Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Final Movie Moments/2-Pack E Case Confirmed
It looks we’re getting everything on the poster for 2013.*
It looks like the E Case will be the same as the international assortment.
These are in the warehouse – not shipping yet but soon.
Photos below from Canada – thanks Buckland Blowouts!
Lightning with Rust-eze Sign & Fred
Doug Speedcheck & Palace Guard Finn (With Open Mouth Expression)
Yokoza & Chisaki (repaint of Suki but no one is complaining).
And Uncle Topolino’s band. Some people thought they were two separate 2-packs but just one 4-pack
Thanks for the great pics, “Buckland Blowouts.”
Oh yeah, some people might want to trade fast. 🙂
From the numbers in the warehouse, there will be plenty in stock. A nice surprise as usually Mattel seems to stock up on the dullest of the case assortments … so if you don’t find it on your shelves at retail, it looks like a nice case to team up with someone.
*Yea, it looks like Ichigo, the CHASE is the only one un-accounted for from the 2013 poster.

Ichigo has to be in the Kmart case then cause there are ones available for sale on ebay now. So at least we know the car exists. And the cardback appears to be 2013 too and not the 2014 version. So my bet is on the kmart case.
Here is the link for the CTC 2013 movie moments case that is on sale now !!
Retail stores still have to sell through tons of the previous cases before they will order these I am sure. I’m glad for Canadian friends.
Final movie moments of the year?
UK haven’t had the first, or any at all, yet.
I will be ordering a case also ! Can’t Wait !
So Ichago MUST be in the Kmart case, right?
I definitely see one of these cases in my future… Great news… we didn’t get the last case of Movie Moments from the 2012 series in the US… we didn’t want that history to repeat.
Looking forward to being able to order one of these cases!