Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: The Closing of the Year – Case P Singles
This post has been UPDATED to reflect the FINAL CASE P – HERE.
I’ll leave this up just for reference.
While we don’t have definitive proof yet that the oddball case posted last week is the Kmart Case (see this post) for 2013, this listing for CASE P might clinch it.
One clue is the repeat of the CHASE CARS, Ruka. Kmart is clearly not getting enough cases now to buy up the entire run of a CHASE CARS – @15,000. Based on the amount of CARS Day Event diecasts available in stores – Kmart has about 1,200 stores left and even if they bought up 4-8 cases per store plus stocking the website, does not add up to 15,000 cases AND it safe to say that most Kmart’s DID NOT get even 4-8 cases to sell last time …
So, the leftover Mildred Bylane’s, CHASE Ruka had to go somewhere – the “last” case of the year, CASE P.
Which also contains the remaining singles on the poster and from other canceled cases or cases re-mixed leftover diecasts.
So, it is the first singles release of Brent Mustangberger with Headphones and Mildred Bylane along with the first release on a regular card in the Themes 2013 Series, Jeff Gorvette.
It’s actually arriving this week (thanks for the heads up, “Rob (My 6 Kids”).
So, if the other case is indeed the Kmart Case, Kmart is getting some first to market CARS (Boost with Flames!, Mark Wheelsen, and Luigi & Guido with Glasses – with 2 exclusives – metallic Lightning McQueen (if it’s HH PC Lightning) and metallic Rip Clutchgoneski.
Also, if the Kmart Case and this Case P gets released, plus Case E of the 2-packs and Case G of the Deluxe, we might actually get EVERYTHING on the poster released in 2013?
It might be a first for not just Mattel but the toy industry to ACTUALLY RELEASE EVERYTHING ON A POSTER in an actual toy year?!
Of course, it does require that these 4 cases get released in the next 2 months – dare we dream?
Have I jinxed it?
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: And Ruka Was Her Name-O | Disney Infinity Videogame & Video World Review! » |

I noticed the contents have changed again today. Gone is ‘The King’ and now we see Harumi and Mike Lorengine. This case is a dud with the exception of Ruka and Mildred Bylane.
I found the P case today at Target.
the contents are:
Boost w/flames x2
Nature Drive McQ x2
Jeff Gorvette w/logo
Brent Mustangburger w/headset x2
Miguel Camino
Uncle Topolino x2
The King x2
Rusty Rust-Eze
Dexter Hoover w/checkered flag x2
Lewis Hamilton
Charlie Checkers (yellow tail light)
Cactus McQ
Shu Todoroki
Mark Wheelsen
Rob and Barbara both have Case P, but the contents don’t match. Will the REAL Case P please stand up?
I noticed that Rusty and Dusty have never been in the same case together…and they are always 1 to a case think. Interesting…
Don’t case like my brother!
Don’t case like my brother!
Good one John!
RPM is in case Q and I am wondering which one of the big 4 will get that not so exciting case…. But CHASE Ichigo will be the great missing piece of the 2013 puzzle if and only if the remaining 4 cases mentionned by MET are hitting our stores… I have big concerns especially with the 2-pack case… strong feeling the last 4 2-pack will not have the US release.
Rumor has it the new 2-packs will be available in the US at the end of September. We shall see i suppose, wish I could see at least one photo of them on the US cardback to help me believe! :}
Are you starting this rumor, or do you wish to reveal your sources?
Sweet! I don’t have to buy a K-Mart case to get Mildred. Or maybe I do. Pegs are so full around here.
And Boost With Flames? Is he slated for only the Kmart-speculated case? I’m not a big Booster but I find myself asking the question repeatedly because I’m concerned they’re going to let him dangle, leaving our sets of flaming tuners incomplete. (Oh, the anguish.)
I found Boost w/Flames & Mark Wheelsen in Walmart in NJ yesterday. So hopefully more will pop up along the way to the kmart event! So have no fear your Tuners will have there long lost friend w/flames soon enough! 😀
That is very encouraging news. And about the two-packs, too. I’d like to believe they’ll be in a USA-release case soon. While I live in Canada, all the new two-packs in my hometown went directly from store pallets to eBay, thanks to a fast-moving collector down the road. (He has way fewer kids to haul from store to store than I do; toddlers do not make great hunting buddies when time is of the essence, ha ha!)
I had 3 kids in tow all summer when I actually had the chance to hunt… so yeah I get it!! LOL
Now the kids are back in school down to a 1yr old to haul around with me, my productivity has increased drastically! 😀
What about Ichigo?
…and RPM?
I’m itching for Ichigo.