Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Motif Transition CARS Lost in Transition
While it’s not a new phenomenon, normally the transition from the old card design to a new one generally means some CARS diecasts get lost in the shuffle. And certainly, the distribution transition from the Porto Corsa design cards to the Themes 2013 card design motif was even stranger than normal. “John H.” asks if we might see the CARS lost or quasi-lot in transition.
These are the CARS either in Case Q, Case Y or Case N/P.
Cartney Brakin’ in CASE Q never got much of distribution as it was pulled for a while and then returned – by then, most resellers lost interest and without a Super Chase included is not a very enticing case (contents here). It is has seen some limited retail distribution and it is back in the warehouse for anyone who wants a case. And while CASE Q probably was not manufactured in huge quantities, sufficient quantities exist including distribution in Europe, and as a CHASE CAR, it is very unlikely to ever to return (as Cartney Brakin’).
The CHASE CARS in Case P and its twin, CASE N pretty much fall under the same boat. While CASE P was restricted to about 2,000 cases, there is sufficient quantities of CASE N still available. Normally, who would argue with a case with 3 CHASE CARS (Alex Vandel, Fabrizio and Sir Harley Gassup) PLUS at the time, 2 each of 4 NEW CARS (Otis, Erik Laneley, Suki & Nick Cartone) – but of course, CASE P had most of this case PLUS 2 Super Chases (only 1 Suki and 1 Nick Cartone). So, with the release of CASE N, the “normal” CHASE CARS are available in sufficient quantity so we are very unlikely to see Alex Vandel, Fabrizio and Sir Harley Gassup released as their EXACTLY look here.
Alex Vandel was once listed WITH Tires so while he’s not on the list now, it’s an easy version. They could easily release Fabrizio in another color and Sir Harley Gassup could be released with some accessory so it’s possible but nothing firm as of now. but as Chase CARS, they won’t get re-released in their EXACT same name or look …
As for the non CHASE CARS – Erik Laneley, Suki have already been re-released and there’s no reason Nick Cartone or Otis won’t see a re-release. They are not listed as of now.
CASE Y is essentially the same situation as CASE Q. Canceled and then brought back so while there has been some appearances of this Case at retail, it’s still pretty uncommon but the CASE is back in the warehouse for ordering. Galloping Gear Grinder is surprisingly not a CHASE so there’s no “ethical” obligation not to bring him back. Again, not listed as a returning single but that could change.
There are also two Movie Moments out in Europe that never got a US release:
It seems pretty likely these will be out as a 2-pack in the US as the crew chiefs seem to have moved to the 2-packs realm and of course, Miles is no longer listed in the singles lineup (Chase Miles with hood opening is different) and of course, Pitty’s are loved by Mattel’s accountants and the zinc buyer. 🙂 the only issue is that 2-pack listings are sparse and do not actually reveal what they are so we can’t say for certain but it seems pretty likely we should see these.
As for Taia and Taco Mater, it seems their release has been so sparse that it seems likely they will get an actual release – I’m basing it on why waste the mold on such a limited run? I can see it for a release where it’s really a repaint or just added accessories that they don’t really notice or really need to recoup the money on getting around to a full release (El Materdor, Larry Choke Cables or Brian Parks) but Taia and Taco Mater are new molds so my feeling is we will see them (again). Might it be years? Who knows.
As for Case N, Q or Y, if you can’t find them at retail, Children’s Toy Closet should be able to order them for you so either check out the website or shoot him an email.

Some really awesome Cars in this bunch! I’ll just go on pretending half of these semi-released releases don’t exist….
I like that idea Mike…how is that going for you? This is exactly what I TRY and do but then I come here and see all the “new releases” and there goes that idea!!
