Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: 2014 Kmart 2-packs First to Market, Not So Much …
So, while the first retail 2014 2-pack Movie Moments case is not terribly exciting (CASE F), there was hope that the Kmart First-to-Market CASE A would contain better releases scheduled.
Well, 3 of the releases in the case are:
So, clearly these 3 are not the first to market … hopefully the other 2 are but of course, if these are 3 of the 5 2-packs in the case, there is clearly not going to be an in-store rush.
« Mattel Disney PLANES: Next Diecast Singles Circling the Retail Landing Zone (Wave 2) | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: 2014 2-Packs Nine of Eleven » |

^ you only listed 2 what is the third?
I’m guessing Met meant that the case has two of one of these two-packs and one of the other? Leaving two unknowns? (Which could both be the same, or two different packs)
(MET: Sorry for the confusion. There are 5 2-packs in the KM case, 3 of which are now known (as they are the same in CASE F). That leaves 2 of the remaining different 2-packs in the case unknown as of now …).