Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart Case October 2013
This looks to be the contents of the Kmart Case for Kmart CARS Day 2013 in October.
It’s not perfect but it’s pretty good.
Yep, Mildred Bylane and 2 in the case! 2 Boost with Flames! 3 Silver Metallic Rip Clutchgoneski’s!
Mark Wheelsen, Luigi & Guido with Glasses – though only one of each plus Chase Airport Waitress, Ruka
So, 10 total NEW never before released CARS.
HARD to SAY if it’s GOOD or SHABBY.
There is a listing of a “CARS 2 Lightning McQueen with Silver Metallic Paint.” Is it merely a repeat release of the Silver Metallic Lightning with Racing Wheels we’ve already gotten in 2 Kmart CARS Day releases already? Though this will be on a new card – or is it Hudson Hornet Piston Cup (decal) Lightning McQueen? If it’s the HH one, then 5 in the case is acceptable which would make 15 new releases out of 24 in the case … BUT if it is merely Silver Metallic LM with Racing Wheel but on a new card? It’s weak. WEEAAAAKKKK.
There is yet another Sputter Stop in this case. They REALLY cranked out a lot of Sputter Stop’s this year and have now scattered them around the last 4 CASES released!
And 2 MORE Francesco Bernoulli’s – are Francesco’s really that much cheaper to make?
Full breakdown below.
So, if Kmart sells cases, you in?
Nico from Germany sends along European cards – probably European Case L? Or the equivalent? Thanks, “Nico!”
So, if this is the Kmart Case for October, what singles if any from the poster did not make it?
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When exactly is the Kmart Cars day in October?
(MET: October 19, 2013).
As stated in the 22nd post from the top:
PER Kmart: That is Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 9am local time.
I havent been furiously looking for cars the past 3 months, but I go to various local Targets all the time, like 3 times a week for other shopping. I never find new cars anymore, maybe 1 new case since Planes came out especially. I say all this to point out that I havent seen one single Sputter Stop yet, so this may be my only chance to get him, as I can usually count on the Kmart cars being available if I show up the day of the event. So I am counting on that.
If you want Sputter stop, I could get you one. They are here like weeds in my garden of desired cars (of which there are none at the moment) Just say the word.
October couldn’t come soon enough for me. 😉
Thanks Met. Why are Sheriff and Sarge variants?
(MET: If you search on VARIANTS, that post should show up).
Will do.
Someone with connections to Kmart (BMW, NascarFan, etc) PLEASE TELL THEM that we want the Silver Hudson Hornet Piston Cup McQueen, NOT another 5 McQueen w/ Racing Wheels that we have seen too many of in KDay 8 and 9.
If that happens then this will be the best 2013 Case released this year, with 15 New Cars and only 9 repeats. Hopefully they will be able to change up the contents like they did with the Deluxe Case E with Francesco Fan Mater and Materhosen.
(MET: Which ever one it is is already set, packed and sitting in a warehouse so it’s just a matter of waiting and seeing. Logically, it should be silver HH Piston Cup LM but logic and this line sometimes do not meet).
Definitely buying a case. I really wish there was a rubber tire Rip in there too though.
Tap, tap, tap…. is this thing on?
I say again, can anyone confirm that Mildred and Boost with Flames are the only new CARS 1 items in this release?
(MET: Unless you count the Sheriff & Sarge variants if you haven’t already gotten them).
i would say yes everything else has been released before
I too believe so but you might want to double-check it here:
Boost with Flames is in Europe already, with Luigi/Guido glasses and Mark.
Unless I miss the content of another coming case… Brent Mustangburger with headset, Jeff Gorvette (released only as short card), RPM, Mater Waiter and Ichigo (CHASE) are still missing…
Then, Dracula Mater (the only remaining Deluxe) and the 2-pack; Yokoza/Chisaki, Finn/Doug Speedcheck, LMQ with sign/Fred and Topolino Band would complete the 2013 poster.
Unless you’ve seen indication otherwise, I wouldn’t put it past them to release Waiter Mater as a deluxe as well.
