Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart Ivan Offer Flyer
Here is the flyer that will be available at Kmart next month – buy $20 worth of Mattel CARS merchandise, get Ivan FREE – details at
Website page is NOT active yet.
I’ll wait while you try it. And also – yes, the plate I said is hot is really hot. No fooling!
You don’t really need the flyer as with the last mail away offer way back in 2009, just print out the PDF form and mail it in with “proof of purchase.” Presumably it’s also the UPC codes along with the receipt – whether there’s a handling/postage fee required is the only unknown – but everything should be on the website by June.
Not really high res but here’s the first look at the diecast version of Ivan.
So, it looks like the poster should be available in stores as part of the free gift offers.
You can read the rest from this post.
More details after Memorial Day.
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My Kmarts don’t have $20 worth of Cars to sell…
(MET: Well, in theory, they’ll be getting the new oversized Mater’s and it’s hard to tell if the cards will be different/sniped so if stores get more than a couple cases, they’ll be stuff to buy – otherwise … a store near me has the Octane Gain Semi – is that anything? 😆 ).
If you count boxed playsets, Hydro Cars, and Stunt Racers, most Kmarts have plenty if merchandise.
Wish this offer applied outside the US =(. $20 is the cost of 2 regular priced singles here so wouldn’t be too hard to spend that in store. Especially if they had Mama Bernoulli or Alloy Hemberger packs released here.
Unfortunately these packs are Target exclusive. 🙁
The link at the top of the page isn’t working.
Is he not going to be available to purchase in the store for Deluxe price? If not, then Mattel is once again asking us to pay $20 for a car that could easily be regularly priced. Ouch.
Normally the promo mail offer are sent into a bag not on a mainline card… Knowing that here is my question.
Is IVAN is a first to market ? If yes, then other store will have him on card I presume.
(MET: Of course, we’ll find out when the first person gets theirs but what’s interesting is Ivan sports TWO different UPC’s now … so will Ivan be the first US mail-away on card? Europe got the silver HH PC LM last year as the first ever mail-away on card for CARS … bottom line is probably the cost – more thoughts as we get closer).
Seems like a pretty good offer, even if Ivan has the potential to be a pegwarmer. Still a collectors item!
I am weary just thinking of the contortions required to get Kmart to mail one of these anywhere outside the USA.
Hey it’s an extra car for free is how I look at it.
I can easily spend $20 on Cars stuff if it’s in stock 🙂
Very neat offer, but Ivan and Ivan Mater are too similar. Too bad they aren’t offering Chuck Cables or Frank or Bessie or Brian the Antenna Ball Salesman or….
I’ll take an Ivan…
But I would rather have a rubber tire Rip.
Maybe they thought that being so similar Ivan would not sell well on the pegs, hence the mail in offer?