Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Dieast: Kmart CARS Day #10 Update FAQ
Hope you’re Kmart CARS Day #10 went well. So, which one was your experience?
1) You have enough Kmart’s in your area so you had no problems getting the CARS you wanted. You also got the white printout poster – woohoo! Complete!
2) You have no Kmart’s in your area so it’s like being in Italy (minus the scenery, the food and the history. 🙂 ).
3) Your Kmart’s had no idea what you were talking about.
4) You have a few Kmart’s in your area (well, one per 2-million people) so slim pickings.
So, whether you got a nice 5 or repeats, unlike the previous years, you get an extra bonus of a “free” John Lassetire (green) AND a Muggsy Liftsome.
QUESTION – Am I getting both or one of the two?
There was some question whether it was EITHER/OR but the banner clearly notes that it’s for both and they not only ALL-CAPPED the word AND but also highlighted it in yellow.
You have further legal recourse as the mailing label reads: Reference Number 603415
Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire – once again, an AND not a OR.
QUESTION – I need to buy the 5 diecasts from an actual Kmart store, right?
Yes, the legalese specifically reads, “original Kmart retail store receipt.”
QUESTION – So, if I order a case from, I cannot use that receipt?
Right. That’s seems to be the case, a purchase of 24 CARS in a case does not make them eligible. But if you want a case anyway, here’s the ordering info ONLINE Now.
QUESTION – So, do I need 1 receipt for every 5 CARS diecasts purchased or can I buy all of them on one receipt?
Here is ALL the legalese offered by Mattel with this promotion:
You may order a maximum of five (5) sets per household. To order up to 5, please change the quantity above and click the update button.
Please note: For each set ordered, you will need to supply the blister cards and original Kmart retail store receipt showing a purchase of five (5) Mattel Disney Pixar Cars Character Cars from assortment numbers P7001, V2796 and/or Y0471, plus $3.50 shipping & processing.
Place bottom portion (of the order form) inside envelope with Check or Money Order, along with 5blister cards and original Kmart retail store receipt(s).
So, what can we gleam from it?
You must buy 5 CARS to get the 2 Deluxe CARS. If you buy 10, you get 4, etc, etc …
Each household may only mail away 5 redemptions. (You may of course use a different address which counts as a different household to redeem up to 5 more offers).
There is also some question whether you need 1 receipt for each 5 diecasts purchased or whether you can buy 25 all at once one receipt if your Kmart has that many diecasts. There is NOTHING in the legalese saying they must be on separate receipts and the redemption site lets you enter up to 5 “sets” as your redemption order, I see no legal out for them NOT to accept up to 25 diecasts purchased together – of course, be sure to enter 5 as your redemption number AND pay $3.50 as postage/handing for EACH 2-Deluxe set (or $17.50 on your credit card or check if you’re doing 5).
Also note, receipt eligibility starts October 19, 2013 and runs to November 16, 2013.
QUESTION – So, I mail in the entire blister card, not just the UPC?
YES, in this redemption offer, it looks like they want the entire blister card (you can toss the plastic bubble). So, you will need to mail in 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 blister cards NOT just the UPC.
(from the West Coast, it’s $1.32 to mail in 5 blister cards, & the form).
QUESTION – What cards are eligible?
Unlike previous or other promotions – there are ONLY THREE singles cards listed as eligible/qualifying:
V2796 which are the CARS 2 Porto Corsa carded singles (2011-2012)
Y0471 which are the CARS Themes 2013 cards (the current series)
P7001 which are the lenticular singles from 2009 to 2010.
Here is what the cards look like – of course, all CARS released within this series (including Super Chases) are eligible.
So, only these three series blister cards are eligible.
So, if it’s NOT pictured, it’s not eligible. AND that also means Kmart Porto Corsa cards are NOT NOT eligible. So, if it looks like the card above but not exactly (such as the Kmart Porto Corsa cards with the Kmart snipe) – NOT eligible.
QUESTION – How closely will they match the receipt to the blister cards?
I don’t know. Strangely while they might imply/presume that the blister cards should match the receipt, legally, it says NOTHING on the matter.
Place bottom portion (of the order form) inside envelope with Check or Money Order, along with 5blister cards and original Kmart retail store receipt(s).
So, while the legalese notes the only eligible card series must be shown ON the receipt (and that you purchased them at a Kmart retail store between 10.19.13 and 11.16.13).
