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Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Kmart CARS Day #10 – TODAY In-Stores!

Remember, it now starts at 9 AM, Not 11:00 AM.

Yes, your local time zone so fuel up early – either you will face a madhouse of Mardi Gras like crowds fighting over a few cases of CARS or Ghost Town USA in your local Kmart USA.

If you have never been, arrive slightly before 9 AM (door opens then?), you will draw for tickets, if your number is called, you will be allowed to select 5 CARS.

Instead of covering a lot of old ground, just read this earlier post that explains why CARS Day #10 is special and maybe not so special including details on the promotional mail-away and receipt details.

Here’s what it looked like like in the Kmart CARS Day Golden Days days of yore (2008 to 2011) … instead of Bubonic Siege CARS Day of Today … Really, it was more than a white shelf-taker sign! Really!

Km sign
So, let us know how your in-store visit went?

Was it breathtaking full of CARS like the yesteryears when Michael Jordan, Stan Musial and the SI Swimsuit Models were there to dole out CARS?

(I’m fairly certain this was the scenario at my Kmart or pretty close … does a Kevin NASCARBronco sighting count the same?)


Did you get 6 CASES worth of CARS?

Kmart Shelf

Nicely shelved as with EVERY Kmart, right?

How about some master cartons and a free register tape for all the receipts you need?

Kmart 10-16 Boxes

Good luck! Snap some pics!


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  • Dunroamin says:

    Got notice my promos shiped today…yippee…can’t wait to see John!

  • COLE6969 says:

    I went to the KMART in Henderson KY. It was me and one other guy, down one person from June.
    That store had put them out, manager took them off and brought them out to us, looks like they had one master carton, no Ruka, got all others.
    What do you do with the cars after you open the pacakges, they feel cold and strange to me. LOL
    I must say Mattel redemption is PERFECT, great communication. Kudos to them for that !

    • NascarFan says:

      Warm them up with donations to homeless shelter children…it will warm up these little hearts too.

      We here in Utah are donating about 120 cars this month for kids at The Road Home right about Halloween.

      Anyone who has extra unwanted toys and or cars, hotwheels etc, either send them here or find your local homeless shelter to give kids toys who probably do not have ANY.

      I will be using ALL of My Kmart Rewards points, and backing it up with even dollar amounts for Halloween candy.

      Each child will get a car and a treat

  • Mack_me_Bucko says:

    I had prior commitments all day Saturday, but it wouldn’t have mattered. The two K-Marts nearest me seemed to have no clue, and no special stock. The closest had the pallet drop with mainly Planes stuff, but no real special Cars area, though I did find a Tubbs Pacer/Tolga Trunkov — and they had plenty of the metallics left today, which I don’t collect. The other store had all the old peg-warmers; Finn, Francesco, LMQ and Mater in Porto Corsa packaging.

  • HolyGeekboy says:

    Interesting experience this time around.

    Went to the Mentor, Ohio Kmart last weekend to see what they had; picked up a Dracula Mater and Waiter Mater, but the picked-over remnants of the “Case S” event were already out, with most of the new stuff gone. :(. Knowing that, I took the kids to the next nearest Kmart, about 35 minutes away in Garfield Heights, OH. Get there at 10 til 9, no employees apparently anywhere in the store except someone out front smoking and two cashiers. Head to toys and find a metallic rip, two metallic mcqueens, and the re-release remnants of cases Q and S laying on a stock cart in a case S box. The shelves were full of the October, 2012 metallics. Someone had come in and raided pretty heavily, and the employees were nowhere to be found.

    Hoping to salvage the day, I drove another 15 minutes to the Brooklyn, OH store, which I remember as being very well run when I lived in the area 10 years ago. It was 9:18 and we were handed a flyer advertising the event as we walked in. We headed back to toys but saw no cars and no employees. Layaway was nearby, and the helpful young man checked in the back but couldn’t find any additional Cars. My kids were starting to give me “hey dad, sorry about the Cars, let’s cut our losses, how about you just buy us some new nerf guns?” shenanigans. 😉 I went to Customer Service to check. She called the manager, who directed us to furniture. Head back, and there is a lady there delighted to see us. “I though nobody wanted our Cars this time!” A roll of tickets and four unopened Case S are there. She lets each of us open a case… They were all the same, except one had two Donna Pitss instead of 2 of the Metallic Rips. My kids each picked out two cars for themselves, and I bought 11 to get the total to 15 for the mail-in promo. By this point is was 9:45 and nobody else had arrived.

