Mattel Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Singles 2013 CASE D (Coming Next Month)
While CASE C will be a nice retail case, CASE D is one that completists might just want the entire case …
NEW – Luggage Truck (from Airport) & UK Ramone with Paint Gun.
So, while UK Ramone in the London Rescue 12-pack is not listed as an exclusive, this is clearly a different version – perhaps the 12-pack “regular” UK Ramone is coming on a 2-pack?
TECHNICALLY NEW – Wingo with Flames and DJ with Flames.
NEW TO SINGLES and hard to find as a 2-pack – (Airport) Security Finn – will Security Finn get an upgrade to the unibody?
LONG TIME RELEASE GAP – (Original CARS 1) Sarge, Dusty Rust-eze & Dexter Hoover with Checkered Flag.
And it’s nice that all 4 “new” releases come 2 each in the case so if you’re a buy one and open one, this case might save you time on the hunt.
This case is probably at least a month away – maybe more – but it’s a nice case with only a few super common releases (LM Racing & RT Mater) – otherwise, new and mostly uncommon releases.
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So many people are being led to believe that Walmart won’t carry cars anymore. It’s a false rumor perpetrated by some Walmart employees that are jumping to assumptions. The item number is listed as inactive so the stores wont order or get more right now.
After Christmas Walmarts will do inventory, a reset and the number for cars will be active again. The sky isn’t falling in case you haven’t read the book.
The guys with the scanners just see it listed inactive so they assume it’s discontinued. Just like when you search for a new product at TRU. They will tell you a product is discontinued before the even get them because they simply don’t know the system that well.
Just reporting what I was told Jack. Like I said, I was hoping they were reading their scanner wrong. I do find it interesting that not all WMs received Case A and the famous red bin though. From the WMs in my area, I have noticed a trend: The “smaller” Super Centers that do not have the large up-front holiday area for stocking stuffers, gifts, etc… have NOT received this case, at least in my area of MN/ND.
I do have a question though Jack…if WM is listing CARS as “inactive” now so then I am told subsequently “we will not get anymore in”…why do that when the pegs are empty? When CASE B hit my local store and I found Rip and his cousins, the rest of the case was gone in a matter of 4 or 5 days, leaving only the few pegwarmers there. Again, with no CASE A or dump bin, this leaves plenty of room to restock…why inactivate this product?????????? I see no sense in this.
Hey Twins, according to the toy mgr at my local WM when asked about new cases, his answer wad they already had “every car from Cars 2 for sale”. Guess I must’ve been looking with my blindfolds on again.
very few people I’ve interacted with who work at any store actually know what’s going on with cars/cars 2. I’ve heard multiple times from various workers that all the cars were already released and no new ones were coming. This was after I asked if they had anything else in the back newer than the pegwarmers.
It is too bad Wal-Mart will NOT be carrying these, so I am told. I posted earlier about being told WM will not be ordering any more (not the old card either, but the new 2013 card), well it seems others are being told this also according to the forum. I sincerely hope someone was not reading their Tels-on correctly.
Luggage Truck
& Ramone
Not a bad case for us…bring em on!
Need six cars out of this case – the four new ones, Dexter and Security Guard Finn. Awesome!
I said this a few years back… some customizer needs to take Dexter and make all of the rest of the flags of Nascar for takefiveaday people.
hmmm not good
four new cars possibly 5 if finn security is a unibody
Really diggin the Ramone screenshot!
If Filmore is regular release Cars 1 version, I still never got him as a non-lenty. So that will be a buy. Need DJ, Wingo, Ramone, and Luggage Truck. Each one I need is 2 to a case, so should be easy to find once it hits! Cool!
Sarge and Dusty were already in Case A and/or B.