For each set ordered, you will need to supply the blister cards and original Kmart retail store receipt showing a purchase of five (5) Mattel Disney Pixar Cars Character Cars from assortment numbers P7001, V2796 and/or Y0471, plus $3.50 shipping & processing.
It actually says nothing about the blister cards must match the receipt UPC’s. It might be implied but implied is just that, NOT a legal or technical “requirement.” So, it’s obviously safer to mail in the blister cards from your purchase the other day from Kmart, but either it’s an oversight or they don’t care. I should point out that I’m NOT saying you have 100% legal ground, just pointing out they specifically note all the requirements needed to redeem this offer but they say nothing that the blister card & UPC’s must match the receipt. So, good luck and if you try this, let us know how it goes.
First Lightning with all silver rims.
So to recap:
Buy 5 CARS diecast from the above 3 series only at a Kmart retail store only.
Get a printed register receipt.
Pull the plastic bubble from the blister cards.
Go to Mattel’s site HERE to fill out the form.
Print it out (both pages, page 1 is your mailing label, page 2 is your “invoice.”)
Put that form in an envelope with your blister cards and check/MO unless you used your credit card.
Mail it. (Starts shipping on October 31).
Enjoy your open diecasts. Make Vrooom noises or tell jokes from the Big Book of Knock-Knock jokes in your best Mater voice.
QUESTION – When is Kmart CARS Day #11?
Ack, the icosahedral die fell out my magic 8 ball. Must clean shoes of blue dye. Ack. (BTW, Mattel owns Magic 8 ball now).
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Kmart CARS Day #10 – TODAY In-Stores! | Disney Pixar CARS: “Michael Wallis confirms there will be a Cars 3″ » |

Recieved mine today! yippeee!
I may march down and by 5 more cars…hmm tough decisions…
I just received my 2 sets today & they are sooooooooooo great ! Like Poniac michigan said they are a must for your collection & well worth it .
Received my 2 sets of Lassetire and Liftsome in today USPS
mail. Must say these are great vehicles. Packing is excellent….
no damaged at all to any of the 4 carded vehicles.
Muggsy is noted as Deluxe, with the K-Mart sticker.
Lassetire in on a Deluxe size bubble pack, but not labeled
as Deluxe, but does have the K-Mart snipe sticker. Well worth
all the matching up of cards and receipt tapes. Amazing that I
received this within the week since the K-Mart “event” or really
“Non-Event”. Don’t miss these for your collection if you haven’t already
send away.
Just checked on the status of my order and it shipped yesterday with a scheduled delivery day of Thursday! WOOO WOO
Thank you for your recent order. The following items have shipped and are expected to arrive within 3-7 business days.
Part Number Description Qty Price Tax Total Shipped Date
BMN67-9991 October Kmart Cars Promo 4 $0 $0 $0 10/24/2013
Click here for tracking information.
All items in your order may not be listed if one or more items are backordered or originating from an alternate ship location. If all items in your order are not listed, please look forward to receiving another email including a shipment summary of the remaining items.
Mattel Consumer Relations
UPS has scheduled delivery for Tuesday!
Wow…. I just received an email today that my cars have shipped !!
I live in a major US city and the only Kmart is 40 minutes from me I trekked downs there and all the cars where dumped in a plastic bin no where near the display of cars or planes. The good stuff was gone but managed to snag a couple things. I have sent in for my freebies!
I received my order confirmation also . I did ship it this time with signature confirmation just to be on the safe side. My order was received by them on Monday & my email confirmation was sent to me today.
help !!
I wasn’t able to make it to the collector’s event, but I have since purchased 5 cars for the mail in offer. I was able to get MIldred Bylane (Retro card), Miguel Camino and Max Schnell (both WGP cards), Race Team Mater (Maters card), and Petrov Trunkov (Porto Corsa card). Can anyone tell me with some degree of surety if this combo will work? Or, except for the Porto Corsa card, do all the others have be from the collectors event? Any/all help will be appreciated. I’m on the road and away from some of my usual resources and, in addition, my own local Kmart store is closing and had no day 10. THANKS!
(MET: Basically any single you find at a Kmart should be fine except for any cards With a Kmart snipe).
I’m not sure if I should be worried. I noticed the barcode # on my mailing slip did not match the case # from the confirmation email. It would make sense they matched but I mailed out my card backs already. Anyone else have a different barcode # versus their case #? Thanks.