    A lot of work and initial disappointment, but it worked out, and a lot of additional product left for others. The drive home was nearly an hour… I just wish my local stores (Mentor and Garfield Hts) seemed to care about these events. Date-restricted toys and video games leak pretty regularly at these two stores, and the employees can’t be bothered to care. 🙁 but kudos to Brooklyn for their friendly service and clean store.

  • mcqueener says:

    I went to my first event. My son who is 2 loves Cars so we went for him. We went to our local Kmart in central FL. There was one other family and 2 other gentlemen, I talked to one and he was sort of a collector, but also had boys so I think he was a mix of a collector and opener – or maybe just a big kid 😉 Our store had a plastic table set up and they had 4 boxes (2 cases and they had bright orange stickers that read Don’t Open until Oct 19 Cars Event), since there was 4 parties, they each gave us a box to go through at 9am and didn’t bother with the tickets/lottery. I got 7 Cars for my son, just by picking what I thought was cute or neat. Unfortunately when I got home I realized we have to send in the whole paper card (and my husband already threw away the one we did open at a gas station)- I really only wanted to open 1 or 2 right now and put the others away until Christmas. But looks like Christmas is going to come early for my kid so I can send these away to get the free cars. I had a good experience and I like that the cars were only $3.99 opposed to sometimes seeing them go for over $4 other places.

  • pwschuh says:

    Of the three K-Marts around here, none had received the CARS shipments in time for CARS Day.

  • brianmc4745 says:

    Good to know their is another devildog on this site, yea their is no such thing as an ex marine brother.

  • Cars4AandR says:

    K-Day # 10 went like all the others in Northern Maine.
    My son and I arrived at the store at 08:55…service desk called Mgr. She had the box in hand when she came to the service desk…WHAT only 1/2 a Master Case this time!…so we bought 20 of the 48 cars available…opened 10…went to post office and mailed in for 2 promos…We even placed the other 28 cars on the pegs with the cars that were still there form last October’s Cars Event!
    No store poster and no posters in the box were the 2 “Bummers”.
    I hope they have Cars events next year…IF K-Mart is still opened!?

  • Steve AKA: Poppa says:

    The K-Mart on Portland Ave & 72nd St in Tacoma, WA received ONE carton of two cases. Only four separate groups (3+2+1+1) showed for the pull. I was in the second pull. I was able to get five cars. Basically, this was another Kmart & Mattel worthless promotion. I really cannot understand who is in charge at K-Mart as far as ordering. I do not fault Mattel on this, since it will produce whatever amount KMart wants to spring for. The cars were for someone other than myself. I was able to get a Mildred at the local Wally World for $3.47. And, a Luigi & Guido w/glasses for $3.47. I’m happy I stuck with just Car, The Original merchandise.

  • Mara says:

    K-Mart near me did not have a thing. The manager had no clue what we were talking about. Someone called the other store in another town, they had nothing either. Both were listed on the Mattel site as participating. And the have before today.

  • F1rsty says:

    Dissapointed. Got there @ 830. No employees, not even @ customer service. Finally got a ticket @ 850. Went back to the table. Just 2 cases. Before 9 and one person already had 25 or so in their cart. Elbowing. Why did they give a ticket when it’s a black Friday madness? Got 1 rip. Got 1 Mildred. Settled for getting some duplicates to get 5. Unorganized

  • Kevin W says:

    A couple of funny things happened. I stopped at Target on the way to K-Mart. They basically had the K-Mart “Cars Day” cars on the pegs. What’s with that? Do I buy them at Target, or take my chances at K-Mart? I decided to take my chances at K-Mart in order to get the mail in option. By nine o’clock, I was at K-Mart. With no sign of the “Cars Day” event in sight, I flashed the Take-Five-A-Day “Poster” of today’s event on my Iphone to the lady at the front desk. She called Mr. Bohannon to see if he knew anything about it. He said that it was in the back and would bring it up shortly. Mr. Bo had one master case. When he opened it up, there was ONE case inside… NOT TWO! Mr. Bo let me open the one case and take my time selecting the 5 cars that I wanted. Now, let me say this… Mr. Bo has been at every Cars event that I have attended since they started. He is the nicest, most personable elderly gentleman that I have ever met. Each time I attend, he tells me the same stories about the hot wheels and comic book collectors that he knows. This time, he added that he was 64 and stated that people ask him how long he plans to work. He tells them that as long as he wants to eat, drive his car, and heat his house, he will work. I hope to have plenty more Cars events so that I can visit with Mr. Bo.