Good stuff about the transition, but I try to collect them all ( I fell for that line years ago and Mattel has never come through ) so close to a collect them all kind of collection and I have had a hard time figuring out the last of the Porto Corsa releases. I have ones that are the 1st of the No die-cut card backs that still have the #’s on the back and not the pic’s of 6 cars. Then I have No die-cut card backs of the same cars with the pic’s of the 6 cars ? I would like to know how many have the different card backs, I have seen Fillmore, but don’t have one with the No die-cut card back and don’t know if it has #’s on the back or pic’s ? So in a perfect world for me it would have 1st issuee Die-cut with 16 car #’s on the back. Then a No die-cut with 16 #’s on back and next a No die-cut with 6 pic’s of cars on the back. I still have not figured out if say # 18 Hi-Low Ramone has both a Die-cut and No die-cut release ? I also have never seen anything about the Sarge that is a single release has one line of words on his hood and the one in the 7 car Target set has two lines of words. I have so many Q’s but It is hard for me to post on the web. Could you look into a post of all
the types of card backs in the transition. Thanks The Breezz
(MET: As for the NO and angled diecut, off the top of my head, I think of the 1-30, only Finn and Miles did not get a no-diecut card re-release … but it’s complicated as there are variant CARS of the no-diecut cards – most notably the unibody update … if only there were a visual magazine checklist 🙂 … yes, it’s coming but as for the back of the card – I think I stopped looking a while back – if anyone has a list, I’d be happy to run it).
I just finished my singles collection 1 to 50 on Porto Corsa. I have both cardback versions (angled and straight cut) for cards 1 to 27, including Miles and Finn. #28 to #50 on straight cut both unibody and segmented where the racers were re released as unibodys.
As for Miles Axlerod, he was on a straight card in some of the Q case with Cartney Brakin, but some Q cases had Miles on the older angled card. I managed to get both versions from various Q cases at Academy Stores.
Finn segmented and unibody was released on both cards too.
I traded with collectors in Spain and France, for both versions of Finn on straight sided Porto Corsa cards.
As far as I know these Finn versions were only avail overseas.
1. Finn unibody on straight cut Porto Corsa International card only, I have 2.
2. Finn segmented on straight cut Porto Corsa International card only, I have 1.
Met, If you need pictures let me know.
Spreadsheets don’t translate well on this site, so here is my summary of U.S. releases on Porto Corsa cardback:
• the original 15 Singles on the angled cardback have numbered checklists on the reverse
====> all but #2 Finn McMissile were re-released on the straight cardback.
====> of the remaining original 14 singles on straight cardback, all but six have 6 characters pictured on the reverse. The six that kept the original numbered checklist on the reverse are #6 Professor Z, #7 Jeff Gorvette, #8 Carla Veloso, #9 Raoul Caroule, #15 Race Team Sarge, and #16 Rod Torque Redline
====> of the eight characters with 6 characters pictured on the reverse, six of them have the same exact 6 on the reverse: #1 Mater, #3 Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels, #4 Francesco Bernoulli, #5 Holley Shiftwell, #12 Acer, and #14 Race Team Fillmore
• 10 more Singles (#17 to #26) were released with both angled and straight cardbacks
====> the 6 characters pictured on the reverse of six of the 10 were different on the straight cardback when compared to the angled cardback
====> the four characters whose 6 characters pictured on the reverse remained the same were #19 Hydraulic Ramone, #20 Nigel Gearsley, #21 Max Schnell, and #26 Hudson Hornet Piston Cup Lightning McQueen
• the last 21 Singles (#27 to #50) were only released on straight cardbacks
====> although pictured on some cardbacks, #34 Acer with Torch and #38 Celine Dephare were only released as Kmart Exclusives with no numbered fronts. #34 Acer with Torch was only shown on the reverse of Kabuto, while #38 made an appearance on the reverse of five different cardbacks
====> there is not a #36 Single, although some assume it could have been Rip Clutchgoneski
Some more facts:
• of the original 15 Singles, six were never pictured on the reverse of any Porto Corsa cardback: #7 Jeff Gorvette, #10/#11 Guido & Luigi, #12 Acer, #13 Grem, #14 Race Team Fillmore, #15 Race Team Sarge, and #16 Rod Torque Redline
• of the last 31 Singles, all but one were pictured on the reverse of Porto Corsa cardbacks (#19 Hydraulic Ramone)
• when considering the 6 characters on Porta Corsa cardbacks, there were 19 different combinations of characters shown
Those would have been great to have found in stores – I only have seen Erik Lanely and Suki on 2013 cardback in stores.
I’ve been able to trade for the rest of them… or purchase them in cases… I went ahead and got Taia Decotura and Taco Truck Mater because I feared they would end up being like El Materdor, Chuck Choke Cables, and Brian Parks Motors.
Collecting Cars often requires a world-wide effort.