Disney Pixar CARSLand: Sarge’s Hut or My House?
Sarge’s Hut or My Display?
Okay, it’s Sarge’s Hut at CARSLAND – my display is not quite as nice (plywood and dirt is almost the same) – though I would never mistakenly put two of the above CARS in a Wheel Well display. 🙂
Thanks for the great pics, “Nikko.” The little piazza looks great – but how many CARS do NOT belong here.
The fountain is very cool!
It’s Towin Eoin on the bridge.
Scaled next to Alex Carvill & giant Mach just behind him.
This would make for a nice 2nd MSOS set though I’m sure they figure “no one would want this one also.”
Next time you’re there, slap a UPC on the bottom of this for $99, then try and carry it to the checkout counter. 🙂
Or you think me slapping a post-it note on the back, “SAVE DISPLAY FOR MET” will work? 😆
It would be nice to call up and say, “John Lasseter says to send us every car coming out this year … and be quick about it.”
Grem with camera (coming soon).
Thanks for the great pics, “Nikko.”

Otto Bon’s coming? He’s next to the other chiefs!
Yes, I’ve had a Chinese back door “Otto Bonn” for several months now.
The Wheel Well display should also not have the Allinol chemist’s beaker in there either (by Guido and his glasses).
It’s one of ‘those’ parties.
Wouldn’t it be great if they made the Maserati fountain?
that’s not alex carvill. that is an unreleased wgp security van with the same body style as officer murakarmi. alex carvill is a fiat panda.
Alex is actually on the left side of Mach.
But yeah, that is a new WGP security van.
thanks i see alex now. didnt see him earlier.
There are a lot of Cars in there that we don’t have. The hunt continues.
Lovely. Its Jungle Miles and Petey? at the Wheel Well.
A nice showcase of current and upcoming releases all mixed together. I can see kids standing in front pointing and saying to their parents, I don’t have that one or this one.
The village display would have been epic with Franca and Francesca dancing with Guido and Luigi with the topolino band behind them.
Are you confusing Rusty for Petey?
Technically, Jungle Miles, Mel Dorado, Johnathan Wrenchworth, Rusty, and Donna Pits are all wrong … perhaps Mildred Bylane too.
Mildred is Red’s girlfriend. She is in the right spot.
True, but didn’t she move away? (according to canon). Plus, I often wondered how Red could have met her during the Second World War, when he is so clearly a late 50’s fire engine. (I know, I’m _really_ overthinking this).
Maybe Mildred is really a “Cougar.”
I’ve been asking this for years. I believe Red had to have some kind of ‘surgery’ to update his style from the 40’s to the 50’s. Maybe he was injured during a fire or rescue attempt? Their story could easily be made into a short; and imagine the treasure trove of WWII style Cars(and Tanks,etc.) that could be made from it. I think I’ll go finish my draft now.
@5oclockshadow; I like the way you’re thinking!!
Oooh, I was there just last week and took pics as well, mainly for my friend, but these pics are much nicer. Way to go!
They also had the Time Travel Mater sets with Stanley and Lizzie’s wedding and Radiator Springs Beginnings, which was really exciting because last year I went in August and they were all sold out by then. 🙂
Thanks for the pics Nikko!
I am in awe.
If they made that “Wheel Well” display as a simple vacuform backdrop, they’d sell a bunch I bet. I’m surprised how many new and not on market Cars are in these displays.
At least they didn’t insult us by including the Apple #84 Racer.