Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: The Take Five a Day Magazine Checklist is Here!
Yes, it took a while … but it’s finally completed! It took 40 pages to get everything in there!
Click on the graphic or LINK here – it’s printed on demand from MagCloud who will pretty ship worldwide. Remember your purchase helps supports T5 – so thanks and enjoy! You can also click to get a preview.
It was definitely a crazy series with re-releases of #1-26 on different cards and of course, the whole release & re-releases of the segmented 2-piece faces/expression plate and keeping track of the unibody re-releases – some on one card, others on both cards.
And the OPEN cataloging was even crazier. The final count is 206 plus 14 lights & sounds which were in the diecast bodies so really 220 BUT does anyone really need 7 Jeff Gorvettes? (5 below, silver one at the end of checklist, rubber tire version not pictured) So, for the Porto Corsa series, I included nearly everything no matter how pointless or minimal the variant and let you decide what to collect … I suspect you could easily subtract 80 CARS from the 220 and still be mostly complete … but for this series, I also included more variants that were fixes since you couldn’t really help but collect most of them even if you didn’t want them … 🙄
So, enjoy the journey back.
BTW, I kept the magazine issue count since it might be confusing if I went back to 1 so this is the 9th issue of the yearly series plus the two complete checklists of CARS 1.
#1 Desert Art (2006)
#2 Supercharged (2007)
#3 World of CARS (2008)
#4 Race O Rama (2009)
#5 Final Lap (2009-2010)
#6 Lenticular (2009-2010)
#7 Expanded Universe (2008-2010)
#8 Ultra Collectors (2006-2011)
#9 CARS 2 Porto Corsa (2011-2012)
Complete Year by Year CARS 1 & Expanded Universe
Complete CARS 1 & Expanded Universe (Alphabetical)
You can preview all the issues here.
I suppose at some point, I will merge the CARS 2 and CARS 1 into one massive complete checklist.
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Mama Bernoulli Arrives | Whopper with 1,050 Pieces of Bacon (Japan Burger King) » |

Hi KC and Met,
Placed my order on the 14th and got my copy on the 20th….and I have been reading again and again….missing sooo many Cars!
Great source of information!
I noticed on page 17 TRU Metallic Raoul ÇaRoule is not listed but I have one (Intl.)1592EAA
Also, on page 27 Mater(Collect & Connect)…is listed as Mama Topolino.
Keep up the excellent work.
(MET: Whoops, I’ll fix that error … I did not list Raoul as I’m presuming it’ll get released in the US).
Since last night, Ive been trying to buy this….when I click on the price button it goes to a page that says there is an error. Oh well, Ill keep trying!
(MET: You’re right – looking into the issue – sorry!)
2 Maters and 1 McQueen on the cover, very accurate to the movie! 😛
Yay! I have been looking forward to this one. I have gotten a little lost from time to time in collecting Cars 2. Gave up for a while with all the old stock clogging the pegs.
Hi KC and Met,
For what it’s worth, I’ve found an error in the preview of your newest mag #9. In the loose section, you have the Flash car listed as Frosty. Also, in the Expanded Universe #7, wasn’t Daredevil LM in the Deluxe package different than the other two, bringing his count to 3? He doesn’t show any teeth, one showing teeth, and one with buck teeth?
I have no doubt that these mags take a lot of time, so thank you for your effort. Just trying to help make them greater and more definitive.
(MET: Flash/Frosty fixed … I’ll double check the other thing – thanks).
Only from Take5, thanks Met!!
Just placed my order by the way!
(MET: Thanks!)
Collecting this series was pretty fun right up until the movie was released. By then we were stuck will all the over produced first wave cases clogging the pegs everywhere. Some stores around me still have nothing but Porto Corsa Finns from 2011.