Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Super Chase on the Pegs
Yes, it’s a Labor Day miracle! You can find Super Chases just hanging around the pegs if you are pure of heart …er, how’s the rest go again?
European, and Canadian collectors might want to avert this post. Sorry.
Photos from Butter 1, Wraukn and Mariela P. Thanks!
Do you need 911 assistance sir? Sir, are you clutching your chest and pulling things into your cart? What are you shouting? Need bigger cart? What are you gasping now? Get me some baby aspirin?
I hope your WM & Target look like this. My closest Target has 7 Francesco’s from CASE C, I think?
So, what do you think of this new transforming series – Takeshi on the pegs but under home lighting, it changes to Francesco Bernoulli – impressive technology, huh? :razzle:
My closest Walmart has 10 singles though only 4 are Francesco’s. What’s the opposite of whoohoo? Nohoo?
Happy Labor Day! Hope your laborious driving around the city pays off in Super Chase!

What is the deal with these. I keep finding Takeshi and Hiroaki all the time at Target. How rare can they be???
If you are in Eastern MA there are some at Somerville Target.
Looks like someone was able to take snapshots from my dream!!!…. Kind of scary though :-)))… I know these pictures are not real… Cannot be… Photoshop is really good to make us believe this can be true! Or it is a conspiracy from a marketing Mattel employee to create an El Dorado of cars…. Seriously, now let see how the remaining cars from 2013 calendar will hit our market… or not…
(MET: If Quercy says it’s not real … 🙂 ).
Hi collectormom,
I also think so, but check out the Real Markets.
I got a good selection on Saturday. Mark Wheelsen, Boost with flames, Guido/Luigo with Glasses and Shaker and Dustin Mellows. There have also been Materhosens and Francesco Fan Maters!
So not all is bad in Europe 🙂
Kindest Regards
I believe it’s still early in the game for these Super Chases. Everyone will have more chances. More stores will get these cases. The next few weeks and months should be fun.
“European, and Canadian collectors might want to avert this post. Sorry.”
Uh Met, You forgot to add *Texas* collectors might want to avert this post.
yes Texas will have it’s revenge for this insult
mattel will pay for their insolence
I like your style.
They say everything is bigger in Texas for a reason!
Oh come on! All I want is 1 stupid Rip that I don’t have to sell my liver to get.
I have an extra rip looking to trade for others if interested
Really exciting to see all of those!
I think the super chase distribution is done. All the places I found supers last week are now putting out the Francesca case this weekend.
2 yukios and 2 rips at my target
what state?
I’ve only seen Yukio once. But I haven’t given up on the other two yet.
I could never think straight enough to pull out my camera and snap photos, for fear of someone else coming along and pilfering everything as I wait for the picture to focus.
Ditto. If I were ever greeted with a peg scene like the ones above, the only thing on my mind would be grabbing everything I could carry and running madly to the check-out, leaving nothing but swinging Race Team Maters and lingering maniacal laughter in my wake. Forget the pics, forget the cart, forget the kids, get the Cars.
Still no Yukio here…
Ugh. It would be a cold day in h-e-double-hockey-sticks before I’d see that in Canada. (Or maybe one day in 2016 if the warehouse was doing a clear-out.)
Nohoo is right! Will never see this in Germany I suspect.
Hi collectormom,
I also think so, but check out the Real Markets.
I got a good selection on Saturday. Mark Wheelsen, Boost with flames, Guido/Luigo with Glasses and Shaker and Dustin Mellows. There have also been Materhosens and Francesco Fan Maters!
Kindest Regards
Nico that’s good to know! I have seen Real Markets but haven’t been to one yet. We are in Landstuhl, I’m pretty sure there’s one near here. Where are you?
I live near Magdeburg. I visit every Real I see as I am on the road often.
It is the best way to buy Cars in Germany in my eyes. But it is only a small possibility. Collecting Cars without eBay would not really fit.