Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Pit Crew Launchers are Back
The new style Pit Crew Launchers are back. Arriving first in Australia, the US case seems to match the same case assortment: 1 Vitoline, 2 Leak Less, 3 Raoul Caroule and 4 Lightning McQueen’s. Thanks for the photo and info update, Rob’s Palace of Disney CARS.
While the Pit Launcher slightly resembles the first lollipop design …
These prototypes were never released by the way – once you locked the mechanism in place, pushing down on the gas pump raised the “lollipop” and set off the CAR. The new deign is simpler. Pressing down on the Pitty releases the CAR.
The other main difference is the Pitty resembles My name is Not Chuck but is non-removeable and NOT diecast. It is a plastic lookalike accessory.
BTW, this is sort of a resurrection of the FIRST launcher prototype which featured a plastic Pitty – when you pressed down on the gas pump, the Pitty would swing to the side of the race car with a gas can … so this new version is basically a version that just keeps the Pitty idea but drops the idea he’s using a gas can …
More photos of the new launchers here.
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I had my hopes up that the pittys were included diecast. nope
I’ll pick one up if it looks like the launch mechanism is strong. Those Cars 2 launchers with the Allinol gas tank are such junk.
I expect these to go clearance pretty much everywhere after sitting on the pegs for so long. It’s hilarious that at Target, the first section of Cars is the only section I look at while the 2nd half I really don’t pay attention and pretty sure nobody else as well. Waste of section in my opinion. Really wish they had that Tach-o-mint and Rip… those would be the only ones I would buy… oh well.. when are you going to learn Mattel :-/
Launchers don’t really interest me. The only time I buy them is if I find one with a car I haven’t been able to obtain yet. And of course Vitoline (who matches that criteria) is the hardest to get of them all. Collect ’em all…
Really…what a waste of peg space…
Tired of these Cars 1-Cars 2 crossover lines of Merch…
Why not break it out, like Vintage SW cardbacks and Clonewars…
Will these be going to regular retailers or straight to bargain joints (like the combo diecast/Micro Drifters)?
Interesting! Wish they would have finished the Cars 1 Pit Row Launchers.
If Mattel wanted these to succeed, the first case would have included:
Tach O Mint – never released with plastic tires outside the Speedway of the South set
Rip Clutchgoneski – a Cars2 racer with no US launcher release
Instead, they’ll say that the product failed and not see that once again it was a case assortment that caused the problem.
Such a wasted opportunity…. I would have bought at least one of each of Tach O Mint and Rip, but will not buy any of the case (or launcher design) noted above.
This assortment will go nicely with the 30 or 40 $9.00 launchers still at my local Walmart.