Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart Free Ivan Offer One & Out?
Well, not so promising so far …
My local Kmart had one Dustin Mellow on the pegs. Hard to tell if it’s from the Kmart case or an earlier one …
Not a promising start either way.
The scary question might be – is this one and done? Did this Kmart and every Kmart get one case and that’s it? Will there be an actual extravaganza? Will there be a display with a few cases? Will stores be shipped more than a few cases at once or spread out over the next 60 days?
Or is the hoopla over already?
Of course, you can still randomly buy $20 or more of Mattel products to get a free Ivan, it does not have to be diecast singles/deluxe … but still, is it over and done for the Francesco Fan Mater case?
You can read more details in yesterday’s post.
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Saw the 3rd case at my local KMart today. Hopefully the rest of you will start having the same luck very soon. I did try a different KMart last night and they were one of the ones that had no pegs for Deluxe.
Mattel gave a very limited allotment of this case mix to Kmart. Its not Kmart’s fault these are so few in number.
My local Kmart got a restock today. I found them last Friday at the same location.
Must be an epidemic!
Like the picture above, my local KMart also has only one Dustin Mellows on the pegs and not much of anything else except the same old Drifters, Hydro Wheels and 2-packs. As far as I know, they have, since June 1, put out one carton of Deluxe Cars which contained 6 vehicles.
What an amazing event!
The final KMart on my list had, wait for it….. one Dustin Mellows on the peg as well, LOL. Now I have one Dustin and one Collosus XXL (Micro Drifter) I didn’t need, but the receipt is in the mail!
I want to know who’s buying all those Mack’s!
Nothing in N. Minnesota yet. Is there supposed to be some kind of marketing to advertise the event? Nothing in the weekly ad, nothing in the store, and my Kmart contact knows nothing about it. He is keeping the case on his radar though so hopefully one of these days he will call. Or, it could be like the special Wal-Mart exclusive red bins or pallet drops that all WMs are supposed to get but not all do.
one kamrt is reporting receiving 6 cases…will be heading there TONIGHT!
I have personally seen a restock at my local store. One Francesco Fan Mater is in my son’s collection and the other is trading to a fellow collector.
I’ve been tracking Deluxe at this store for a few months and notice if the pegs get down to zero, they’ll restock within a week. It worked this way when I bought the first case and has on at least 4 other occasions in the past (same with the 2-packs on 2 occasions; unfortunately for Singles they just keep pulling more silver Lightning and Francesco from the back, I’m afraid to see what’s back there.)
Keep up hope!
I have two kmart stores in my area, one got the case in but the other did not. The store that did not get a case in doesn’t even have a spot for deluxe cars anymore and an employee at that location told me they sent all their deluxe cars to another store and would not be getting anymore in. 🙁
The call & check UPC method failed me. The store said they had 9 in stock, I got there snd they couldn’t find them anywhere in the store.
Turns out they had that UPC assigned to some singles. I don’t really understand, but hey, that’s Kresge-Mart for ya!
So what do you all figure is going on with this? I’m fixing to take another 500-km round trip (for the second time in a week) to see what’s available at the Kmart nearest to me. You’ve been collecting for longer than I have from what I can tell, right? I get this creepy feeling that with the June event being cancelled, er, altered and Kmarts closing AND the line not doing so hot even with the new card series AND the spin-off Planes coming out…. I keep expecting to wake up one morning to find Mattel has pulled the spark plug on Cars. Am I paranoid? Where are cases G and H?
(MET: CASE G should be coming anyday now).
My home town kmart doesn’t even have a peg for Deluxe…found 2 materhosen at one about 25 minutes away..
I’ve been to 8 different Kmart stores within 100 miles of home… only 1 had any new Deluxe on the pegs… and 4 of them didn’t even have pegs for Deluxe… there was no signage about it at the one I went to yesterday… The closest things to being worth purchasing yesterday were 2 packs with Leland Turbo, Sal, and Zen Master Pitty with mustache, and since they’ve been $4.99 at TJ Maxx stores, I can’t see paying $8.99 for them just to get an Ivan… I sure hope to see the new Deluxe soon.
I’m having the same trouble in Chicago; although there are definitely ebay listings for these deluxes located in Chicago, and you know what that means 🙁
I’m still looking for one too.
What I REALLY want to know is: what happened to Mainline Cases G and H? Shouldn’t we have seen them by now? Case F was released in mid-March, if memory serves, so why the long lull? Is that normal: case after case from November until March and then sweet nothing? Inquiring minds want to know.
I was the first to spot Case F in the wild on March 11, which was 12 weeks ago! Heck, that’s how long it might take for Ivan to arrive in the mail!
Several restocks have already been confirmed so its not one and done, several members have seen multiple cases already in several states
I hope not. A local collector told me yesterday his Kmart just ordered some of the new cases. I still haven’t found the Francesco fan case at 4 different Kmarts I’ve checked in the past week.