The Perfect Holiday Gift! 6,900 White Castle’s For You, $25K For Autism Research
White Castle is offering a free White Castle pallet of burgers with a donation of $25k to Autism Research …
You get 6,912 Sliders with choices of Original, Cheese and Jalapeno. In addition, the mood will be set for the event with 216 White Castle steam-grilled-on-a bed-of-onions Nest Fragrance candles that come with the pallet.
The Crave Pallet costs $25,000 with 100 percent of net proceeds benefitting autism research.
Everyone wins!
So, giant party or you can try and eat at 6,900 yourself – can you do it?
Man, I’ve made self hungry for White Castle and the closest one to me is about 1,500 miles away in Kansas City I think … any further west?
You can read more here.
Kansas City closed all of theirs 10 to 15 years ago. I think Columbia, Missouri is as far West as they go now.
(MET: I think they might be able to sell a few sacks here in the western half of the US – no one wants franchise rights further west than Columbia? What is up with that?)
No, it is just that the fine, fresh ingredients can’t be shipped that far!
I miss the those “Whitey One Bites”.
Is there a town that has a White Castle and a Crystal? That would be wonderful.
My son has Autism and it was not “caused” by vaccinations.
All I have to say is first vaccinations given in 1932. First case of Autism in 1933. In unvaccinated children areas -no autism. Don’t think it’s too tough to figure out.
My cousin child has autism and so do many others I know. All I hear is stories of how the child was progressing fine until another batch of shots were given. There are way too many unneeded shots given to children.
Collect them all
I had plenty of sliders during my college days… I’ve not had them since… it is for a great cause.