TakeFiveaDay – Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Checklist Magazine Themes 2013 & Radiator Springs Classic Available Now!
Our checklist magazine #10 is ready and on sale at MagCloud.com.
This issue features every release for the Themes 2013 & Radiator Springs Classic series’ released in 2013.
Here is a sample page – you can view pages online also (Click on READ SAMPLE).
Overall, it was a great year with over 80 new or revised releases – as noted, the retail situation was not good but the actual releases were nice.
Remember when you buy an issue, you help support TakeFiveaDay.
It should also go without saying but apparently there are a few people who are printing out issues to sell or give out to others – should I really need to ask – what are you thinking? “Sticking” it to the man? Er, we’re basically 3 guys who do this part time – and I should point out there are no other places where you get a yearly recap of EVERY release open and unopened? That includes EVERY Chase, Super Chase and Exclusive. Each one is an original high resolution photo (taken by us or contributed by one of our readers). We do NOT lift photos off the internet. So, unlike other guides where the resolution varies from photo to photo – our photos are all high res and cleaned to removed anomalies. So, if you like it, buy an issue but when you pirate issues, it helps NO ONE. Thanks for all those who actually support this site, thanks!
You can check all our other issues HERE – thanks!

ooo I need this one badly! I can’t believe people steal your zine 🙁 well actually sadly I can. What a complete and total bummer.
I love these…thanks! Been waiting for this!
Excited about new issue! Thank you for all the work that you all put into this hobby to make it even more fun.
Petey seems a bit shy.
(MET: I included an extra shot of Petey at the end since 75% of his accessories are in the back and left side).
Was Google Books the thief?
(MET: No, it’s some people who bought the digital file and then made copies … I should point out we make like $10 a copy that we sell so I’m not exactly sure where we get lumped in with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ 🙂 … ).
I’m astounded that anyone would be as inconsiderate as to steal material from the guys who run take5! Sheesh. Sorry to hear it, Met. Keep up the good work. I’m sadly lacking checklist magazines in my library and wondered if there was a package available that let a person buy all ten at once? An option like that may reel in the enthusiastic new collector who might not otherwise know where to start with which editions to purchase first. Just a thought. Thanks again for all your tireless hard work.
(MET: Strangely, MagCloud does not offer a tiered discount or even coupons – they do have occasion sales which we try and tell you about but sometimes they have quirky “IT’S ON SALE FOR 2 HOURS! sales” – basically, the numbered editions are by year/theme except for issue 8 which just covers the rarities … CARS diecasts – now 8 years strong (9 issues because Lenticulars are split from Night Skyline/Final Lap).
This once again proves that Take5 is the only Cars site that can truly be the Historian for this hobby.
And sadly it should come as no surprise that counterfeit issues are being sold, when you realize the depths some collectors already go by promoting and purchasing back door counterfeit Cars diecasts from China.