  • bigfish602 says:

    So do you have to pay for shipping online and then send in blister cards in seperate for promo???

    • NascarFan says:

      Its on the mail in website. Shipping can be billed by credit card or you can send in a check it give you that option.

      Shipping for the mail in offer is not billed to you until it ships to you

      • bigfish602 says:

        Thank you.. I appreciate that info..

        • NascarFan says:

          Hello Nascarnbroncosfans,

          The following request has been received. We’ll send another email with shipping information when this order ships.

          Description Qty Price Tax Total Order Date
          Shipping & Handling 1 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 10/08/2013

          The following items are on back order until the expected date listed below. You will receive an additional email, including shipment information and an estimated delivery time frame once your order has been shipped.

          Description Qty Price Tax Total Expected Date

          October Kmart Cars Pro 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10/30/2013

          Please do not forget to mail in your original Kmart retail store receipt(s), appropriate number of basic car blister cards (5 per set), and check or money order (unless you paid by credit card) for $3.50 each to: Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire, PO Box 1229, East Aurora, NY 14052.

          Requests must be postmarked by 11/23/2013 and received by 12/6/2013.

          You will receive your Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire set(s)in approximately 8-12 weeks after we receive your completed order form, blister cards, original receipt(s) and payment.

          You will receive an additional email, including shipment information and an estimated delivery time frame once your order has shipped.

          Mattel Consumer Relations Team

          • Micky says:

            Kevin, when did you get that email?
            I put in my online request and paid w/CC for shipping yesterday, When should I expect an email confirmation?

            • NascarFan says:

              My order went in the next day After the order site went live, then on the 8th of October I got a confirmation email.

              Copied here again for you and others:

              Hello Nascarnbroncosfans,

              The following request has been received. We’ll send another email with shipping information when this order ships.

              Description Qty Price Tax Total Order Date
              Shipping & Handling 1 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 10/08/2013

              The following items are on back order until the expected date listed below. You will receive an additional email, including shipment information and an estimated delivery time frame once your order has been shipped.

              Description Qty Price Tax Total Expected Date

              October Kmart Cars Pro 5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10/30/2013

              Please do not forget to mail in your original Kmart retail store receipt(s), appropriate number of basic car blister cards (5 per set), and check or money order (unless you paid by credit card) for $3.50 each to: Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire, PO Box 1229, East Aurora, NY 14052.

              Requests must be postmarked by 11/23/2013 and received by 12/6/2013.

              You will receive your Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire set(s)in approximately 8-12 weeks after we receive your completed order form, blister cards, original receipt(s) and payment.

              You will receive an additional email, including shipment information and an estimated delivery time frame once your order has shipped.

              Mattel Consumer Relations Team

        • NascarFan says:

          I copy n pasted the info, and it is under moderation

          • NascarFan says:

            I just did a submission for check or money order using my in-laws address, it gives you the option for check or money order, Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

            Order Confirmation

            To complete your transaction, please send a completed order form along with the appropriate number of qualifying blister cards (5 per set), original Kmart retail store receipt(s), and check or money order for $3.50 each to:

            Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire
            PO Box 1229
            East Aurora, NY 14052

            DON’T FORGET: Requests must be postmarked by 11/23/2013, and received by 12/6/2013. You will receive your Cars Muggsy Liftsome & RS John Lassetire set(s) in approximately 8-12 weeks after we receive your completed order form, blister cards, original receipt(s), and payment.

  • mommasmyth says:

    Fairly disappointed. Went with my 2 boys. 4 master cases, but about 20 people. 1 of us got our ticket pulled, so we got 1 each of the Ruka & Wheelsen. Better than nothing, but could have been better. At least we got metallic Rip.

  • Mariela says:

    4 cases 4 people here…
    In and out in 5′!

