door that opens is plastic.
The back tail area is split 50-50 diecast & plastic (if you look closely, you can see the line under the words PISTON PEAK) where it splits (the bottom half is plastic).
It’s very cool, the hoist hook assembly tucks inside. To lower, simply pull on the hook … to raise, spin the propeller blades counter clockwise and it winds back up!
Close up of hook.
It really works!
Size comparison to Lightning.
Comparison of Lightning & Mattel Dusty.
Compared to Deluxe Windlifter. (more photos tomorrow).
What Blade Ranger will look like in stores.
Available for pre-order at Amazon & Walmart.

looks great. like an AW139
I bought the Disney store ‘Windlifter’ bc its surely the one to be closest in scale but Mattels ‘Bladeranger’ might be close; what do others think?
I found these at Fry’s Electronics last week!
Yes, I’ll probably end up getting these after all.