Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Deluxe (Oversized) Coupon at Target
“Lane Change” spotted these at Target:
It looks like they offered a coupon to help clear the shelves of the Porto Corsa Deluxe oversized CARS … while the coupon only says “CARS 2 Deluxe Die-Cast Vehicle” and the back of the coupon says it’s “valid only for the product indicated,” it seems likely the coupon will only work if you buy a Porto Corsa oversized Deluxe CAR which has a DIFFERENT UPC than the “Themes 2013” oversized Deluxe CARS – as you know, coupons pretty much match up automatically to the UPC of the product you purchased during the scan.
You can certainly try in on a newer Deluxe or a CARS Take Flight but it’s most likely not to register/match up to the Porto Corsa Deluxe UPC’s.
Here’s the front of the coupon unfolded.
But for stores that just opened 2011 and 2012 oversized and you’re still missing something, this is nice or if $3.99 for a Sub Finn or Hydrofoil Finn sounds about the right price, here you go! Good luck!
Let us know if you spot this offer at WM.
Thanks for the heads up and nice photos, “Lane Change.”
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: A New Rip Clutchgoneski | Mattel Disney Toon PLANES: One PLANE Flies, The Other Not So Much … » |

Well I took it, never bought Hydrofoil always said I would wait for a sale. Found it today with the coupon attached and bought it. Got the other deluxe finn at Big Lots a couple months ago for $3. So for $7 I got them both, I can live with that!
(MET: Yea, nothing really wrong with Hydro or Sub Finn – we just didn’t need about 14 million of them).
They need to be $0.99 if they really want to clear that junk out!
And is this only at stores where Casper the Friendly Mattel Rep has visited?
It wasn’t at the Target I stopped at this morning, which had 3 pegs of Finn literally falling off and down to the shelf. I agree, $4 isn’t going to cut it.