  • Boyles13 says:

    The wife and I split up she went to one kmart and I took our 4 year old to another I got there about 20 minutes before 9 but there was no table no setup at all in fact I was hard pressed to even find an employee. I checked the pegs and found a rip and a boost and a few others no ruka and no wheelsen. I talked to the manager that went back to the stock room and came back empty handed. He offered me a $25 gift card for my trouble and my wife found two cases all to her self. Good day after all got all the cars I needed and finally got my son Lincoln a Rip. I got enough cars for 4 of the mail a ways.

  • outsidemind says:

    It was a bit of a scene at my K-Mart. All collector (Resellers) and then me with my two kids. We had six cases and I was #7 in line, that stung. In the end I was able to gab some decent leftovers after all the boxes were pilfered by the resellers. There was one very nice guy who gave me a Ruko for my daughter. That was the only car she wanted and it was opened before I even left the store. So, a little stressful but in the end an okay experience. To that one reseller with a heart, Thanks again!

    Now… Off to the Post Office!

  • carslover says:

    my kmart had 3 master cases
    only myself, a man and wife, and another mother showed up
    I got all the cars I needed for my mail in
    this was great for me
    not so great for kmart as an event

  • Matersgrlfriend says:

    I guess my store was pretty hoppin’! There was a family of four, a guy with his cute little kid, a hot wheels guy withe his two elderly parents and me (my boys had baseball). There were six cases. The “event” was held in the Little Caesar’s that they have inside this store. They gave us raffle tickets and I was chosen second after the cute little kid, yay! Got my own case basically. However, this store used to get about 50 customers for collectors day and they would se up a display in the toy section and it was a little intense. I was a little annoyed by the Hot Wheels guy as he and his parents hovered over people and pounced on stuff.

    On the way home, I also stopped off at the store near my house that usually does not hold the events and guess what, they had! There was a table out with the leftovers, plus I found Dracula and Waiter Mater there, score!

    Got enough for a few mail-ins which I will do after the soccer game, haha!

    • brianmc4745 says:

      Thats funny, didnt you say your kid played baseball? HMMMMM…

      • Matersgrlfriend says:

        Yes, my boys actually both play both baseball and soccer. I am officially insane. Fall baseball practice is at 9:30am, then our soccer game was at 12:45, then baseball game today. Thank God they are twins and both play on the same teams and I donlt have any other kids or it would not be possible.

        (MET: Plus nutritious snacks, ice cold juice boxes and first aid kit all at the ready! 🙂 ).

    • martian410 says:

      don’t remember the Hot Wheels guy hovering over people; definitely remember you hovering over us (yes, the family of four) while we sorted through our boxes…even asking if the box we sorted and planning to purchase was available… now THAT was annoying…

  • sloths14 says:

    Started the day at the Billerica MA KMart. Arrived at 8:52AM, only ones there. Talked to one of the young men in Electronics and he said he would get the stuff out. No one else was there by 9AM, just my 8 year old and I. They only had one case-two boxes, he let us open both and take five each- we grabbed Ruka (2), Mildred (2), SLMQ, Metal Rip, Kranson, Mark WHeelson, G&L Bartenders, Boost with Flames. Paid in two installments of five in order to take advantage of the special offer. The KMart associate said if no one else showed up at 9:15 we could by more, but we had got what we needed. I asked about a poster, he said he didn’t see any but checked any way. He had the instructions from corporate, but there was no mention of a poster. No signs of any type at the store indicating there was an event. I always call the local area KMarts to confirm. Kudos to Sean for his help.

    Stopped at the Tewksbury MA KMart around 10AM. They had told my wife there was an event, but I had called seperately and was told there wasn’t one. I was right no sign of anything.

    Stopped at both the Somerville MA KMart and the Saugus MA KMart. Both had the event. Same amount of cars one carton with two boxes. Plenty left, only the Chase Rukas were gone (not sure if these are DanversMABlowhards stores?)

    Based on that small sample, I would say only the Ruka will be hard to find. Metallic Rip was disappointing, my son was excited to get Silver “Cars 1 Rust-eeze” LMQ. Mildred is awesome!!

    Like many of us, I have a young son who gets really excited. Always make sure to call and confirm with the individual store. Luckily I have 5-6 in a reasonable drive, so I have a couple of backups. I have done will in the past with Billerica MA and Salem NH.

