Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Race Day Fan Gift Pack Arrives at Target US
The new Target 4-packs, the now named Race Day FAN 4-CAR Gift Set has arrived in the US (well not in every store).
The main difference with the US one is of course, the ONLY AT TARGET snipe-sticker.
Clutch Foster is a new casting/mold.
While he does look a little like aspects of the last SUV releases (from the Sarge’s Boot Camp box set) Charlie Cargo or Murphy, he is new …
He is a little smaller than Charlie Cargo (next to him here).
Thanks for the great photos, “John H.”
And for variant collectors, this 4-pack comes with the latest Jeff Gorvette revision variant with the Corvette logo on the nose.
Jeff Gorvette is also a unibody 1-piece diecast body also (no plastic faceplate) so if you haven’t already replaced him, it’s a mini bonus. Lewis Hamilton is also now a unibody. Raoule Caroule looks like the only racer who will not get a unibody upgrade as he has that crease across the hood line anyway.
Jeff Gorvette is not currently scheduled as a single so if you want the variant version with the Corvette logo, you can at least feel you’re not just buying one car in a 4-pack …
Thanks for the great photos, “John H.”

I was wondering how a deluxe SUV got in the 4 pack, but after seeing his size, he is a single. Like the Ivan Mater should be.
haven’t seen the 7 pack yet..
Not a bad looking car but unfortunely Mattel once again chose to include it in a set with the repeats that most collectors have already. So therefore pass, we don’t play that anymore.
I’m with Jack. Matty doesn’t deserve my $ when employing this kind of “packaging revolution.”
Do you have a price on this set?
Retail is just under US$20.
I think someone posted here that the Jeff Gorvette single w/included microdrfter pack has the Corvette hood logo.
Thanks for the price, and info on Gorvette with logo.