Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart Francesco Fan Mater & Materhosen Arrives Early
No real shock, some Kmart’s have already placed the Francesco Fan Mater case out early …
“Jeff M.” sends along this pic from last week. Thanks for the photo!
“Lightyear” found the entire case out at his Kmart.
There are 2 Materhosen’s, 1 Francesco Fan Mater, 1 Elvis RV, 1 Dustin Mellow (both re-releases that haven’t been out in a while) plus 1 Mack.
It looks like they did a great job on Francesco Fan Mater …
And yep, they remember to include the teeny tiny Francesco available as a souvenir …
Materhosen looks nice but not as nice compared to Francesco Fan Mater …
Thanks for the great pics, “Lightyear!”
While the flyer image was sent along, the fine details of the offer were not and the website does not go live until June 4, 2013 and the free posters won’t be offered until the 4th* and while it doesn’t say, presumably you will need to send in a receipt and they will check it’s from Kmart and your purchase was over $20 and between June 4 and August 8 on ONE purchase … so while you might find it at your Kmart this weekend, any purchases do not count towards the free Ivan until AFTER the 4th.
* Good luck with your free poster on the 4th also … :-/
So, starting on Tuesday June 4th, 2013 – buy $20 worth of Mattel CARS merchandise, get Ivan FREE – details at
Website page is NOT active yet.
You don’t really need the flyer as with the last mail away offer way back in 2009, just print out the PDF form when the website page is active and mail it in with “proof of purchase.” Whether there’s a handling/postage fee required is the only unknown.
Not really high res but here’s the first look at the diecast version of Ivan.
You can read the rest from this post.
The other thing to note is that the cards are NOT sniped Kmart or with any other mark so other than Francesco Fan Mater being an exclusive (as a CHASE), all the other deluxe CARS are scheduled to be re-released.
You can try the old-buy-early-and-return on the 4th but that might depend on how charming you are – some places will insist it get restocked first, others might let you do the switcharoo right then & there.

Met, I thought you were being sarcastic at first, with the line, “It looks like they did a great job on Francesco Fan Mater …” because in that picture you can clearly see the back-bumper sticker hanging off his body. That sticker was always a nice looking decal back in the old production days. Seems that it was changed to a cheap sticker starting with the Maters in the Toon line. Still, there are great details on him, and he looks hot!
(MET: Well, I guess that’s the opener then, right? 🙂 … interesting about the sticker, guess I never noticed that …).
Heh heh, yep, that’s the opener….. 🙂
I never noticed that either…and it’s MY FRANCESCO FAN MATER that I took and sent in the pictures of. Thanks for letting me know. Now I’ll just have to hunt for a second one. Not that I wasn’t going to anyways. 🙂
It has been confirmed that a few Kmarts have already restocked on these cases. Which is very good news considering you never know with kmarts distribution if it may have been a one and done kind of thing! Lets just hope we can see some of the regular singles in stores(Maybe Case G and beyond) as well during this time, can only buy so many deluxe!
You are quite lucky to find these. I went to the local K-Mart and called the one that is 1.5 hours away. Both store managers don’t even know about the Cars June event. The store manager that I called was nice enough to go ckeck out back…nothing. Both stores getting ready for inventory on tuesday or wednesday…so Cars June Promotion not high on their “To Do” list. They think they might get some on their tuesday deliveries!
x-fingers they get them in if not I will try to trade here or E-BPay bound.
Question for you…If I buy $20.00 reg Cars say 3x can I send Mattel 3 receipts and 3 vouchers at the same time to get 3x Ivan or do I need to send seperate ?
(MET: Generally, you are safer spending the extra $.46 or more (if they need the UPC’s) separately – they might just count it as ONE purchase since the offer is for $20 or MORE … why risk it for a $1 more).
In all honesty, there wasn’t a June event this year, so it makes sense that Kmart had no clue. It’s just an ordinary Case that only Kmart is getting in at least for now. It’s not like last year where Kmarts got in master Cases and were specifically told on the box to hold it for a certain date.
I found Francesco Fan Mater and 2 Materhosens at our local KMart Saturday AFTERNOON (yes, around 4 pm!) I was able to cash in 3 of the $4 off coupons which were about to expire plus $3 in Rewards Points which were close to expiration and got the 3 for under $10 ! For better or for worse, the best score I’ve made all year !
After getting all of the Disney Store “Planes” I wanted at the Disney Store in nearby Sacramento on Wednesday, it was also the best week of the year !
I paid a visit to my local Kmart yesterday. The oversized pegs were wiped clean except for a lone Elvis RV.
Now if only my parents would take me to Kmart! Or they could let me drive there…
I saw a Dustin Mellows at Target on Friday. Is it the same case or is Dustin in other cases? None of the other cars were there though.
You saw a different case.
Found mine on Friday as well. They look really sweet. I especially like FFM.
If anyone has any extra Francesco Fan Maters let me know…. A few Utah Group Members are looking for some.
Yeah, I couldn’t believe it when I found them yesterday morning at my Spokane, WA Kmart.
Glad I could share the pics and get the word out to start looking.
I knew about the poster and Ivan, and am planning on just taking them back then repurchasing them to qualify for the offer. I’ve had pretty good luck with that, especially when I explain why I’m doing it.
These are really nice looking Mater’s! Found some this weekend as well. Hope the restock a few times. :–)