  • bigfish602 says:

    Luckily i got my kday cars last week cause they put them out early….so i went today hoping they got more but they didnt… I spoke to manager and was able to get half off of cars they did have left on shelves. So it could have been worse..went to another kmart and there were two weasle scalpers there going through the only two boxes there… Grrr

  • danheas says:

    My store had two cases of 24 as well, with only my family and one other shopper that certainly seemed like a reseller the way she was looking through things. Still got what I needed (a gold Rip for each kid was the main thing) but nothing really good for others without a Kmart.

  • Ryan says:

    Two master cases at our Kmart, and we were the only ones there. First time we were the only ones.

  • spamusubi says:

    One case of the ten opened at the kmart near me had a metallic Frosty in it. Labeling and packaging was specific for this card, wasn’t a packaging error. It had the “metallic deco” indicator (it was silver) but no chase/super chase/kmart tag. On the back it said “as seen in the Australian version”.

    No one else at the event (about 30 people) reported seeing one. Sorry no picture, I wasn’t the one that pulled the car.

  • Rip Sidewall says:

    Went to the same Kmart as always with my 3 year old, excited, only to find out they weren’t participating in the events any longer. Called a few others in the area, they weren’t either.

    Way to make a 3 year old cry Kmart.

  • Tom says:

    2 cases at my Kmart. They had 4 but sent 2 to another store that told them they didn’t get any.
    There was one other family. We both got what we wanted. I also got all the empty boxes.

  • doch18 says:

    For the rebate, do I need to send in the entire blister card or just the UPC from the bottom right?

  • Lorri says:

    Total non-event. Our closest Kmart, which usually has tons of people for these events, said “we didnt get anything”. I kinda think with the early selling option, the whole cases got sold ahead of time to ebayers. sigh.

  • John in Missouri says:

    When we first got to our Kmart, there was a table and some plastic storage tubs set up over by the Pharmacy, where all the Halloween costumes are. They wheeled out 2 Master Cartons, each containing 2 cases of 24 Cars. So I was happy with that, when all of a suddent the Store Manager walked out with a third Master Carton. There were actually more employees (4) running the event than there were in attendance (2 — my daughter and I, and 3 if you count my wife who was walking around shopping).

    So we had our pick of the litter from 6 cases. Of the 144 Cars, we bought 102 of them. Like we’ve always done at previous events, we left the extras on the table, all organized in characters before we left: Sarge, Miguel Camino, Francesco Bernoulli, Sputter Stop, and Krate Rainson-Wash.

    There were no posters in the Master Cartons, and no poster for the front of the store — did anyone see that one at all?

  • bubba says:

    We were the only ones at our K-mart this morning(wife,son&myself). They had 4 cases and all four were different. One had 3 Grin with Weapon, one had 2 Grem with weapon & 2 Jonathan Wrenchworths. The other two had no Grims but one had 3 Jonathans and the other had no Jonathans but had one Franca. They realy don’t care about getting the mix right anymore I guess. Just happy the Ruka,Mark Wheelsen & Mildred were in each.(although I would have liked to get a Mildred with the wrong wheels like Jack found).
    Great Day of finding cars, they are getting harder to find here.

  • LUCA says:

    I didn’t find a Kmart store in my area!
    Ha ha ha….sigh….

  • slokum says:

    stopped at 2 kmarts, there are 3 in the area, didnt check the 3rd. first one didnt know of the event and i had them grab the 2 cases from the back. there were 2 other people that showed up after i did the dirty work. they also pulled out 2 cases from event 7 and 2 from event 9. since the event 7 and 9 cars do not work for the rebate i only picked up the rares from those cases. grabbed what i needed and left. the second kmart already put one case out last monday and i picked up 5 cars from it but the rare ones were already grabbed up. today i stopped there again, they had 1 case left unopened at customer service as noone showed up for the event. i grabbed a few more cars for the rebate. the strange thing about this case is it was missing the 3 luigi/ guido with shaker and replaced with 3 jonathan wrenchworths

  • Tmremote says:

    Kday went amazing! Organized set up with tickets and everything! 4 cases and and there were 3 others there. Almost every case was screwed up…one had two Francas. Pretty cool kday though! Got every car I needed.

  • chihualover says:

    i cant find onfo on the “buy 5 get 2” mailaway. where are the forms and how do i do it. I bought 5 cars today but now what???

  • carcollector6 says:

    Sadly my local Kmart is closing so they aren’t participating in this event. Luckily I’ve been able to find most of the cars at my local Walmarts and Targets as of late.