I received e-mail confirmation of both my orders today
Hello JOHN,
The following request has been received. We’ll send another email with shipping information when this order ships.
Description Qty Price Tax Total Order Date
Shipping & Handling 1 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 10/19/2013
October Kmart Cars Pro 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10/19/2013
Total $17.50
Please do not forget to mail in your original Kmart retail store receipt(s), appropriate number of basic car blister cards (5 per set), and check or money order (unless you paid by credit card) for $3.50 each to: Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire, PO Box 1229, East Aurora, NY 14052. Requests must be postmarked by 11/23/2013 and received by 12/6/2013. You will receive your Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire set(s)in approximately 8-12 weeks after we receive your completed order form, blister cards, original receipt(s) and payment. You will receive an additional email, including shipment information and an estimated delivery timeframe once your order has shipped.
Mattel Consumer Relations Team
Parts can be purchased online by visiting and clicking on the Replacement Parts and Add-Ons button.
Maybe I missed it but can I send in 2 receipts with the 10 blisters along with a $7.00 money order in the same envelope of does it have to be 2 separate envelopes ??????
Thanks for the help
(MET: You did change quantity to 2? If so, you’re ok … you are using a US address, right?)
IF……your order was for TWO rebates I would think so YES
Hi Met
Yes, I used a US address
I am a little bit worried as I keep getting this message
We apologize
Due to high contact volume, we are unable to complete your order at this time.
Please come back or call the appropriate number for further assistance.
Thank you for your patience.
Is this usual ?
Kept trying and just received the message from Kmart
The following request has been received. We’ll send another email with shipping information when this order ships.
Whew !!!!! I was getting freaked out
I paid by credit card online. Are we supposed to get a receipt that we paid online? I did not get any receipt! Anyone here who paid by credit card got a receipt? I wonder if I did something wrong.
The official rules stated on #2. Mail d) a check or money order payable to MATTEL (or a receipt printed from an online payment made via credit card)
(MET: Mattel will only charge you when they get your cards and prep your shipment so even when they get it, it should be no early than right around October 29th or 30th).
Also, My print out is not showing the bar code. Will this post a problem? I did write the reference number from the mailing lable on the order form.
Thank you for any replies.
Same here…
It should be fine since you have the numbers, it means they have to enter it manually.
I’m still flinching and twitching from my experiences yesterday but none of it is Kmart’s fault.
I had little to no sleep overnight Friday to Saturday but that had less to do with excitement and anticipation than the fact a full moon turned my children batspit crazy and they didn’t sleep so neither did I. Regardless, I have to leave my house at 5 am to make the seven-hour round trip to the nearest Kmart by 9 am so I checked the weather forecast one last time (in my part of the world, all bets are off for blizzard-free highway travel after the first of October) and then I left.
I drove in the dark and the rain until I hit the Canada/USA border where I met freezing rain followed by – surprise- snow squalls. After about 20 minutes with near zero visibility on the part of the Interstate where there is NOWHERE ELSE TO GO for fifty miles, it switched back to rain. I pulled into the Kmart parking lot and rechecked the forecast. Sure enough, while I was on the road, the national weather service revised it to include a winter storm advisory with up to four inches of snow due. Super.
Kmart was an all-you-can-carry buffet of Cars and I was the only one to show so I had a nice, hour-long chat with the employee who gets stuck running every event. I picked what I needed and left LOTS of great characters (Ruka and Rip etc) for the shoppers who’d bumble past later in the day. Then I climbed back in my car (it had started snowing again) and drove straight home another 3.5 hours.
By the time I made it back to my house mid-afternoon, I felt like something the cat dragged in, ate, and then threw up on the welcome mat. Appropriately, one of my young sons picked that moment to suddenly barf everywhere as soon as I walked in the front door. And his younger brother started to do the same just after midnight today. Which probably explains their wild and restless sleeps the night before.
So, as far as Kmart Collector Day 10 is concerned, I couldn’t have asked for a better event. As far as the kids go (and now the man of the house has it too) it’s kind of an ongoing hot mess. Plus my jaw is permanently clenched from the 400-mile round trip on dicey, possibly icy roads. After an almost completely sleepless night. And another. I love flu season.
Now I just have to find a way to open all these packages I’d rather be saving for a rainy day so I can submit them for the mail-in offer. Fun stuff!
