Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Walmart Red Bin CARS Spotting
The CARS portion of the Walmart red bins is not supposed to be out until Sunday but may have made an appearance in your store.
This was at the front of a Walmart but it might be in toys, or with the Christmas toys aisle (which may NOT be by the regular toy section) or with the other Christmas themed displays in the aisles … so you will have to walk around. Have some eskimo pies and a few energy drinks to keep you going. 🙂
But if you see the CARS ones, how can you tell if it’s CASE A or CASE B? well, other than Francesco & Mater, there’s really no other overlap.
CASE A is mostly CARS 1 diecasts so if you see a lot of Chicks, Tow’s, Hank Holloween, Sally – then it’s CASE A. Full visual list here from this post. The two new CARS are Suki, J. Curby Gremlin and Uncle Topolino as a single – so if you spot several of those, clearly, they got in many CASE A’s.
CASE B has Rip as the standout so if you spot him, it’s CASE B … so is King, Cactus McQueen or race Team Guido & Luigi as the most likely leftovers for now. NEW include Holley with Screen and the blue Pacer, Petey Pacer. Full visual list of CASE B from this post.
Good luck!
Remember, CARS are $1.99 this week so Walmart will price match! In theory, so will TRU but has anyone spotted any new CARS 2013 diecasts there?
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Oversized-Deluxe Case A 2013 … | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Walmart – Red One! Black Tarp One! » |

Finally found Case B this morning restocked into a Red bin. Somebody beat me to Rip. I’ve been using Target’s shelf tag to get the Cars for $2 each since yesterday. The Target sale runs until the 15th.
I was able to borrow someone’s idea that I saw posted and bring the Target tag to WM and customer service gave me my money back on the price match difference. Now I just need to find another Rip. The first one got opened. Hopefully it won’t be too hard as only one of the three WM near me had case B.
Of course, my local WalMarts have decided to play strictly by the rules and will not price match because the sale isn’t actually in the Target sale ad. Even showing them the tag from the shelf at Target wasn’t good enough. Hopefully they’ll be in this Sunday’s ad!
The rate at which most of these are being snatched up is just further proff that with the right assortments and new cars how much faster the Cars sell. What I am curious about is: Are these going to be the only case A and Bs that Walmart will get? Also we have seen these at Targets, Walmarts and Kohls at least. When will TRU jump into the fray. They are usually good for some displays of new cars right about now. Is the new cars coming to TRU?
Lastly I was wondering Met do you have any information about production numbers of these 2013 cases? Anyone know about how many of each Cars cases they are making right about now ?
(MET: Part of it is wait-and-see but if CASE A rolls out with 1-5 cases hitting every WM plus 2 cases at every Target, that essentially makes CASE A a sellout and “normal” being all the way back to November 2010 … yes, it has not been normal since then :-/ but it’s looking good. If WM really took 1-5 cases, then there’s probably nothing left for TRU who might just skip to CASE B which I think most people are okay with … there is really nothing in CASE A that won’t be re-released again in the next 6 months so no major worries … of course, will the 9 Lightning’s & francesco’s in CASE A be an issue at WM? Plus 2 more Francesco’s in CASE (no more LM’s for a while), if not – then things are normalizing BUT if 35-45 francesco’s & Lightning’s hang on the pegs for months?)
2 of 3 walmarts in Tyler, tx have the bins out
only case A so far
did find austin littleton 2 pack though
no rips yet
Found the bins but no Rip
Found Case A 2013 Singles and Case A Movie Moments at my WM! I believe there were 5 Cases in the bins.. I was able to look through quite a few Suki’s in an attempt to find the best one. There were a heck of a lot of McQueens…. I have no clue where these are going to go after the bins go away. There is absolutely NO space to put them on the Pegs with the 120+ 2012 Case A Singles already there.
Well I’m happy everyone is finally getting their Rip.
Now bring on the Mildred’s so I have something to chase.
I’ve noticed that if they only have case A out, there are usually a couple case Bs out back or in the garden center with all the overstock toys. Lots of Rips out there!
I went to 4 different Wal-Marts in OH and NOTHING:(
Walmart is matching price only if we have a flyer from Target. Unfortunately Target flyer this week does not show singles at $1.99… 🙁
I went to target and asked the guy working in the toy area if i could borrow one of their tabs that had the $1.99 price on it. He said he had a ton of them on there, and i could take it. Went over to WM with it, and they used it to honor the price. Maybe give that a shot?
same here 🙁
Went to my WM 10 minutes ago. Had case B & grabbed the only Rip I saw. Also picked up Grem w/ weapon and Petey Pacer. They had the MM 2 packs w/ crew chiefs as well. Nice score. Will check the other WM in my area too.
You got your Rip Jeff?
KM has a dump bin as well. I finally found Becky Wheelin and Officer Murakarmi. Not terribly exciting I know but I’ve never seen those before so I was happy 🙂
Nothing else new of course.
7 Walmarts so far and I’ve only spotted Case A.
Mee too! Florida rocks! :):):)
I told you Sally!!! ;–)
bins found yesterday at our walmart in Montana. It had 4 cases of A in it.
I have been looking for the last 2 days for the red en and I have not yet found it … But today I found a fresh case B and movie moments!!! Get out there Central Florida … there is Rip to be found!!!