  • CollectorGuy says:

    Roseville,Mi Kmart told me the event wasn’t this morning when I got there but the said it would be Nov 2. So I went to the St Clair Shores Mi Kmart and met a cool collector and we talked for an hour and they came and told us they misplaced the cases.They took our names and numbers and five minutes after leaving, they called and said they found them.We went back and they had 4 cases of cars and I picked up what I needed and left within 15 minutes.No posters,or no mystery gift.

  • Wraukn says:

    Holyoke, MA Kmart, 2 Kday 10 cases, not counting the 2 they put out 2 weeks ago. Myself, my wife and my niece were the only ones there. No sign, no posters. This is depressing.

  • flarf says:

    No posters made me sad. Only two cases made me sad. Ruka and Mildred make me happy.

  • bobbyjack says:

    I got to pop into the Kmart near where I work just after 9. They had dumped 2 cases onto a table set up in the toy section. I was the only one there and picked up 2 Mark Wheelsons, 2 Rukas, 2 Rips, 2 LMQs, a Boost and a Mildred. Since we have to match up UPCs on the reciept for the mail-in, I have to open all of them except for a Ruka, Boost, and Mildred.

  • brittanycenter2007 says:

    Normally we are the only ones to show up at the event but we were not this time, an older man was there. He told me he was there to get cars to resell, which had me worried. Thankfully our store got two cases in so the manager gave each of us a case to go through. The man quickly picked through his case and got the harder to find cars then he hovered over my son while he was looking through our case, asking over and over if we were done yet. I politely told him I would let him know when we were done although I would have liked to put my foot up his rude butt! My son still got everything he needed but I just can’t help but to think if there was only one case would he have snatched up all the good cars and not let my 4 year old have a chance at anything?!? :/

    • brianmc4745 says:

      These are the people that I loathe like nothing that has been loathed before. Unfortunately for them, if I am at the store and someone is doing that, I am a fit 200 pound former United States Marine and if that doesnt do the trick I am not afraid to get vocal, luckily it has never gotten past the vocal part but I have had to before. Scalpers make me want to do bad things to them. I am glad that your son got his cars, I wish I was their because that man would not have got to look through one case until your kid was done, then I would let him look through it.

      This is no BS neither, a lot of kids around my area know me because I have actually taken stuff from scalpers before and given it to the kids that wanted it. I have had moms thank me many times, I even went as far one time as to buy up every rip clutchgoneski when they were hard to find, and every time I would go to a store and I saw a kid looking at cars I would ask him (and his parent of course) if he had rip and if he was looking for him. The kid said he was looking for him and I gave away ten rips this way.

    • carcollector6 says:

      How rude. Something tells me he would’ve taken the cars first if there were only one case, considering he just wanted to sell them.

  • Pontiac Michigan says:

    Likewise, I was the lone shopper, 1 case on the pegs in usual spot.
    Picked up what I needed for 2 send-a-ways-worth…….out the door
    at 9:15-ish.
    Now, to actually open these cards, which is something unfamiliar to me;
    I’ll have to work up to that, slowly.
    Have a good day, all.

  • Jack says:

    I was the only one there. Only 2 cases but got everything I needed and out the door at 9:10. Done.

  • Dunroamin says:

    Got everything I needed. Only a half of a master case this time. 48 cars total. Ended up getting some extra lightnings and rips to have enuf for 2 mail aways. Was surprised that they had half the # of cars. Oh well. Good luck everyone!

  • Wraukn says:

    Headed out now!

  • I am outside my Kmarts…t minus 4 minutes…

  • brittanycenter2007 says:

    I could not sleep good last night because I’m so excited for this. I just hope my local kmart is participating. They have for all the Kmart cars days in the past but they didn’t participate for the cars month thing this past June. I hope I’m just worrying over nothing and we will go in there and be the only ones there as usual!! Good luck to everyone! 🙂

  • John in Missouri says:

    Just like Christmas Eve, I can never sleep before these Events and I’ve been awake since 5:00am.

  • NascarFan says:

    Yea Carrie Underwood showed up several times over the years, but she doesn’t attend anymore…. I told her one year that with the first and second Kmart days releases … I was ” Blown Away”…

    “does a Kevin NASCARBronco sighting count the same?)”

  • bobbyjack says:

    I have to sneak away from work to the nearest Kmart.

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