E. Davies1 Hopes You Can Help With a Sad Situation …
T5er E.Davies1 has some sad news to pass along and hopes that you might be able to help … (Eli Davies’ words in italics).
“Long story short… My son has Batten Disease. He was a normal, above average kid through age 2.5, then seizures started. After a year of testing they finally found the bad gene to confirm the worst. Battens is a neural-degenerative disease that has basically had my son regress at the same rate that he initially grew, meaning that right now, 2.5 months from turning 5, he has about the ability level of a 3 month old. Ethan’s fave things were all tings cars which is why I now collect. Just over a week ago the doctors told us that Ethan has anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to live, of course adding that they are often wrong with estimates.”
Here are some pictures of Ethan on his make-a-wish foundation trip.
“We would like to be able to give away Lightning McQueen & Mater diecasts at his funeral as a sort of memorial token. I can’t afford to pay retail for what I would imagine could end up being hundreds of cars as Ethan and our family have a very large support network.”
“So here is our current idea: We would like to gather a number of McQueen’s and Maters with your help along with the members of T5. Which McQueens or Maters they are does not matter, packaged or not does not matter, but we would prefer them to be in great shape if they are loose. Assuming we get more than we can give away, we will give away loose first, then donate any extra packaged cars to Nathan’s Playroom, and any loose cars to local day-cares or pre-schools. My son’s address is (same as mine, but we will address them to him):”
Ethan Davies
7725 Mustang Lane
Lino Lakes, MN 55014
So, if you have some extras Mater & McQueen’s – there is the address above.
There is also a website if you’d like to learn more or add a donation HERE.
“The website donations go to that website. If people really want to, I guess they could do that… We aren’t looking for anyones money, please make that clear. We would just like help in getting the cars to be able to share the love of cars that Ethan has with others. I found 10 extras in our collection already.”
We’re all terribly sorry to hear this – there really are no adequate words but hopefully, we can help in a very small way.
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So sad. I collect the cars I’m my sons memory, he died in 1993. The cars started as something fun for his 13th birthday and its snowballed from there. He has a few that stay at the cemetery,but most are here with me. Sadly he’s buried 1600 miles from our current home.
Cars on the way in memory of baby Christian.
Sending lots of prayers.
I can’t imagine what you and your family are going through. We don’t have a lot, but we sent you a package of the few cars we can provide. We hope it finds you well.
Eli, words cannot express how I feel after reading your story. A dozen or so diecast cars seems like so little to help, but you can count on a package from Oregon along with our thoughts and prayers for you and your family. How strong you all must be. Give your boy a big squeeze from my family.
Some cars flying from Florida! Please, know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
My family is very touched by this. Our hearts go out to you. Package coming from Vestal, NY.
25 Maters and 25 McQueens are on the way. My two year old Cars crazy son, wife and I all pass along our best wishes and prayers from North Dakota. God bless.
I’ve just returned from my neighbourhood postal counter. There’s a package coming to you from Winnipeg, Canada by Canada Post Expedited Parcel which has a delivery estimate of five to eight business days. My heart is very heavy for you. Your family will be uppermost in my thoughts in the weeks that lay ahead.
6 Cars on the way from Utah!
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has responded so far! I am humbled every day by the amount of support that our family receives through the communities surrounding us. All of your efforts are very much appreciated!
The jestrfamily has been saddened by this mornings read. Eli, you can count on a box of McQueens and Maters from Florida. Know that we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Words are just not enough …
Very sorry to hear Eli. Our family wishes the best to you and your family. You are a good man and its such a shame that it comes to such saddening news.
I will go through any remaining McQueens and Maters and if there is any good ones, they will be sent out from SF.
Just as an FYI to anyone helping, I ordered some from ToyWiz and shipped them directly, they’re less than what you’d pay at Walmart or Target so I could afford to send more.
Sorry to hear about Ethan, he is in our prayers! Already have a box all wrapped up and ready to head your way. Will take it to the post office on my way to my meeting tomorrow morning. Hope this helps you reach your goal.
So sorry to hear this. Cars coming your way from Western Massachusetts!
I am so sorry Eli.. I, as many others, got into this because of my child. Mason is 5 as well. It is that bonding you can have with your child at such a young age that really got me started and I am glad you were able to have that with your son. You and your family will without a doubt be in our thoughts and prayers. If we can do anything else please dont hesitate. You will be seeing some Maters and LMQ’s coming your way from Baltimore. Ethan is one of the toughest kids I know.
Eli, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be able to send you several McQueen and Mater Cars. I will mail them this weekend. I would also love to work with you to design a custom LMQ Car in honor of your son with his picture on it, if you would like. It may take me a few weeks to make (since I need the weather to be over 50 degrees in order to be able to paint outside) but if this is something you would be interested in I would love to do this free of charge. If you are interested, you can contact me at Cherie@jugnu.net and we can work out the details.
So sad, you are in our thoughts and prayers and I’ll swing by the store and buy some. I’m also sharing on Twitter/Facebook etc. and hoping a big company might help!
some coming from Oregon along with our prayers.
i am so sorry to hear about your son
i will send what i can
Eli, there’s nothing that words can express this moment and I can’t imagine what you guys are going through, but my prayer is that God gives you peace and strength to go on. God bless you Davies family!
This breaks my heart. Davies family, you are in my thoughts and prayers today and I will be happy to cull my boys collection for Maters and McQueens in good condition to send you.
Your story has touched my heart deeply as I have a son not much younger than Ethan who loves everything Cars too. Is there anythng special that Ethan has been wanting that might put a smile on his face? We will be sending some cars your way from Kentucky; but, if there is anything else we can do, please let me know. Ethan and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
I will hit up all the TRU’s where I live in Canada and can send you around 30 LMQ’s maybe more
I will be sending out a package to Ethan and have gotten the word out to others… Keeping you all in thoughts and prayers.
Positive thoughts coming to you from the Manifold family… as well as some loose diecasts for the wonderful memorial idea.
I agree with Met, no words to express how we feel. Maters & McQueens will be coming your way from MD.
This saddends me deeply.
I will be getting some out to you early next week!
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!
Small correction for anyone who needs to contact me, e.davies1 with an e. Thank you to anyone who can help us out with this.
(MET: Sorry – fixed).
Ethan, Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. We’re sending out 50 Loose Lightning Mcqueens and 10 Maters today by Priority Mail from NY (each One is wrapped in Bubble Wrap to avoid getting scratched etc.) – Can anyone else help with more?
Forwarded to the Utah Disney – Pixar “Cars” Collector Club
I’m so saddened by this news, makes me want to just not even punch into work this morning but go home and spend the day with my two year old . I could not even begin to imagine, I do know one thing though I have been having a lot of luck finding cases and now I’m gonna clear the pegs of every LMQ and mater . You can expect a case full soon!