Mattel Disney PLANES: Next Target 4-Pack (Yet Another Box Set Printing Error)
The Target-only PLANES 4-packs are quite nice. You don’t really save a lot of money from buying the singles individually but there are no repeats so far in the ones included in the 4-packs, for instance, regular Dusty is NOT included in every box – AMAZING! You could actually buy all 4 (three are out) and only get one repeat – FREAKIN’ AMAZING!
Ripslinger may be a repeat but 15 out of 16 is amazing for Mattel.
The 4th box set open photos are here of the Navy Jets, the helo & Navy Dusty – not out yet? And not available online yet.
And if you think Zed looks weird on the back of the box, YEP, another error if you like box sets with errors on the back. Presumably the designer was using the the lineup as a template and either forgot to remove the other layer or cannot figure out what a plane looks like. And yes, usually many people have to approve this along the way to sign off on it – so a lot of people along the way missed this pretty HUGE error. In marketing, there is a scientific term for this sort of error – idiots at work.
Thanks, “Quercy” for the heads up & photos.
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These are a bad deal considering Planes singles are $4.88 at WM…
(MET: I think you’d be hard pressed to find the 11 (out of 12) released so far on WM pegs – certainly maybe 4 were once available here in the SF Bay Area but none after the first 4).
This 4 pack is pretty good for us. Our open Zed already has a huge gash with chipped paint on his wing from a spectacular crash. We don’t have Ned or Supercharged Dusty yet. We already have 2 open Ripslingers, but another one won’t hurt.
At least it wasn’t the pressman’s error.
Awesome, I had not yet found Ned, so this pack will be perfect for me. Unfortunately, my closest Target has had absolutely nothing in Cars and Planes for about a month now 🙁
I have another printing error on the Ripslinger Pit Row pack, showing Ned instead of Ripslinger…
I found 1 of these today at my local target .It was the same error pack .
Probably the best box set so far – two of these aren’t even released anywhere else yet!
p.s. The Planes four-packs are $39.99 CAD at my Target. Grrr.
Maybe the repeat Ripslingers somehow connect together to transform into a true-to-scale Ripslinger.
I foresee many awkward conversations in the toy aisle as a result:
“Mommy, what’s that plane doing to that other plane?!”
“Uh, they’re playing leap frog and one of them got stuck. Now put that package down and let’s go look for the Cars.”
“”Idiots at work?””
Surely these two things don’t go together! 😉