I do not want to believe Mater waiter will be release as a Deluxe. Should be like Mater with Bubble, Lantern, Oil Can or Spy Glass…
Speaking of posters, weren’t we promised a mime character on the Porto Corsa card? He looked good, I still want him.
Next year for the mime.
RPM is in Case Q.
Mildred! Finally!!
I think I will finally be retired from Cars collecting once she is in my hands. That is, unless they decide to finish the Piston Cup haulers and pitties.
I’ve been wanting Mildred for sooo long too!!!
Do you know the exact date yet?
PER Kmart: That is Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 9am local time.
Thank you! It’s on my calendar!
Woo I’m excited!
Ichigo still needs to come to the US….along with those other 2 packs.
i really want mark mildred silver Rip and Boost. cant wait for these im getting a silver HH Mcqueen from overseas. Hey all this is my first post here
I’m not overly excited about this event but surely will scoop up the new ones. To me it doesn’t seem like a truly planned event with Kmart exclusives. More like the model year is over which first to markets do we have left? With the exception being the metallic Rip of course. Hopefully we will have a mail in offer for John L. to go with this event like previously speculated as well!
I know that BMW does have that question sent in to Kmart, I hope it will happen too.
Maybe this is the death knell for Kmart Collector Days as we knew them? First-to-markets only with a random distribution date and plan, and an accompanying mail-in rebate. That would stink for parents and collectors but it might be good for the company since it fosters an environment where everyone has to make multiple, desperate trips just to see if maybe Kmart has something to sell this time… and since you’re already here, take some Micro Drifters home with you. Eh?
Or was this a foregone conclusion already? Is there a Kmart Day 10? Was that what they said in the spring when they revealed they were changing plans for June?
The JL Green Truck is supposed to be the promo for Kmart 10. We shall see if this comes to pass.
To answer your question about what Kmart said regarding K day events, Yes, in the spring Kmart announced they would have only one Cars K Day Collector event this year.
Of course Kmart wants to drive traffic into their stores, but Kmart was given very limited cases only 2000 cases by Mattel for the June Event.
The distribution of those cases was poor however, proving the problems with Kmart’s distribution. But all retailers have similar problems with distribution.
I feel a lot better knowing there WILL be a Day 10, actually. Thanks. I looked forward to and attended the last two but the June event didn’t work quite so well for me because it’s 100-plus mile drive to my nearest Kmart. One direction. And I made the trip three or four times, looking for the last of the vehicles in that case. I guess I got the two that counted most but it wasn’t as satisfying for me as an actual event. I like those. They are nerve-wracking and entertaining at the same time.
Silver Racers aside, are these going to be exclusive to Kmart? Or merely first-to-market? Kmart Days 8 and 9, the non-silver characters never saw North American distribution outside Kmart but the Deluxe Maters case from June of this year did. Which will it be?
Anybody’s guess?
My guess is since we are close to the end of the 2013 cases, the Airport Waitress will be the exclusive. Also Mildred Bylane and Mark Wheelsen look to be limited in the USA. Wheelsen was released overseas, but not in any USA cases that I am aware of since the Case L for USA release was cancelled, he was 2 per case overseas in L or whatever they called this International case.
As 2 of the 7 Kmart stores I have been going to the last several events have closed, I anticipate that I’ll order a case for myself… I don’t want to make a 200 mile, 10 hour circuit like I’ve done the last several events… and other than receiving 3 Kmart 5 and 3 Kmart 4 cases when I ordered 6 Kmart 5 cases, my collector event case orders received have been what I ordered.
Many thanks for the update, Met!
It would be nice if Rip’s package matches the ones from Kmart 8 & 9. Too bad Rip with Rubber Tires won’t be there.
So, can someone confirm for me that the only things new here for CARS 1 collectors are Boost with flames and Mildred Bylane? Or am I missing something…
Based on these contents I dont believe I wil order cases. I only want 9 out of 24. 13 unwanted. That’s a dirty bakers dozen. So I guess I will just see what I can get at the stores.
So far the word I heard was no cases yet, they are working on getting them together, thanks for the update.
As always I will be getting the Kmart Cases for Overseas people should they want any.
Same thing, no cases yet.