Target “Hot Wheels” Coupon Might be Good For Toons (Oversized)
This Target coupon is for “Hot Wheels,” but if you scan the Toons Planes (all oversized), they ring up as HOT WHEELS so while there are no Toons I need (so I have not tried it), if you’ve been waiting to buy Toons for a sale, this coupon might knock 25% off.
Don’t use this one, there’s a barcode in the back.
This coupon was in the Sunday paper wrapped around the Target ad. It should be available online at You can also get it if you sign for Target coupon texts.
It expires tonight so good luck!
(Singles, box sets and other things ring up as Disney CARS, only Toons and oversized show up as Hot Wheels on the scanner).

This coupon sort of worked – when they scanned it said something like “compatible purchase not found”, but they gave me $1.50 off one of the Take Flights anyway because they rang up as Hotwheels. You can only use it for one.
me too. had to do it manually and they call a manager over to approve it.
Surprised Mattel doesn’t come out with a HOT WINGS branch. Of course, that would probably just make people hungry and forget about buying little diecast toys.
Cars Take-flight I would think,
You are correct. When you pruchase a Take Flight your receipt shows HOT WHEELS item…