Disney Pixar CARS Silver Series: An Entire Line Extension Coming
There’s an interesting article in this month’s “Licensing” magazine …
And “ToyNews” adds … “Disney is to launch a new special edition range of cross-category Silver Series products from its popular Cars film and franchise.
The new range will have its own backstory, which will be revealed in a special Silver Series edition magazine, and has been designed to provide a fresh range of products to the market and drive collectability amongst Cars fans.
As part of the new series, Mattel will develop new die-cast models, which will be produced with double Ransburg Zamak paint.
The Cars Silver Series will be launched in Spring 2013.”
There’s no diecast release listings yet – other than the 10 Kmart CARS from 2012 in Metallic Silver will get a full European release (already covered earlier) … the story alludes that the magazine’s Silver Series racing storyline will feature CARS 1 and CARS 2 characters so does that mean the next Kmart CARS Day will feature a silver metallic Rip along with Piston Cup racers from CARS 1? it certainly seems pretty likely and would make economic sense – what better way to refresh the CARS 1 racers than by painting them silver metallic?
Collect them all like you’ve never collected them before all over again. Again. 🙂
On a related note, there is a listing a Silver Series STUNT CARS with accessory so apparently there will be a line extension of a line extension (if the Stunt CARS last until June, 2013), there will be be silver versions coming also not silver metallic as the stunt racers are not metal.So, really, really Collect ‘Em All!And if the book/magazine comes out, then the Kmart Silver Metallic CARS can officially join the canon – so if you were calling us heretic and witch! How the pagan tables have turned. Nener-nener as Pope Rack-Pinion the 4th might say.
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I have been seeing this line for about a month already here in Austria and the price is much higher than the normal Die Cast :-(, they cost 9,99€ each 🙁 just for a repaint car. At Mattel, they don’t really know what they are doing, or they just want to get rid of all collectors?! Really sad 🙁
if they make it “in diecast” we will buy it
that is the problem
mattel knows they can repaint cars in different paint schemes that have nothing to do with the movies / toons an us collertors will feel the need to have them
be prepaired for silver finn, sliver sub finn, silver hydro finn, etc.
If I see start seeing silver Finn, sub Finn, and hydro Finn I’m going to the tool section and getting a BFH and ill do my own reset LOL
Sounds pretty sweet, but aren’t the C1 Racers going to look prettry darn similar with all the same paint job?Ha ha. Still cool, just somewhat annoying that Kmart only brings racers for the Kdays. Not counting the first-to-markets…wait, ohhh…Okay, i see how the C1 cars will look…i wasnt thinking about the other parts of the paintjob staying the same EX: RPM’s blue and orange will most likely stay. That was my 2 cents. Yep. Just gonna stop typing. Yep.
Silver line, Kmart exclusive mega size and regular Mega size, Target exclusive 7 pack, WM exclusive 3-pack Toon and all cars 2 2013 singles announced lately seems to fill an exciting year but they must start to populate the shelves pretty soon if not spring and summer time will be quite expensive !!!
Sounds like Mattel has some silver paint about to expire.
I’ve seen on ebay, Silver Hudson Hornet McQueen and Silver Rip. From China, of course. Maybe they are for this magazine?
Not impressed with the stunt cars. had a chance to “collect them all” and found it very easy for me to do. Even the FB hauler. All plastic..come on mattel. not even the cab?
So I’m guessing the next Kmart days will probably feature silver Cars 1 racers. Yuck. Just what we need ugly versions of the beautiful Piston cup racers. The wrong kind of repeats.
I have both of the 1:18 Silver limited editions D23 and UK Grand Prix and they are lovely. Always thought there was some reason for the silver line as in celebrating Disney Stores Silver Anniversary. But obviously this goes much further. Looking for a nice display cabinet to hold all the Silvers big and small. Guess it needs to be a little bigger now.
and Pixar’s 25th year as well.
I definitely want a silver series Rip to finish my collection… as far as silver series Piston Cup racers, I tell myself I don’t need them… but I know me… and if they make them, I will buy them.