(MET: T5 sitcom! I’m stealing your story for the pilot so if you see a very similar story, it’s just your imagination. 🙂 BTW, don’t forget, US mailing addresses only).
Okay. In the meantime, Sandra Bullock called and said that after she’s finished accepting her boatload of Oscars for Gravity, she wants you to cast her as me in the t5 pilot of this episode. (Hahaha.)
There is a small town on the American side of the border whose entire economy seems to be based on Canadians looking for a USA postal address, so I’m covered there. They know me and laugh every time I come to pick up my monthly crate of Cars cases. And in addition to TWO gas stations, the town also boasts an USPS office from which to mail in my offer. The only hitch is the two trips I’ll have to make to drop off and pick up the mail-in. The roads really do get sketchy at this time of year, more so than in the dead of winter when everything is good and frozen.
Has anyone received an email confirmation from Mattel? I did it yesturday and did not receive an email.
It will take a couple of days it will have a subject line:
In Reference to Case Number: ******** which will be your order number
If you want a copy of the mailing label, I can scan one for you.
Cardbacks can be all the same or different, just make sure the assortment codes qualify.
so I was not thinking and clicked on the link and went through the press and at the end it wanted to print the label. I was on my ipod and could not print. Now I can not get back to the same place so I can print. It tells me I have already ordered. Can I send in without thier printed label because I payed with my credit card and it all should match up or can I get to the check out to print the shipping label.
(MET: The easiest solution is to redo it – if you never send in the cards, they will simply ignore your “first order.” The mailing label is NOT as important as page two which lets the order processor scan the barcode to link up your order so simply redo – a hassle that you have to retype the info but it’s the simplest … remember next time on your ipad/iphone without airprint, you can simply snap a photo of your screen or in this case, 2 screens (press the home & power button at the same time is the ipad/iphone screen snap command) – a JPEG is placed in your photo album – then just email it to a computer to print out – good luck!).
Here is a copy of the mailing label:
(MET: Do NOT use someone else’s mailing label – everyone has a DIFFERENT barcode link – see below for what you should do).
All the reference numbers are unique, so I wouldn’t duplicate that mailing label.
Instead, handwrite the address and add the Case Number that they email you.
FIXED: I erased the reference number, thanks john
On my laptop, (press the home & power button at the same time) opens the mini beer fridge door….
This may be a dumb question but does it have to be 5 different cars? For example can I send in the card backs from two metallic rips, two boosts and a McQueen or does it have to be five different card backs from different cars like one McQueen, one boost, one sheriff, one rip, one sarge?
(MET: As long as you buy 5, it can be all the same CAR diecast or up to 5 different ones).
Thanks Met!!!!!
maybe a dumb question…do the special DECO RIP and LM cards qualify as a 2013 card back? I know it sounds crazy but with not-so-KSmart…who knows..
(MET: This year’s 2 metallic CARS count because they are technically not KM exclusives (no KM snipe) ).
Discovery! …the assortment number is located just above the Mattel logo on the back of the card…been at this since Cars 1-Day 1 and just figured that out..!
Yea i sent you the link below here to find it minutes ago
I wondered the same thing, and bought all of mine on a separate receipts. However, I did buy a combined 5 of them on 1 receipt where all the cards had been bent. If that order succeeds I will open all the rest and mail them in for the promotion. They DO come in a case labeled Y0471, but like you said, you never know how Mattel will classify these. …one more thing, no Kmart sticker is certainly encouraging that they do qualify.
james, you have to check the assortment codes on the back lower right of the card. let me know what they are.
With no Kmart snipe, does that mean they will be re-issued in another case (other than Kmart)?
(MET: Well, not on the Themes 2013 card but for openers, it does mean it’s in the “rotation,” which means it could be re-released in 2 cases or like Lizzie, 5 years later :-/ … so like the CIA, hope for the best, expect the worst).
My situation is the second one… :/
So how do I do this?
The cashier rang one of my three sets up with one car rather than the mix that was actually in there. Sadly, I have to make a half an hour trip today to remedy the situation and have them re-ring the correct receipt. I don’t want to take any chances……
I’m sending in the EXACT cardbacks from my receipts. The same people who shined a spotlight on the Ivan primotion’s shenanigans are now publicly saying it’s OK to send in any ol’ cardbacks. That is simply unethical.
Did you really, mmmm???
No chances. I cracked Kmart purchased Cars to be safe. If anyone does the opposite with success, please let everyone know.