Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: How are Your Pegs Looking?
After the (somewhat) pricing matching offer across the country, how are your pegs looking?
Maybe they will actually place an order for CASE F – any signs of it on your pegs?
CASE G looks like it’s scheduled for May.
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Stores here are OVERFLOWING with CARS2 movie pegwarmers.
Tons of Finn and McQueen and Francesco.
Tons of deluxe Finn too.
Mattel needs to buy back this unwanted stuff so stores can start fressh and stock with NEW product.
Found Case F last month right before Easter. The only thing sort of new I found this week was a Case C in Walmart.
Found David Hobbscap at Walmart today woot! Left Greta on the pegs for some happy kid 🙂 Would have passed out cold had I found Franca, Mike or Harumi.
Local Walmart full of case F except for Franca. Sherman, Tx Walmart only case D. I was happy it was so easy to find Wingo and Dj with flames. Now bring on Mildred already.
My TRU finally had 2013 cars today. Checklane cars.
Our local Target in Rancho Cordova pegged a “new” case the end of last week, but it’s the same old case “C’ or”D” they’ve been getting since the beginning of March.
Walmart still has 29 of the 41 Francescos on the Porta Corsa cards they’ve had since early DECEMBER. There have been traces of only 1 or 2 newer cases since then, but nothing beyond “D”.
KMart continues to have nothing beyond the last collectors’ day.
I’d say our pegs are in the ICU and probably terminal.
my stores are full of the usual peg warmers
it will be nice to see case G soon
Have not found Case D or F at any WM. I decided to just buy Case F on JMDL to save gas.
I remember finding David Hobbscap with headset, Franca, Mike Lorengine, Nitroade, and Brand New Mater at my local Walmart. There were probably others that I didn’t really remember.
My Target is full of McQueens, and Walmart full of Francescos!! >:(
local walmart here in Montana just gone case C to fill the empty pegs today
Many of my stores were getting somewhat steady restocks of case F. All of a sudden, now they’ve backtracked to receiving case C again…as well as the case A deluxe Cars, arriving for the first time in my area (Raleigh/Durham), after we’ve had plenty of case B deluxe.
Case F in Houston has been at Targets. Have not seen D except at Walmart.
1 Target out of 5-6 in local area had the F case on the pegs (once!)
Other stores: Walmart/Meijers/K-Marts all had nothing but Finns,
Francescos, and McQqueens, mostly the red cards….still!
Many Wal-Marts and Targets look like that with a few more Francisos on the pegs.
The few local stores have loads of Finn and Francesco… Meijer also has 1 Nigel and 1 Sarge and 1 McQueen on the 2013 cardback… Finn, McQueen, and Francesco at the Kmart… Francesco and McQueen with a few Cactus McQueen at the Walmart… I made a couple of trips a couple weeks ago… 1 Walmart out of 12 had case F… otherwise, it’s case C pegwarmers and Cars from 2011 and 2012.
It seems that since Easter is over that new Cars (and other toys) are not appearing on pegs and shelves.
Still stuck on Case D. And of course the 4 times I’ve found it everything I need is gone
I guess the good news is in Australia we are finally getting cars with 2013 cardbacks. They seem to be hitting the pegs and selling quickly. My local Big W had a stack today and then had about 30 Finns all on clearance for half-price. Sadly, the clearance only applied to the Finns.
My local Walmart and Target are both full of Case C, D, and F pegwarmers. I haven’t gone out of town since Easter, so any Inventory Relocation is on hold.