Article Archive for 16 March 2014

Posted in Food on 16 March 2014
Stats: and 1 Comment
“Not surprisingly, the longer the food was allowed commune with the floor, the more bacteria it accumulated. And the surfaces differed in how likely they were to transfer the bacteria, with carpeting being the least likely, and tiled surfaces and laminate the most likely. “We have found evidence that transfer from indoor flooring surfaces is […]

Posted in Disney Pixar, Disney Pixar CARS 3 on 16 March 2014
Stats: and 4 Comments
“Wraukn,” sends along fun pics of the Japanese box set of Tomy Takara’s Shu Todoroki, Mach (Crew Chief) and his Pitty. I like that his Pitty’s headset is removeable. Anyone read Japanese? Does his Pitty have an actual name? Tomy’s CARS are smaller, closer to 1:64 scale. The Pitty is about the same scale as […]